Quick Rundown

Can someone give me a quick rundown of all Sup Forums's controlled opposition? Who is keeping us in the shadows?

Pic related

>controlled opposition
what do you think this means? I've seen this word thrown around randomly and I don't think people know what it means.

It means your father Dr Peterson is a filthy CryptoKike, faggot

This spbp

fuck off shill.


>being this new


I've been browsing this board for years. Just tell me

I wonder who is behind this post?

sort yourself out, clean your room

You think this is the path to victory Marxist? This is the Spanish civil war, and the tide is turning fast

My maid does that for me

I'm 100% Irish you fucking Jew

Hrs a deep agent setting out to sub verse our group of internet trolls.

I'm an ancap tho

/rundown/ general?

What are you gunna do when you graduate from college with your worthless degree? Become another "activist", join antifa full time? How ashamed are your parents of you?

It's when someone that pol would otherwise agree with 99+% of the time but they became too mainstream so they call them controlled opposition. Basically, pol is a bunch of hipster faggots

if someone furthers something that most people on Sup Forums would want, but aren't 100% in line, commie shills and Stormfags call them controlled opposition because they're retarded autists

nazi political cowardice is the biggest threat to the modern right

I'm a network engineer for John Deere... lmfao

peterson is one of the few who isn't controlled opposition. people just get pissed off that he won't budge on his views in order to suit theirs. kind of like the marxists.

>muh ebil antifa

Can this meme just die?

Can Antifa just die?

How bout that first

>that file name


both right

kys retard.

Wait wtf, is this fucker in the middle their drunk uncle or something? Does the black block need to travel with a parent or guardian?

What has he said that makes you think he's a deep agent?
How is he being utilized?

Then you participle in the ebil capitalist system? Your antifa buddies must be angry. Fucking kys. Or don't, suicide isn't the only method for dealing with communists