Wow thank you Senator Warren

Wow thank you Senator Warren
This is powerful

She didn't build that.

I wonder what people in the military think their greatest strength is?

Diversity doesn't win wars you bigot

I think the military's strength is its greatest strength

>men and women
>excluding the other 30+ genders

I thought it was carriers n sheit

MOAB and Nukes.
And carriers.

how exactly is diversity a strength?

I like how these people say "diversity is our greatest strength" but provided no evidence as to why that's the case. They act like it's self-evident. Water is wet, the sky is blue, diversity is our greatest strength.

>diversity is our greatest strength

What the fuck does this shit even mean? Every time I hear this I want to throw up. It makes no sense whatsoever and in this context is a slap in the face to our military

Oh nice. Drop the military budget but make sure we have lots of diversity. If anyone tries to attack the army then just call them racist because they are attacking minorities.

Those sand niggers will think twice when we call them bigots

>fight as a unit
>all wear the same clothes
>all required to speak english


what the fuck did she mean by this?

>Diversity is its greatest strength
Prove it


The smartest and strongest people of a society would make for the best people for a military.

Anything else is BS.

Elizabeth Warren uses a decade+ year old political playbook. She should run for president imo

>trannies and women make our military strong you guise xD
Exactly the fucking opposite, Fauxcahontas.

She's right. We can choose to kill brown people with a diverse array of weaponry: Abrams, Apaches, Howitzers, AC-10s, F-16s, and so on!

>women in uniform
we're gonna lose WW3

Air superiority.

A military force full of diverse characters who do not act as a unit is a military force doomed to failure.

There's a reason why armies use uniforms, train together, fight together.

They send you into the army to be a killing machine, not to be a black killing machine.

HAHAHAHAHAH, bitch please, like the Joint Chiefs would share our military's "greatest strength" with a pushy puritan Massachusetts soccer mom. Rail guns? Nah cracka it's probably WAY stronger.

Our "greatest strength"; fuckin unbelievable. This is the type of propaganda women come up with to convince men to keep them in the club! Guess what bitch? No one who fights on the front lines of armed combat has EVER had any illusions about which gender has enough STRENGTH to prevail in that environment.

This cunt rustled my jimmies; I give it a 2/10.

No its obviously FEMALE superiority

Air superiority. Sure would be great if we were allowed to use it again.

That loud BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT is the equivalent of an angles trumpet.


If you're less diverse than your enemies, they win

A drill sergeant trying to instill basic discipline would disagree.

he is here

>invading and ruining sovereign nations to force them to adhere to your ideology is good when women and ethnic minorities do it!

wow , she really can paint with all the colors

of the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Its greatest strength is a tactical nuke, which is what needs to be using on most of new england

It's supposed to be combat not looking "diverse".

air superiority is godly

"I got a bunch of pakis to the left of X"
"Roger that"
*20 bombs later*
"okay lets go home"

Let's put Diversity up against one of these and see which is the greater strength.

no, it's the superior bbc. stay mad white boi.

our military hates her and everything she stands for

pretty much this
being in the military is the complete antithesis to being diverse.


Yes, they seem like cultists, and white people are the sacrifice. Any white person who votes for these people is brain damaged.

Warren 2020 best 4 years in our life.

>we're gonna lose WW3
Ferminists don't know when to stop. They are now attacking the very things that made America strong - technology, the military, business (feminists are always socialists).

This reflects a deep flaw in female thinking. They actually have no idea how things work. At a fundamental level they think that security and resources just happen.

Giving women the vote was the fatal blow that destroyed our civilization. here is nothing to do now but watch the decline. It will not be fun; it never was.

jesus fucking christ. i want to punch her in the throat.

It divides the populace on a community-by-community basis, thereby fomenting discontent, apathy and conflict, creating a dull and non-involved communal culture. This is a major strength to government and big business. People living in diverse areas spend more time indoors watching tv and consume more.

this guy knows

Fucking elected officials have become some conglomerate overseers on how EVERYTHING should be

why are so aggressive? You brits want to influence American elections already? Gosh!

Wow, I LOVE gaping old Cunts who never served in the Military to talk about the Military. It is our single greatest weakness. You are only as strong as your weakest link, and if your division is fighting over some vagina or dealing with niggers showing up late to muster because they were partying all night on liberty.

air superiority. without a doubt.

I agree. I think the US should lay down their oppresive guns and embrace the power of diversity.

Boy oh boy do I love living in massasschusetts

I hate working with niggerish blacks in the military. The more you have in one place, the more niggardly they act.

if your army is defeated, you win

Actually, this is our military's greatest strength.

I thought our nuclear bombs or carrier groups were the military's greatest strength

Turns out nope, the real strength is being slightly different shades of brown and having different shaped meaty bits dangling betwixt your nethers

Senator Warren, there is no such thing as diversity. Gender and race are both social constructs. Once you understand that there is only one race, the human race, and that the walls of separation do not exist, you must also admit that diversity itself does not exist. Because gender diversity does not exist, it cannot be our strength.

She would totally know, she's fought in it and/or totally worked within the logistics of it

>Combat arms (Infantry and associated, Fighter Pilots, CSAR Pilots, Attack Helicopter Pilots, SOF Pilots, Combat Medics, Forward Observers, JTAC/CCO's) >90% White
> >95% Male
> These units run with higher efficiency, score higher on PT and Marksmanship, score higher at PLDC/WLC, BNCOC, ANCOC

Me too.
[spoiler]Will you be at the rally?[/spoiler]

Sgt Angle never had a trumpet?

She'll never be president.

here i was thinking strength was the army's greatest strength

And here I thought it was the guns and fighter jets

That we need more negress pilots.

Are these stats current? Surprised the military is so overwhelmingly white.

She has a point actually. No air force, missile or nuclear strike can match the power of multiracial multicultural transgender diversity as a force of ruin.

[spoiler] maybe [/spoiler]

Yeah , I always challenge the wankers who spout that kind of nonsense with the simple concept that if they believe all races and creeds of people are equal and the same then how can they claim there is strength in diversity.

If we're all the same then being diverse doesn't matter. There is no advantage in it by their own standards.

But then I usually get called a racist bigot and the discussion ends.


Diversity is demonstrably not a strength. Diversity for the sake of diversity is a hinderance. The Army has two jobs. Kill people and break shit. If you're going to put an inferior weapon in the field because of "mug diversity" you compromise the whole institution.

>this US seanator's powerful words will leave you speechless

liberals are retarded

Ill be there


Sure it does.

>Got a war in the desert
Send some sand people
>Got a war in the jungle
Send some Chinese people
>Got a war in a big city
Send some black people


Bullshit. You most certainly don't want the smartest people or independent thinkers for most roles in the military.

i want off this ride

Some would argue that our ability to invade sand dismantle the military of any nation on earth in less than a month is our strength.
As long as we stay out of nation building, we're fine.

The left thinks that having multicolored and multigendered personel strikes fear in the hearts of desert people who decapitate children. Our strength through diversity is the various ways we can fucking kill them. Chief Shitting Bull is a fucking retard and so are her supporters.

Fucking australian poetry over here kek

The sky is colorless and looks the way it does at certain times of day due to rayleigh scatter.

You want them as upper officers though.

There should only be two ares for ladies in our military.
The hospital and the kitchen.
It doesn't matter how dikey they are.
They just aren't suited for combat like males.
They're smaller, weaker, and not emotionally suitable for combat stress.

This logic is good. I like it and I will be appropriating it.

Soldier here, I can assure everyone that Diversity is not:

> One of the 7 Army values
> Mentioned in the Soldier's Creed
> Encapsulated in our 3 general orders
> Hailed as part of the Army Song

One could argue that the United States has not won a war since it racially integrated its armed forces.


With enough diversity, we would be strong enough to not need weapons, planes, exercise, training and all that shit. Enemies would be destroyed by the power of diversity. D-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y!

And if you ask "why is diversity our greatest strength" they call you racist, sexist, homophobic...

Wow, and here I was thinking that big fucking guns and good training was a military's greatest strength. So how does this diversity super weapon work? Do you bomb people with trannys and niggers or something?

Thought this was my aunt for a second lol

You joke, but weaponized diversity is poised to bring the whole of western society to its knees.

doug why haven't you killed yourself yet

Is the left still doing the "let niggers, girls and fags do stuff" meme? That meme is so old. IT'S OVER

Because the more niggers in the army means more dead niggers in the middle east.

Mass marines with 3/3 stim and medivacs.

No worries. Once they undermine the men at the edge it's over.

In your opinion, would having a female in your group be a distraction?

is that why the native americans lost? they weren't diverse enough?

God is on the side with the best artillery
T. 13F