I've noticed that SJW use of "woke" mirrors Sup Forums use of "redpilled." Is there a concrete denotative difference or is the difference between users?
What's the difference between "woke" and "redpilled?"
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Both are synonyms for enlightened.
People who use either word seldom are.
Black people don't trust pills because of their experiences with Bill Cosby. Instead, they say that they're "woke" in order to avoid getting raped.
"Woke" sounds retarded.
Repilled means you think you've transcended societal norms and brainwashing when really you're just a racist conspiracy theorist. Imagine if Morpheus had given Neo the red pill and Neo opened his eyes and said NIGGERS ARENT PEOPLE THE JEWS ARE BENT ON WORLD DOMINATION
Cause when you wake you are in a tired sleepy delerium for a few minutes....thus their state of mind.
one is fucking stupid and grammatically incorrect.
The other is a reference to pop-culture.
Woke just means you see something
Redpilled means you are thrust into it
When you are redpilled you cannot escape seeing the bias and subterfuge used to control the masses
These woke fags are just people that read a column about how religion and capitalism is evil because (((reasons)))
Woke people think they are smart
Redpilled people are enlightened to the known unknowns, intelligence doesnt matter its knowledge that you gain
>i prefer the redpill system
Of course, lardo.
Garrison seriously has a label fetish, I can't take anything he makes seriously because it's fucking words all over the place. A political cartoon should be simple but poignant. Branco > Garrison
levels of enlightenment:
>retarded normie
knows nothing of politics or history, apathetic non-voter/just a consumer
Has gone through the state's indoctrination system. Votes and thinks the things (((They))) want you to thing. Liberal/Leftist globalist. (Most niggers aren't woke because they are too retarded to absorb leftist propaganda)
Has gone beyond the official story, sees the narrative for what it is and understands the motivations behind the lies. Knows they can't trust the media and the globalists.
do you have the image of the original? where all the kikes are on the right?
Woke means "you've memorize your freshman year sociology 101 course and copy pasted it as your own opinion, because I need to fit in"
Repilled means, "I am willing to accept the uncomfortable truths of our world even if they make me outcast"
redpill me on enlightenment
Woke generally means blue pilled in our parlance.
It's nigger talk for being informed.
Not surprisingly, they just have more misconceptions about how the world works.
(Police shootings, racism, income, black crime, etc.)
You can't just be "redpilled," on enlightenment, people spend their entire lives trying to attain it.
Woke means you OD on the blue pill
>"I'm woke because I know innocent black people who dindu nuffin are being killed in mass by white racist police!"
That satire is quite bad my friend...gotta work on that a lil bit harder
although being purple pilled is the next step up. There is no purple pill to take. It's just a step you ascend too.
> all kikes and Zionist must be exterminated for they control the world through debt and the Federal reserve is red pilled.
> going about it with out letting the government gain more power is the purple pill way
Ben made himself the deep state?
The difference is that we're right and they're wrong.
"Woke" is the blue pill
"Red pill" is the red pill
Being "woke" means believing white people ruined everything, they wuz kangs n shieet, and that Hitler wanted to wipe Africans off the planet.
Being red pilled means you typically know most of the things forced down your throat every day is bull shit. It sucks taking the red pill, because like Morpheus said, you can't go back.
Thank you my fellow pork chop.
>all kikes and Zionist must be exterminated
>Government cant gain any more power
seems contradictory
I guess so more normie newfags to politics understand who their enemies are?
It sounds nigger, so yeah, retarded.
When we say 'woke' we roughly mean redpilled.
When SJW's say woke, they mean white people ruined everything, they wuz kangs n shieet, and that Hitler wanted to wipe Africans off the planet.
I know why. About 50% of blacks are Crips so they refuse the redpill.
Go download the Shobogenzo by Dogen
Great first post there fella. Have a reply
woke is bluepilled being extra bluepilled: eg most twitter users who support every liberal cause are "woke" when in fact they are a radicalized tool of the globalist deep state.
not entirely irredeemable as many woke people notice the logical fallacies pervading the left and become redpilled through their own thinking.
Or they simply can't handle the reality they're seeing and the emotional distress destroys their inner fire.
there are stories of very young monks becoming enlightened in the buddhist/hindu definition.
Enlightened in the western sense (The Enlightenment/Renaissance) is more associated with reason/science and an appreciation or comprehension of the liberal arts.
woke just means that you're a nigger that hates white people and you live in an imaginary world where the US is run by Klansmen and Socrates was really a black man.
okay who here has some enlightenment? i want it. gimme.
through a global, collective effort jews could breed themselves back to primordial soup if all individuals were educated on the threat they pose.
you'd think sucking the wealth out of nations and the blood out of the workers would be enough for these kikes, but no, they actually need our genes to survive at this point.
The nihonjin fears the BWC.
>tfw no LeClair
you are blue pill.
Relax Miguel don't forget where you are.
Woke just means bluepilled in the pill sense. They think they are redpilled and enlightened, but in reality people who call themselves woke are just bluepill trash that think they're "woke"
They're used in the same way, to suggest that the people who are "woke" or "redpilled" understand truths that the masses are blind to.
The difference is that our truths are real and theirs is bullshit.
> access
> instead of assess
enlightenment is the philosophical jew user
they intend to destroy your way of life by convincing you to think rationally and to apply rigors of logic and evidence to all sentiments
>willingness to endlessly criticize imagined systems of oppression.
>not commonly known, sometimes obfuscated, facts about history, geopolitics etc that shine light on present crises for example.
Woke commie term.
>Is there a concrete denotative difference
Yes. "Woke" is ooga-booga jungle speak. Typical broken English spoken by broken humans.
The word their feeble minds grasp for is "awakened."
>become awakened
>stay awakened
"Woke" is nigger gibberish, and it lends the concept of woke-ness a denotation that is gibberish. Gibberish understanding, gibberish logic and reasoning. Accepting of gibberish as fact or accurate information.
Complacently accepting gibberish as fact is the opposite of being "redpilled."
Being woke is exactly what that picture says it is. It is the purest form of cultural marxism that exists. It means you will always only critique the west and only the west, you will always ask the same loaded question with the same answer: It must be oppression.
Being redpilled is a pursuit of truth no matter how uncomfortable. If it brings you to places that are upon the fringes of social acceptability or even beyond the pale, it is a pursuit of actual truth.