Alt-right arts and crafts

Why haven't you made a protective wooden shield yet? It costs about 40 dollars for all the parts and can protect you from antifa attacks at rallies, as well as providing a weapon for bashing and striking.

The shield can be built with items from any hardware store. You need:

Circular plywood

A cabinet or door handle (big enough to wrap your whole hand around

A leather belt


Optional: padding

Just screw the leather belt and handle to one side of the shield and you've got a cheap but effective piece of equipment to protect you from antifa. It's small and easy to maneuver, unlike big riot shields, and is easy to decorate. Get out there and make some shields, it's going to be a long, violent summer

Other urls found in this thread: steel bowl rimmed mixing

Other side of shield

check this chan out

You could just buy a shield

We gotta make ours cooler, more effective and strong.
Also a symbol that isnt fashy to the Civic Nationalist at the trump rally.
Maybe the eagle but put a bald eagle so it gets under the Fashdar.

Better than anything I have made. I haven't made anything.

Wouldn't using one central handle instead of an arm strap be better for deflecting attacks / provide more versatility and a greater reach?

Shut the fuck up, lets not fucking castrate ourselves to make /r/the_donald happy.

get on my level, full hoplite mode

your arm can be snapped. You need a strap you wrap around your forearm and hold on with your hand. if antifa start twisting your shield, you can let go and not break your arm

It was a suggestion dick. But I suppose your right.

It is important that we craft our own cultural artifacts and not rely on purchasing prefabricated, mass produced items.

>No Spears or Xiphos


i have a kopis instead, prefer it to the xiphos

>cultural artifacts

Nice. I prefer a bastard sword, but all I have ATM is a Tanto.

Anyone got an idea for an annoying material I can put on my shield if antifa grab it?

you sound like a commie

Fuck civic nationalism

You're all wussy children and this is autistic faggotry.

>communism in america was defeated by plywood and autism

go for it OP

This is actually pretty important OP.
If you are really going to LARP with shields please read this.

I believe in simpler tools. A garage is full of what you need.
>pesticides/bug spray/paint thinner
>rakes and shovels
>bike locks and bike cables
>baseball bats

>not using a 30 inch ride cymbal as a shield for protection and for making sick ride beats to lead your brothers into battle

You guys need to start putting a boss in the middle of those shields. Put a little bash behind your shove.

Razor blades? Bad Dragon cum lube? What do you mean by "annoying"?

I'd make the front very abrasive. They grab, splinter.

Pine sap.

I see what you mean... viking style. How would I hollow out the center easily?

Something sticky or smelly that will be extremely irritating even to someone wearing gloves. I want to rub it on the front and edges of the shield before battle.

Write "Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams" and "That's a big shield" on the side you wear.

Hmm are there any household/crafting items we could use for that?

no that puts all the load on your wrist instead of spreading it out across your entire arm and core muscles, you limp wristed faggot.

Of course he's right.

The downfall of gamergate was kowtowing the line of political correctness to appeal to society at large and say "hey we're better than these people even though we hold these beliefs that might be offensive or destructive to some".

They were ridiculed as " PR fags" and told over and over again why they were wrong but they didn't listen and eventually that become the main face of the operation.

We have proven over the last few years, quite fucking successfully might I add, that the only way we can remain on the winning side is to never back down, and say:

>We ARE better than these people BECAUSE we hold these beliefs that are destructive or offensive to some.

Because we are right. And when you are right you don't need to offer any ground to the opposition. They will inevitably and have always been proven wrong.

The only way to keep the initiative is to project strength and steadfastness.

Pubes steel bowl rimmed mixing

My steel shield. Trust my life to it.


this is like something out of a ballard novel


I am not much for arts and crafts but I recently purchased a camera. A few hundred dollars got me a used Cannon 50D and two lenses. Unfortunately I am all the way in Florida. If any rallies happen in Florida I will be there getting all the high res photos possible. I am sure Sup Forums can make use of them later.


Will be up and running in 2-3 weeks. Sells gear for protests as well as organizes rallies.

Dingle-berry butthole hairs.

Two diodes attached to a stun gun. If they get too close - fried faggot.

Because I'm not a fucking moron like yourself.
The police will handle it or the mayor will face a Recall election and we'll elect someone who will handle Antifa.
If we can't find someone to handle Antifa we can make shields.
You are either a commie faggot awaiting execution for participating materially in a conspiracy to foment sedition, or you're a brain fucking righ-wing idiot and your family needs to reign you in before you get your stupid fucking redneck ass thrown into jail.
Which are you, user: a faggot awaiting execution or a brain-dead moron who needs to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up?
Either way I've only sage for your faggotry.

Underrated, this, it's so annoying to get out of regular cloth.

this is some gay shit right here. I hope you stop.

Might consider another handle or something to wrap the edge in case you want to whack someone with the edge of your shield. Bridge of nose, wrist, and right above the knee are decent spots.

/k/ommando here. Soak the front in cosmoline.


We're the fascists, dude.