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>tfw to smart to make gay jokes

Don't use homosexuality as an Insult COLBERT.

That's because gays are already a joke! :^)

holy shit since when do people get offended over gay jokes?




>dumb cucks turning on each other at a moment's notice

e a t i n g
i t s e l f

Has cuckberg apologized and donated money to cock suckers yet?

Is WaPo /ourjournal/ ?

>Colbert goes to far
>now he's going to get eaten up by his own guy

Either he loses everything and disappears or he loses everything and joins us

What's the chances he becomes /ourguy/ in a few months or years?

Is our magic that strong? To convert even someone like ((him)) to our side?

When the left turns on each other its the best theater.

Colbert is a fucking joke.

He showed his true colors during the election, and he deserves all the backlash this gets him.

[spoiler]Shame people will forget about it in a week when some other bullshit happens.[/spoiler]


link to article you incompetent imbecile

Looks like he didn't learn yet.


is there any proof he supports gay rights?

hes been making gay trump and putin jokes for a year now

Wtf I love gay now

He used to play a faggot on tv


Nothing will happen to him, retard.
Lmao based af, Goddamn Colbert is running circles around you guys

Political correctness is the biggest problem in the civilized world.

>liberals will defend this.

Bro, don't talk shit about strangers with candy.

mention Sup Forums on your show


That was actually a good show.

>used to play a faggot
>faggot irl


A pink triforce, hitler and Colbert? What?

t. John Podesta


The Jews are cramping down on ANY form of dissenting opinion regarding their degenerate useful idiots (faggots and trannies).

They are sending this message by openly punishing one of their best good-goys to set an example.

The last thing (((they))) want is the goyim getting angry or feeling any kind of hatred. So they openly punish and attempt to shame anyone who feels these useful survival instincts no matter how minor their offense.

Thats right. He doesn't know what its like to get bullied on pol every day. Sometimes I feel like you guys aren't even my friends.

Instead of selling our youth and our country out to Captain Morgans Smoked Rum, he's sold them out to the libshits.

>tfw to intelligent too get memes

ass a gay man, he is literally worse than hitler

The Colbert we knew and loved died December 18, 2014.


I really didn't expect this thing to take off. Evidently Sup Forums can indeed use the left's own awful PC culture against them.

You know he already understood the repercussions of his Faustian trade once he was in too deep.

What do you do to get bullied? Might deserve it desu

We dem Jews now.

No, all we're doing is growing the power of political correctness.

I hate homophobes. I can't believe we're still dealing with these bigots in 2017

That's what Cuckbert gets for thinking he could get away with calling Bannon a cuck:


We won't stand for this bigotry.

Hahaha! #FireColbert

nice one user.

we've tried it before and it didn't work. liberals don't understand the concept of self reflection so they cant see the hypocrisy. im pretty sure some leftists are actually pissed.

Yeah thats a really good show, that was way before he was a political cockgoblin

Left eats itself every now and again. It is pretty great.

Why is Colbert such a homophobe? I will be boycotting his advertisers.

Could someone explain to me what happened????
Why everyone is hating on him all of a sudden?

Mark Levin called Stephen Colbert a pig

these are making me like Colbert. Could he actually be a champion for removing the gay from the west?

doubtful. using the left's own sword on them is making everyone see the toxicity of PC.

If an alt-right can't say "cock holster" (without repercussion) then neither can Colbert. They are finally tasting the reality they've created.

You and your angry jew need to go back.

Very noble and progressive

Here's a question guys

How much influence do these hit piece, bullshit "Perspective" or "Opinion" articles have anyways?

When I read opinion articles I can't take them seriously because at the end of the day, they're just opinions not news!

They have a lot, more than you would think. Colbert had to address this tonight. It's gaining traction and that's all the proof you need.

There was no deal with the devil, Colbert's a true believer. He said he quit his old show because he was sick of being insincere. This is the real him.

we ran an operation on him about his gay dick sucking joke. Now lefties hate him

Did we do that, or did the lefties come to this conclusion on their own accord?

Combination of both. Some used gasloline on a fire as metaphor where Sup Forums was the gas.

More like because his good writers went elsewhere.

Depends how syndicated the opinion is.



>you are now aware Jon Stewart is 5' 6" tall.


i know you can do it. come on man

“Now, if you saw my monologue Monday, you know that I was a little upset at Donald Trump for insulting a friend of mine. So at the end of the monologue, I had a few choice insults for the President in return. I don’t regret that. He, I believe, can take care of himself. I have jokes; he has the launch codes. So it’s a fair fight.

So while I would do it again, I would change a few words that were cruder than they needed to be. I’m not going to repeat the phrase, but I just want to say for the record, life is short, and anyone who expresses their love for another person, in their own way, is to me, an American hero. I think we can all agree on that. I hope even the President and I can agree on that. Nothing else but that.”

>I would do the same again
>I won't repeat the phrase

I would be a lot less stressed if these idiots could try and stick to one stance in the same fucking comment without flip flopping,but for liberals that seems impossible.

no he wouldn't lmao

just call every left leaning with any clout a "cock holster" from now on? if colbert can get away with it than so can we,or it makes colbert look homophobic so it is a win win situation

oh right, but what about this video he made that was all around Sup Forums like last week or so..

So he's just going to say "Hey guys, cock holsters are American heroes"

What a fucking coward. Why not just say "hey the DNC coordinated with me during the election, I can people faggots if I want to"

yeah,not sure who wrote the joke or the weirdly worded apology if you can even call it that but Colbert must have got a serious talking to and the words must have tasted like ashes and bile to a true believer like him.
The only thing Colbert will agree with Trump involves sucking american heroes dicks...does that sound a bit fucking strange to anyone else?
Think it is time for me to put out on the porch and go out Walt Kowalski style at this point...I should not feel this damn old at 36 lads.

I can't wait for us to win the culture war so we don't have to pretend that we give 2 shits about faggots.

simbly ebin :DDDDD

Have a (you), you deserve it.

This is true. He has the right to make gay jokes because fuck you that's why.

Then everyone can. And I don't want to hear anything from the left next time someone who isn't their idol makes a gay joke.

get that fascist pepe out of here+
this is a board of peace