New zealanders are pretty much aussies so by rule americoons have to find our shitposts as equally funny and everyone...

new zealanders are pretty much aussies so by rule americoons have to find our shitposts as equally funny and everyone has to think we are also sick cunts

Fuck off cunt

How did you find the internet abo? someone left the tab open on the library computer?

le epic bantz from straya xD aussies are so bantz and funny mate

mfw americoons cant even do sarcasm witty or funny.

People always refer to me as an Australian on this board, so yeah... I can agree with this.

Dont mind me, just a burger passing through

Nice Australian education for you right there.
No wonder all of your women prefer the BAC (Big American Cock)

do they come in black?

Tends to happen when you steal someone else's flag

>has the union jack in his


Fuck off back to plebbit, mate. Fucking foreskins trying to ruin this board.

that's like saying Canadians are pretty much Americans

What do ya mean, mate? You stole our flag.

Fuck all you stupid shitposters

You're all kikes the lot of you.


Daily reminder you guys lost an actual war to birds

Literally everyone here thinks you're a bunch of cunts

Does this mean Americans are also leafs and just as big shit posters as us?

Makes sense to me

moon tv was kinda funny when I was 15

This is an easy to spot "chink post". Fuck off gook you will never be a new zealander

indo love aus posts never a bad post really

>convict heritage
>wiped out 90% of the aborigines
>wiped out 95% of rainforest

>aristocrat heritage
>surrendered/treaty with maoris
>environment mainly intact

we haven't been alike since we left britain and even then we hated your fucking guts. seriously though anzac so gotta give some love to you Hori cunts.

Damn niggers. Always chasing after white women. They all need to be exterminated.

And you guys lost your health to burgers.

You aint got nothing on Aussie's god tier shitposting. You are just an island of inbreds, fucking deal with it.

>everyone has to think we are also sick cunts
Ok, you fully suck cunt