What are some "Sup Forums approved" podcasts?

They could be political or not.

Not sure whether to trust certain podcasts I see trending towards the top of the iTunes charts.

I want recommendations from Sup Forums users.

The dick show

This is the only answer.

TRS and red ice

What does TRS stand for?

And nothing comes up for 'Red Ice'...

it's not very Sup Forums but No Agenda. Also Our Big Dumb Mouth is funny and they are obvious pollacks

No Agenda
Ben Shapiro's podcast is an option, if you don't mind his constant shilling for Israel and Jews
Molymeme sometimes does good shows, but he can be quite annoying

There are very few podcasts that I've managed to find in main stream channels that are anything but bluepilled faggots, even when the topics are completely separated from politics, it's astonishing how pervasive the liberal agenda has engrained itself into the public consciousness. I've had to drop podcasts I liked because I lost all respect for the people hosting them after the election results came in.

It's fucking depressing seeing how much the left has won the cultural war and how little to no voice exists for anyone on the right. Hell, even people that are in the middle are close to non-existing.

no agenda

Joe Rogan's podcast is absurdly popular and although I only listen to the episodes where he has guests I recognize (Alex Jones, Gavin, Molymeme, Peterson, Milo, Crowder, etc..) he seems redpilled enough on enough subjects to where he has a massive audience who hears him. That has to count for something when it comes to the 'cultural war'.

I saw someone post a clip from his recent podcast with a libtard named Thadeus Russel and Rogan called him out on his absurd, radical leftist views on gender.

Bill Burr's podcast is another option, even though he mellowed out in recent years. He used to be more angry and calling women out on their shit, but now he's an oildriller that miscegenated his bloodline with a sista and is but a mere shadow of his former self


what are you a fuckin' normie? Nothing worth listening to will get approved by Apple. Some of these are on YouTube but w/e

The Daily Shoah
Varg (Thulean Perspective)
Red Ice

Daily Stormer posts some good podcasts too

How do you listen to that voice for more than 5 seconds without blowing your brains out?

I listen to cumtown. They're bernie supporters and one of them is a kike, but they're at least funny.


Yea I just previewed one of the podcasts and the voices are too annoying, regardless of whether they're redpilled or not.

'The weekly sweat' is pretty good, Its on a YouTube channel called 'Honeypot Studios. There's some great content on there, just beware of (((Paul Town)))

Try Sword and Scale.

True Crime shit, really fucks with your head, lots of court audio and interviews with sick fucks.

Twisted goodness.


I see him memed on here sometimes and I just looked up his videos. The title to one is "I don't even like Ann Coulter but she..."

How can one not like Ann Coulter? She's basically a white supremacist.

If you knew her name before 2010 or so you probably don't have the highest opinion of her. She was basically a neocohen until then.

The right stuff

Sleepycabin has the only podcast you should ever watch.

Er, listen to.