Honestly Bill Nye's new show isn't so bad. You might not agree that gender studies counts as science...

Honestly Bill Nye's new show isn't so bad. You might not agree that gender studies counts as science, but that's only one out of the twelve episodes he made. The rest of the season covers things like artificial intelligence, medicine, genetically modified foods, and the theory that life on earth came from space. Sciency things. Pretty cool stuff desu

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q="William S. Nye"#q="William S. Nye"&safe=off&hl=en&tbm=pts&start=0
google.com/patents/WO1985004847A1?cl=en&dq="William S. Nye"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWwJOLpNXTAhWBSyYKHcj6AxcQ6AEIXzAI


get fucked

he promoted GMOs

he promoted self mutilation and lateralization via cosmetic surgery(trannies)

and he had a song about doing 'butt stuff' and giving a blowjob to a new person every day.

hes a fucking degeneracy promoting retard and knows nothing about anything.

>One simply showcases rough jobs other people are doing
>The other encourages you to give handjobs to strangers because SCIENCE!

>>says GMO's are bad
>>lives in first world country
>>literally nothing about modern agriculture


Sociology doesn't count as science, and that's most of the episodes.


Shill better

He thinks creating an all powerful AI and giving it control is a good idea. I'm not sure I agree with that.


this gif alone is enough to discredit this man for the rest of his life. absolutely pathetic to see a senior citizen groveling at the feet of his overlords for another gig, being made to dance around like a fucking retard in order to push an agenda that most people can see right through


The History Channel's The Universe series was able to teach loads about astrophysics and astronomy and chemistry without all the SocJus/Gender pablum

Hell, Carl Sagan's Cosmos is still great entry-level edutainment, even though it is a bit dated. And he talked to his audience like grown adults and growing youth

the airplane thing he invented wasn't an injector it was a rubber tube
>While at Boeing, he invented a hydraulic resonance suppressor tube used on 747 airplanes.
LITERALLY a rubber tube that stretches

>made a suppressor for 747s
>this gives him the knowledge and education to lecture people on transsexualism

First of all how does this tumblr bitch know that Mike Rowe never worked hard in his life? Second of all doesn't he actually do the jobs for a day of people he interviews? I know it isn't the same as living it but he is actually doing the job to see what it's like.

Which fallacy does this demonstrate?

Fuel injector device.

>While at Boeing, he invented a hydraulic resonance suppressor tube used on 747 airplanes.[3]

inject his cock farther into your ass

hydraulic resonance suppression tube

I.e. A tube which stretches slightly to absorb hydraulic fluid pressure resonance in the lines

shill better

Those are some nice sources in that pic. What has he invented for Boeing 747s?

Also patents are easy as fuck to horde.

>Bill Nye invented something called a "fuel injector". I don't know what that is but it must be important because "science", and it must have saved the world at least once or twice. You know who else is smart and builds things? That black kid who built a computer. I hope both Bill Nye and that black kid put my son in a dress and fuck his asshole in hopes they can inject their "smarts" into him/her. It should work because I read in a scientific sex blog that the mucous membranes of the human rectum are multitudes more absorbent than any other in the body.

I.e., a rubber tube with a proprietary nozzle fitting

Seriously though, I am going to look it up and see what exactly he developed. He is a mechanical engineer, so I expect that it will be something reasonable.

so... you guys are just doing this because you need attention right? you aren't actually this stupid?

Non-gender specific nuts and bolts

It is "so bad". It has fuck all to do with actual science. He should maybe have been the "engineering goy" if anything at all besides a comedian that is less funny than amy schumer. fuck your shit thread. And fuck you.

Can't find it on google.
google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q="William S. Nye"#q="William S. Nye"&safe=off&hl=en&tbm=pts&start=0

Closest I can find is this:
google.com/patents/WO1985004847A1?cl=en&dq="William S. Nye"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWwJOLpNXTAhWBSyYKHcj6AxcQ6AEIXzAI


there are hundreds of thousands of little designed parts in an airplane and designing one of them is not earth-shattering. Resonance suppressors are nothing new. He did not invent the concept of a resonance suppressor, he designed one particular one.

>you might not agree that gender studies is a science.

If it isn't stem it literally is not science.

>global warming
Literally used it to shill white genocide. Praised living in squalor because muh carbon footprint.
Manage to fuck this up to by having a segment about cultural appropriation.
>artificial intelligence
Extremely naive about the ramifications and just randomly assuming that everything would be okay and completely ignoring the ethical implications of creating a sapient entity that one would actually be able to control.
Failed to go into the issue that GMOs our problem not because of the health concerns but because of the notion of copyrights of genetic sequences.
Rudimentary 4th grade shit.

But that sex episode went beyond the invokation of criticism.

That episode was cultural, auditory, and visual terrorism. He belongs in the water after a several hundred foot drop from a helicopter.

And I expect all those other shows will be leftist propaganda and have no actual science behind it too.

Also, is AI the next jewish trick? I've heard several retards talking about it on retard radio (public radio) recently. The push seems to be "A.I. may one day be smart, so the idea of having a job or not being 100% wards of the states should be immediately abolished." Or "be scared because the machines will kill you."

I find it very funny that someone wrote this.

Did they EVER watch either show?

It's a shock isolated housing with a heat sink.
He is a modern Archimedes

Yes, I know - high end restaurants use a "part" designed for airplanes...as a scraper to remove crumbs from tables quickly. That something exists and is attached to something impressive does not make the thing itself impressive.

>Shitting on Mike Rowe

Mike Rowe works a full day in each job for his show, no matter how shitty or backbreaking the work is. Not exactly the same, but I doubt most liberals would even entertain the idea of working a blue collar job. We need more blue collar workers, and Mike Rowe is advocating for kids to go to trade school. I'd say he's a bigger force for good, saving kids from a lifetime of debt, than Bill Nye; pushing kids to go to college, going into massive debt for a retarded gender studies degree, and getting an STD from sucking cock, as Bill would suggest.

i really don't think "lecture" is the right word

Bill Nye's show is entertainment loosely based on science, with the exception of his gender shit, which is hardly social pseudoscience.

Is morgan freeman qualified to lecture about wormholes in his series "Through the Wormhole?" No. That's why he isn't lecturing. He's just talking. They're both just good talkers because these shows are for entertainment.

Say what you will about Bill Nye's retarded social ideas, but he became famous because he is(was) charismatic enough to captivate an audience. He was moderately successful as a comedian in his early career and unarguably successful in bill nye the science guy. It's just that all this recent controversy about bill has left people with a sour taste in their mouth, rendering them incapable of watching anything he produces.

>overpopulation is a big problem
>immigration can replenish an aging population
>whites need to know their place
>science rules :^)

>he doesnt know (((modern))) agriculture is dominated by the petro chemical industry and has killed the soil makimg it impossible to grow without chemical fertilizer
What the fuck is a nematode anyway, amirite?

Fucking city retard. I camt wait till you all starve and are raped by roving packs of niggers and spics.


Are you shitting me?

It is irredeemable shit.

Mechanical Engineer =/ Scientist

I have a friend who is a mechanical engineer w/ patents etc and the shit he thinks works IRL which does not involve mechanical devices is ridiculous.

well he used to be. he was charismatic and passionate about grade-level science, that's why kids liked his show. he had to have some level of charisma to be successful.

recently is a different story.

Bill's credentials are not necessarily the problem. It's the fact that some people take his word as absolute despite his lackluster credentials.

It should be illegal for actors (Mike Rowe and Bill Nye) to talk about politics in public, vote, hold office, and a number of other activities related to voicing an opinion on anything meaningful.



Seriously guys, what's the angle on A.I.?

Well, at the very minimum, I do think people need to understand implicitly that acting is basically getting paid to lie (or if we choose to be more generous, 'pretend') convincingly.

The Romans had laws like that. We should as well.

Nye is a bad person and his new show sucks, but his credentials are legit. This issue is just people looking for something to bitch about. He was more than qualified to teach kids science on public television.