Why does Sup Forums house so many racist fhckers holy ass

Why does Sup Forums house so many racist fhckers holy ass

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>Why are you racist?
Personal experience

Good post steven, I'm going to make one too!


Hello today is my first time on Sup Forums

Someone tell me how to make my font green.

Welcome to Sup Forums, now get the fuck out.


Why do so many Eurofags act so oppressed when it is like fucking 10% minority.
Like calm the fuck down, down here it is 5050 blacks and whites then euros bitch out when they see more than 2 black Guys at a supermarket

Because niggers are the only ones I've seen rob a store with my own eyes. Because a nigger once sole my bike.
Because a nigger once robbed groceries from my car. Becuase niggers murder and rape way more than anyone would ever like to admit. Becuase niggers get a free pass even after all of theses crimes are committed. Because niggers are always so loud, obnoxious and childlike. Because niggers don't follow rules and fail to see the damage that comes with not following those rules.

I'm racist because niggers.


I knew this board was racist, just wondering as to why

Why does OP house so many cocks in his mouth

That doesn't apply to all black people though. Just (albeit way too many) of them

>Hates free speech

Your forefathers made them do this though

Because of reality? What do you want to hear?

>never said that, all for free speech, just asking for reasoning or personal ezpireneces

Yes it does, don't be retarded.

You have to donate 4 Chan gold in order to get that feature
>He doesn't donate 4 Chan gold every week

Maybe niggers should stop being so shit

Sup Forums is satire you dumb nigger.

Fuck I'm broke, looks like I'm not getting Sup Forums gold. If only Bernie had won, then Sup Forums gold would be free!

i (don't think) you know how to use parenthesis properly.

No it doesnt, I have a few cool black friends.

Deploy political redpills ITT:

racism? more like self preservation lol

is it really though

Well good for you!

i know about the white helmets and staging victims but im gonna need a source on that image

out of self dignity, you should delete this image, DJT is the jew. Sorry user, it's true.


Preemptive. Does not work. Send help.

It's like that scene in Lord of War where they strip down a cargo plane overnight.

This is the most efficient and quick action I have ever seen a large group of negros undertake. Impressive.


You make it sound like it's just a few. 1 in 10 black men are felons. 1 in 4 black men have been arrested by the police.

This image is what really got me red pilled. I remember saving it because I was going to "debunk" it later for a Reddit post. What a fucking retard I was. Looking up the data and finding out is was all true was what got me to start being red pilled. Found it on my computer a year later and had a good laugh.

You could always get Sup Forums silver at half the cost...

yeah its retarded an unproductive.Hegelian dialectic, divide and conquer. Oh, and remember, most people here have some level of autism and can't get a gf, objectively. Hitler just makes them feel powerful. Thats why the authoritarian "left" loves stalin/Castro/etc. And of course, the paid shills, and reddit trolls. Also people making themselves look insane by denying the fact that 6 million Jews were brutally murdered during the holocaust.

Racist is natural. We're all different kinds of mutts. Any dog that doesn't realize that is a retard.
Every breed has strong suits and weak suits. No big deal.

>i have black frends!!
Stop virtue signalling pussy.
I do too, and even some of them act like clowns.

>eurup shuld stop caring aboot blaks!!
Yeah replacement immigration isn't an issue. Let's just fucking ignore the destruction of Europeans for the sake of cheap industry. Great thinking asshole.

Who the fuck are you? Some schizophrenic freak from Facebook?
There's an unspoken rule here, you lurk before you post.

>mentions the holocaust for literally no reason

side effect of red pill consumption.

retarded, Trump is the most Jewy president in all of U.S. history. Only the Confedracy was more Jewish, with their vice president (Judah Benjamin) being a secular Jew. Pic related, post yfw you got BTFO'ed

It makes me feel like a big man

I think deep down we all know that the white race can't be saved and we're just bitter about it. I wish our people had woken up sooner. It's all over now.

White minority in the US by 2035. White minority in the UK by 2060. White minority in Germany by 2065. It's over.

It's not only Sup Forums, it's any forum that allows free speech. Reddit would be exactly like this if their moderators weren't such jew-bastards. Nigger and jew hating is the default condition of any unmoderated forum.


Thanks for the you! Its nice to know my post meant so much to you that you had to reply. ^_^

>arrested by the police

You belong back on the big R. Fuck off.

Get your fucking dirty nigger ass out, coon.

>Pol is satire
Fuck off back to r/eddit motherfucker.


Don't give up! We all have to unite. Also, stop being racist, just be impartially true. You guys don't have to shout racial slurs abusively. It just destroys our credibility.

Yep, just living around niggers made me racist far before I became "redpilled."


>31% white
how do you still have electricity?

I dont know. Maybe because white people are all the same. Facism is fun!

"(Albeit a lot)"

Whatever you see here are what all the people around you are thinking, but are to afraid to say IRL.


Tell me how much you hate niggers and kikes and then I'll
>teach you

awfully true

wtf i love jews now.

98.4 times more likely to commit shooting is just "a lot"? They're astronomically more criminal. This makes sense, because blacks are 40% more likely to be psychopaths than whites.

How is immigration that these countries ALLOW and even somewhat encourage destroying europe?

why do you even care? if you want a safe place reddit and tumblr are over there

Get off your high horse. There's nothing immoral about racial awareness, but if there was, then whites are the most moral people on the planet.

That's why Im only defending some blacks. All stereotypes exist for one reason or another.

Doesn't matter if "some blacks" are ok. Regression to the mean is a law of biology. Their children will likely become about as criminal and low IQ as their population generally is.

You have absolutely no grasp of this shit.
Jesus fucking Christ newfag.

The people have not allowed the mass influx, it's the governments, and the corporations behind the governments. They are drowning out the native European populace with third worlders (most of which aren't even from war torn areas) because third worlders are more complicit and don't bite when forced to eat shit.
Basic shit. We do this in the states too.
I live around an area that's full of Mexicans.
I live in fucking FLORIDA. They have these Mexicans here, legal or not (next to none are citizens) so they can pay them less than minimum wage. They don't protest like white Europeans do.
Same deal over there.
There's also a Jewish element to that but that's too hardcore and will seem too tinfoily for now but that's the economic drive to it.
If you can't understand it I don't know how the fuck to reach you brother.

I don't want a safe place, I love the free speech allowed. I was asking *****WHY***** people are racist to an entire race for something not all members of said race do.

>not an entire race
You've never been out of the suburbs have you?

That's just called being an ignorant prick. I'd do the exact same thing if I didn't have clean water or lived in the middle of a war.

because they can be. that's free speech