What do Germans really think?

Could I get some Germans to redpill me on what most Germans think about hitler? Is it something you ever talk about or is it like Germany's shameful past?

A German exchange student I talked to years back in high school said Hitler and Nazi's had a stigma around them that everyone supported in public, but a great many didn't in private, and saw him critically as someone who did a lot of good as well as the bad. Whether or not that was his personal anecdotal experience or more widespread I don't know.

this has already been addressed on this board a million times bro, lurk more often..

yes, 99% of Germans think Hitler is Satan incarnate. we really did a number on them with our post-war propaganda

What kind of good did they think he did?

He didn't elaborate. We can only speculate.

I've been lurking but it's mostly just the Donald threads and bullshit lately

There is the Look up the situation in Germany after ww1/versaille treaty and what hitler promised the german People if he came into power - he kept his promise until the war started.

Thanks. From what I understand he hated the jews cause they were war profiteers but I didn't know whether Germans now thought he had any positive feelings about him

how old are you


I think there is this natural disconnect now that most people don't really have direct connection to events happend in the past. Then there is also the network of propaganda which every generation has to grow up in set up by the state (school education / history pc lessons) and the media which basically boils down to the "evil" period of which everyone should feel ashamed of so history never repeats itself.

It leads to people just being very ignorant about doing basic research on the topic, because it doesn't affect them they just have their personal struggles and lack an understanding why todays problems even exist. The academic institutions are inflitrated by leftist ideologies and virtue signalling, simply because the more wealthy germans don't have to deal with poor peoples reality like living among those immigrant scum that virtue signaling brought us.

Nobody really seems ashamed of the past, and people take it as an insult being called "jewish" but again, the current generation of people simply never lived through a period were multikulti wasn't already dominating their daily lives. The boomer generation falls into the category of people that also has no dealings in todays lower class living coditions (in Germany most people rent property rather than having their own).

Last but not least: Most people don't have a good understanding of Hitler at all. The leftis demonize him, the center just takes the blue pill, the far right is just a mob of people that just likes to hate foreigners but yet again they fail to see that skinhead culture isn't national socialism. And the few that know just have no real place to fit in I guess.

You can read "Hitlers Revolution" if you're interested.

This is litterally the thread that everyone who comes here should read. Fucking no one cares about the truth. I'm sorry Germany for your mass immigration, I hope you survive the culture assassination. I pray for your future.

At my office we joke about nazis and hitler all the time

One of our american colleagues got super offended while he was in the gernan office, lol

It seems like nobody can take a joke anymore and don't want to talk about anything controversial. That's why we're all fucked now

There is no way we could free our selfs now out of the blue. The problem roots in the nature of our welfare state(s) in modern european 1st world countries. When you see numbers about foreigners then they're mostly fake as well because our countries already have lots of "passport" germans which just aren't part of most statistics to downplay the great exchange of the native population. We imported a lot of dual citizenship muslims/turks which aren't loyal to Germany but to their homeland.

To topple the system in time (before we are already replaced and it's too late) it is crucial what happens in our neighbouring countries, like the French election... basically every big enconomy in the EU needs to abandon ship so there is just no money left to finance this bullshit. Then we still need to find ways to reverse decades of flawed immigration by mass deportations of people who failed to integrate into western society.

I hope the EU is destroyed for you're sake. It's sad to see Europe becoming so fucked and losing all it's culture to Muslims. They're some of the worst people.

I can't believe this destruction is taking place. In our schools we talk about Muslims, we talk about acceptance, we talk about racisim, hell even the "accomplishments" of the UN, but never once the death of Europe.

The civilized world started in Europe, no matter what anyone says we can't make it without you. I wasn't taught about your crisis, there are no movies about it, I found on my own. No one wants to talk about it, we're too upset over Trump. I want to help so badly.

Civilized world started in Europe....
"Though large village settlements were proven to exist in Ancient Mesopotamia by 6500 BC, the presence of signs of large scale trade in the Indus Valley Civilization as early as in 4300 BC, weaken the claim that the Mesopotamians were definitely civilized before the Indians."

Hitler is our national hero.

Props to you for pasting the first sentence google provided you into quotations.

I'm speaking of modern civilisation, and using what my liberal father who is surprising red pilled has told me as a source. He is almost always right, and even if he wasn't in this intance, we can't survive without Europe either way.

Well, I can tell you really quickly that here now the second and third generation muslims that succeeded in academics are now invited to biased talk shows debating how islam or "they" are part of the country and victimize themselfs and it leads to endless debates which are just a way to buy more time until the native population is outbred already like in most major cities already in age groups of newborn up to five. None of this provides actual solutions, it's just creating internal conflicts and divides natives while islamic people have a strong ingroup preference. Just passively supporting radical doctrine they become part of the problem.

There it is. The problem right there. "passively supporting radical doctrine". You see, we call this a racist statement and you lose your job and get lit up on social media and spread to every facebook feed across our country if anyone records you speeking this truth. I'm in filmmaking, and everyone I work with is brainwashed and so soft. They wouldn't know Radical Islamic Terrorism if it crashed into the twin towers.

Oh wait,

Sure, but those hard liner leftists who steer up shit against normal people are a vocal minority. The average joe would simply shrug it off as nothing. So the solution is to break free from the social norms and taboos if possible even exposing the antifa methods as fascist. If these intimidation tactics cease to have an impact on people holding back on expressing their opinion. In america at least you have something very close to free speech - use it and backlash on those who bend the knee to cheap morals.

I was in germany once and twice in one of the most sweden YES part of it - the NRW.

The older germans = Its fine nothing bad is happening. Don't want to be called out as a nazi or something. A "I will die soon attitude who cares".

The young ones = Got used to the reality of having niggers all over the mall. "The government will sort things out, its just a matter of education!"

Some random turk you chat with at the kebab = fucking jews hitler was right all along

You are very wise. I am slowly finding my way to make an impact, and I do believe they are intimidation tatics. I back Le Pen and tell who I can about the truth. I'm seriously thinking about starting my own channel, or instagram or something to try and spread the word to people in my local area. Do you have a chance to get rid of Merkel, or are you completely fucked in terms of government/elected officials?

Honest opinion? We are completely fucked. Mainstream parties are just a swamp filled with individuals that have no interest into speaking up about the real problems. AfD (alternative for germany party) is the only real oposition but it wont grow big enough to take over and even when it would happen, the measures it takes wouldn't be radical enough to fix anything.

The future ain't bright. The smart people will flee the country as they do all over the world when there is no real future for them to persuade. Standards of living are already decreasing, crime is rising and so on but it's not bad enough for people to wake up. Terrorism is narrated into something we just have to live with in the future. It's a big mess and the sheer amount of things that seem to go wrong are too much for a single individual to grasp.

Good luck with your future projects - do yourself the favour and stay always true to your own believes. Avoid falling for a single individual having figured it all out. Find inspiration in what the identiarian movement doing and don't cease to stand up for things you know are the right thing to do.

If Le Pen wins, the EU will fall apart. Then Germany will have a chance.

I honestly do not see any other option than adhere to national-socialism when you're a German willing to save his country/people.

Because the political/ideological debate is set in such a fashion that the German nation equates to national-socialism. Right or wrong, this is it.

So either you bow to your destruction in order to be a good social-democrat, or you live and stand for NS. Not that Hitler did not screw badly on foreign policy but this discussion has no more significance.

Thanks for the chat German bro. I get most of my info from Alex Jones, but I really want to expand my sources, he's just the only person I trust right now. Hope you find a way out, I'm tired af. I sincerly wish you the best from human to human. Don't get fucking Allah Akbar'ed.

I don't know much about Germany directly, but why not Libertarianism, or a more Capitalist Nationalist movement?

I'm for the Nationalist bit, I'm over globalism, but I don't understand the Nationalist-Socialist angle. The PQ here is more of a Nationalist-Socialist platform, too, but I'd like to see a more Libertarian Capitalist Nationalist party start up here.

Hitler was redpilled on the Jews but ultimately he was one of their tools. Jews metagame is wicked. We need to get rid of them.


The way to defeat an aggressor is to be a victim. Victims can get away with anything and be morally correct. Murder, theft, whatever. If you're a victim, you are in the right. Aggressors are always wrong. No matter what their stance, what their values are, what their reasons are, aggressors are always wrong and bad.

I agree with you but it not an excuse when I say that everything that happend after the war to Germany basically reversed what Hitler tried to teach the german people. It's not so much about the material side of things but the spirit and identity. Every new alt right ideology or the IB try as hard as they can to distance themselfs from the NS stigma, because if they would advocate NS point of views it gives legitimacy to ban them.

Martin Sellner makes a few english videos maybe worth to check out, (((Molymeme))) is okay, varg is impractical, rebel media is cucks, alex is nuts, hanity/tucker only good for bashing. (((Rubin Report))) What else is there... Black Pidgeon, Brother Nathanael? The only person I still trust is Jared Taylor (check out American Renissance).

One can argue that winning now under a renewed NS banner is doomed to fail for if it was completely crush then, despite its might, any attempt in the current situation is nowhere close of any chance of moderate success.

Of course, one has to acknowledge the legal frame in which he evolves. And to some point, Germany finds herself in a situation where her last remnants of vitality could only arise against NS and not for her own people.

This is what a negative identity produces. It would be like trying to destroy the Catholic Church by self-portraying as a Satan worshipper and hoping for a popular success.

As a result, i think the best solution would be to go as far as the law permits while never buying the guilt game nor even trying to play the anti-nazi card.

The new german generation is fighting a war against the boomers whose successes were built upon submission and self-hatred. The tasl of the new generation is to destroy that in order the next generation can once more stand as a nation and abolish the 1945 result. Just as Hitler destroyed the 1919 result.

I am convinced that there is no solution for Europe as long as the Germans behave as they do.

The system has no interest in allowing such a dangerous movenent. They will let it grow at first, then label it by the lying media the way they want it to be portrayed and just see the witch hunt unfold by the leftist dominated news agencies. If it is still growing they will take steps to ban it, because it's easy to infiltrate and false flag disputes within such a movement and / or it's followers.

Beside that as I tried to explain early on the new generation maybe the first one to speak up against the unjust but it's also in the midst of becoming a minority. And just like in your country the youth lacks male idols and role models that aren't actors or singers, but real historical figures. This is especially true for elementary schools and kindergardens. I could google random ones and they'll be completely dominated by females only. Why do I say this? Because the oriental invaders have different standards of what is manly and therefore they are the more dominant individual that is more likely to resort to violence and riots than their german counterpart.

Of course, but that is not a reason to not go on with this. The situation is such that this movement will appear anyway.

Germany will not be stable for long : as soon as her exports collapse, she will face tremendous problems which will create civil unrest.

You can alwsys rely on us to defeat the gerrys.

Yes the movement will come or grow but an essential part we witness is the struggle to overcome the black pill mentality among our own to not accept that we are already over the point of no return or an actual minority already. Even when foreigners living here adapt to our view like the pole described, it isn't the Germany anybody desires to live in. We seem to not be able to reverse and go back to a monocultural society. A civil unrest just adds more to the misery of the deminishing white population and bear no fruits for real innovation or a greater goal. It will just be a mass of people with vastly different backgrounds realizing they're suddenly on the losing end of things while others will exploit this opportunity to be on the benefiting end of it.

Shikata ga nai.