What's your honest opinion on Paul Joseph Watson?


Miss checking out Prague's vibrant gay scene! ;*(


Clickbait-y as fuck, but useful for redpilling normies.

He's a based, redpilled /POL approved youtuber. Definitely /ourguy/ and an essential part of our movement (Civic National Globalism)


He's a faggot
No further discussion needed

I don't care either way but his twitter is weapons grade cringe.

Everyone keeps talking about this phantom "asian" gf. But nobody has ever provided any evidence of her.

That no one will ever be able to IMHAGIN HIS SHOCKH


>Omg the LEFT
>ONE person said x so now you all agree!

I hate retards like this

He's a goofy guy with too big an ego.

Red polling normies into what, (((civic nationalism))) or how the migrants are bad to gays and supporting Israel?

He's a gatekeeper like all the rest Cuckepede e-celebreties

How many times a day are you fudge packers going to create this same thread?

He makes my skin crawl.
He's a cringey fuck, all too quick to jump on any bandwagon that presents itself

interesting thread. I think he's great

He's a faggot and a loser but he gets Redditors and Twitter users interested in right wing politics so I don't care.

pretty cool guy but not a great drinker and has a tendency to take the low road instead on staying on point and taking on the bad guys. needs to do more pieces on how fucked up the bbc is and that they have a seriously fucked up policy on hiding pedos

He's cute, intelligent, funny and has a hot accent. I want to shove my tits in his face.


There isn't one. He's gay as fuck.

I do not blame Muslims for the terrorist attacks, the rapes, the dead, the broken.
I blame the Europeans.

I blame the Europeans who celebrated their coming.
I blame the Europeans who, while being opposed to the migrants, stayed quiet and hid in their homes.
I blame the Europeans who voted for the politicians that brought the migrants.
And I blame the Europeans who voted against those politicians.
I blame the Europeans who are angry.
I blame the Europeans who are sad.
I blame the Europeans who are happy.
I blame the Europeans who are glad.

I blame you, European, child of Mother Europa, he who is tasked with defending that land.
I blame you, European, for what you have done and for what you did not do.
Her blood is on your hands.

He's good. He's helping to get young people away from leftism.

He's getting them to vote for the right stuff even if it is for the wrong reasons. Most people are easily controlled like that.

hes very annoying but hes fighting the good fight

only jealous nazis and commies hate him

>Maybe i keep posting the "character assassination" image people will just forget that 80% openly shill for Israel

Haha you sure showed all these shills based magapede!

i unironically want to fight him

>I blame the Europeans who celebrated their coming.
>I blame the Europeans who, while being opposed to the migrants, stayed quiet and hid in their homes.
>I blame the Europeans who voted for the politicians that brought the migrants.
>And I blame the Europeans who voted against those politicians.
>I blame the Europeans who are angry.
>I blame the Europeans who are sad.
>I blame the Europeans who are happy.
>I blame the Europeans who are glad.
who is behind all of this

What "right stuff"? Literally nothing has changed

>she was asking for it

Neger bitte

Illegal spic immigration is down 60% for one. Also Trump is trying to get his policies through but the liberals and neo-cons are opposing it.

Lets see, theres 2 kekistan threads, a the_donald thread, 2 stickman thread, a general cringe thread, and a somewhat disguised pjw thread.

Seems legit, I wonder who's next? maybe a mcinnes or lauren southern thread. You'll probably get a few more shekels for one of those.

It is unquestionably better that he exists and is doing his thing than otherwise.

It's not even low hanging fruit. The fruit is on the floor.


Based advertising exec working for a Jewish media outlet promoting Israel and "western chauvinusm" that is somehow supposed to work out with admitting shit skins and based negros.

Wow sure is a lot character to assassinate

>using Jew pictures and talking about shekels in reference to literal Israel promoters

Ok bud

best thing about him are the pictures made from his hilariously stupid videos

But this is true. For example my brother watched some video of Katie Hopkins doing an interview on YouTube, then after that his recommended list is full of stuff like PJW.

i would even say the fruit is starting to decompose and being thrown out into the garden.

I find his voice annoying when he makes videos

He is obnoxious as fuck.

He repeats his little sound bite ad naseum like a fucking infomercial salesman.

Also a closet fag.

I guess he is babby's first redpill for a lot of people, but he absolutely refuses to touch the JQ and instead prefers to talk about

>'so what's the deal with Islam?
>'so what's the deal with feminism?'
>'how about those leftists, huh?'

Good man. Why would anyone dislike him?


One of the most annoying faggots on the internet.
I'd put him on par with other annoying leftists like Penny and the black MTV girl, no intelligence but big opinions, not to forget cringy as fuck.

le point out the obvious and make sweeping claims man.

He shouldn't have jumped off the Trump Train.


He's a meme

>"Conservatism is the new Punk"

That statment is what tipped me off to him being retarded


I can see your point, but i don't think thats actually a bad thing. I started watching him about two weeks ago, and i think i have seen about 150 of his clips by now.

I mean, honestly, i don't enjoy spending 2 hours watching/reading up on shit i don't fucking care about. I have trouble getting through some of his 30 minute episodes. However most of his episodes are bite sized (5-10 minutes), have a bit of humor in them and gives me a different view on the topics that i hear on the news.

I consider myself to be somewhat of a normie. In a way some of the points he made in his video's made me more extreme to a point where i'm not confident to show my powerlevel to my girlfriend of 9 years.

Attention whore but useful

I wish molyneux keep his videos shorter instead of rambling about for hours every day.
that's the problem with conservative stuff usually. it's too much every day. for example, infowars and the talk radio shows!

He comes across as a cringy goober sometimes but at least he fights for the right side

liberals are idiots, not like us enlightened right wing we are better than their team.


His videos are useless. He's ranting about stuff everyone is already talking about, and he often make himself look ridiculous, by doing like those IRL strawman. He's overreacting to everything and it's like he's screaming everytime.
He's stupid imo

The only time he's not cancer it's on INFOWARS

Incredibly cringe-worthy but does help redpill.

He's a homo.

not so bad as someone says, not as good as he believes he is

I would fuck hon in the throat and asshole and finish inside.

Pretty boy w a pretty face. Needs a rough handling.

We know it's you making these threads every day Paul. And we all think you're a massive faggot.


there are older videos of him about (before he really started with the super obnoxious, in your face rant style videos) that were critical of israel. this is about as far as he's ever got to it, and ever will.

A popular person spreading a lot of right wing ideas?


Name 5 people in the WORLD better than him at redpilling normies.

not gonna lie, former meteor here. it's fucking hilarious watching PJW crash and burn but in all seriousness we cant let him imagine his shock

Obnoxious reddit tier edge lord.

WHy isnt he on appearing on Alex's 30 hour Caveman Broth Telethon?

Face on screen
Just a perception
Sage in the options field

If he's getting a response from you then it clearly isn't.

bill nye
lena dunham
angela merkel
shaun king

This is getting ridiculous. Maybe PJW is posting these . Why? Why are these threads always here? Getting as bad as those retarded Andy sixxs threads on Sup Forums

A faggot who wont talk about the real (((problem))).

means well
lacks self-awareness

What they also do is turn millions of young, weak minded people in to flaming SJW's for the rest of their life.

Drinking milk is racist now wtf ever? They might as well come out and say working out or not being a strung up drug addict is racist. They want whites to be as weak as possible.

Embrace strength, then their side will be weak and pathetic. Even our short men are superior to any of them.

Incredibly annoying and when I saw a video of his that discussed a topic I actually knew something about I realised he doesn't even know what he's talking about.

He's okay when he puts Michael Moore on blast and shit, but he has a cult following on TD and panders to them like he's their cooler older brother with ties to pol

I'd like him a lot more if he had the balls to give us a timestamp since he very blatantly browses.

a retard.

He's what most of the eurofags here think they are but can't admit.

Even worse is that they don't realize how cringe it is to be like PJW or that they are all just carbon copies of him.

I wish we could collectively get rid of all these shit-tier anglo youtube larpers.
fuck Alex Jones, fuck PJW, fuck Sargon of Cukkad, fuck Lauren Southern and fuck Milo.

they're attention whores at best and controlled opposition at worst

Alex Jones's cock sock.

can we keep alex jones but gas all the others?

Entertaining videos, annoying ego.

He explained in one of his videos that he was joking in that tweet.