Antifa riot in Olympia, Washington state capitol, get run out of town by homeless crowd

basic gestalt:

antifa riot on mayday in olympia washington.

they litter

local homeless tell antifa fags to pick up their trash, 'we live here'

antifa tear gas the local homeless in response (better than gassing themselves like the berkley fags I guess?)

homeless proceed to throw bricks and rocks at antifa, chase them away, cops let homeless do their thing

antifa run down the street, smash a few windows at the local bank(FUCK CAPITALISM AMIRITE?) and some local indie clothing stores because (???? FUCK CAPITALISM AMIRITE????? )

hilarious video of riot narrated by stormfront:

Nice. Have a bump.



>call yourselves defenders of the weak and helpless
>pick a fight with homeless people
>lose the fight


Literally some of the worst people in our society

Clearly Antifa are weak and helpless

And they wonder why people hate them. Between this and them claiming "B-but we're on the side of the little people, the workers and the proles", I'm wondering how long before people get completely fed up and start attacking on sight.

>tfw bands of antifa rabble are much, much whiter than Sup Forums

They do seem to be an extremely weak enemy. The left really traded down when they replaced BLM riots with Antifa riots.

Every single one of them looks exactly like the cucks I imagined they'd look like.

Lmao they got attacked by bums

Imagine just being completely immune irony and hypocrisy and having no ability to take an introspective look at your movement and it's values

I can't imagine what being a far left libtard is like

Olyfag here. Every normal person in the city is pissed about this

>be a commie retard
>use tear gas and other shit
>run away when hobos throw shit at you.

>"The newest satellite launched by independant Canadian user, S.I.D.E.S, reached Saturn, at 10:57 today, massively augmenting speed due to its refuelling of irony earlier in the morning."

What did the city vote last election?

Street Justice

>that narration

my parents used to own the dry clean in front of TOP foods by the capital mall. if some antifa broke all those windows in the laundromat and dry cleaner, i would go all rooftop korean on them omfg i almost wish it would happen
we had a lot of cops as customers, they all loved korean biz owners because they never caused any problems


I almost feel like joining Antifa and going to meetings, for the sole purpose of collecting intel on the members and sabotaging them. But I couldn't be one of them even for pretend.

lol, my parents live in olympia. wish I was back home for this.

lmao. even homeless people hate antifa

>commies run out of town by the actual poor
You can't make this shit up.

they want to give everyone an equal opportunity to hate them. They are just that progressive

>AntiFA high and mighty when they out number Trump supporters 100 to 1
>Trump supporters have had ENOUGH of their shit
>Proceed to beat them at every turn

It's like pottery, it just works.

Can I get a quick rundown ?

Mental illness. A liberal journalist for the Phoenix New Times went out to one of their protest ready to write a puff piece, and they were so nasty and hostile he left red pilled and wrote a slam article instead.

fucking annoying commentary
just show the footage faggot

The narrator sounds extremely judaic.

>fucking annoying commentary

the guy didnt shoot it, he just arm chair narrated as we watched the news, whatever, the footage is hilarious, put it on mute

These twats do my headin. They're the same in the UK; claim to be working for the working class but wont hesitate to brand or stigmatise the poor. They think they represent us simply because theres no organised movement to counter their protests or most people simply say fuck it ill keep quiet and vote instead. They're larping fags who legitimately believe they have the support of the working class but only left wing students and upper class champagne socialists support them and they then wonder why parties like labour are dying.