FBI: Email to Comey - Will Protect Hillary at all Costs

One set of rules for the elite, another set of rules for the working class.

When and how can we get the corrupt bastards OUT?!


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Bump, good post OP new pol will ignore it.



I watched the entire hearing I don't recall:
>FBI had found an email was obtained by Russian hackers that indicated that former DOJ hack Loretta Lynch would do everything she could to protect Hillary from prosecution

Here's the video: youtu.be/cvvf4Sag7gk

headline is a bit over hyped (but whatever).




Yeah i read through the whole leak this morning. It's hillarious to read about the 300 confirmed kills but seriously it's nothing and we can't let Trump get his hands on the cruzmissle delegates anyway.

Capper. Yes plox

Also bump


Give them what they fear the most... The day of the rope is upon us.

Go get them.

I for one welcome our new FBI overlords.

King comey of the sewer rats.

It was pretty obvious Lynch was a shill for Hill when she attended congressional oversight. What a double talking fool.


ive lost all hope for comey since mccain started praising him

meanwhile i trust kek, praise//



This email was actually disclosed by the New York Times a couple of weeks ago, but it was burried deep in an article and only recieved a passing mention. Most likely the NSA threatened to leak it and Comey made a deal to expose Hillary while not recommending charges.

Check out this guy's videos. He is more comprehensive and accurate than any journalist I've seen.

enjoy having a worldview informed by clickbait hyperbole and disinfo
feel free to tell me the timestamp where comey mentions anything about a smoking gun on loretta lynch

hes funposting m8, lurkmoar


Did you even read the post m80?

Haven't watched this go around yet. Too much blood in ETOH stream. But as was mentioned above it was in nyt article and he did say lynch had him boxed in.


fucking kek


Hmmmmm, unrelated i guess

What is "new pol"?

Not surprised at this corruption.

Violent revolution based on constitutional ideals

>>>/reddit/ here's a ticket home


Bump. MOAR!

Kek, gg lurk more newfag.

I definitely do and asked pol for confirmation but got ignored cause nu pol cares about nigger tier stick man over this


...and you're "old pol" why? Because of these memeposts?

It's a non answer from comey, as expected

go back to le reddit scum

>One set of rules for the elite, another set of rules for the working class.

why is that wrong though?

you have to have a very good reason (criminal intent) to jail the nominee of one of the two major parties otherwise you have a banana republic

new pol = taking bait unironically and often
pol = taking bait ironically or not at all

i cant speak on oldpol whatever the fuck that even is


daily reminder you don't live where you think you live

Anyone reusing the 'le' meme is a 2 month old newfag. It's resurgence is from 'le shills' and we can smell you a mile away. Now fuck off with your divide and conquer and get back to shitposting on Fox News

old pol is what new pol thinks old fags are

either really good shitpost or really ironic

i fucking hate nupol and or shills
this is one of the first good meaningful threads in the catalog and it gets burried

Nigger what? The le has been a staple of reddit cancer for at minimum four years.


I'm afriad this was all ruse by ((them))

Kushner has Trump on a leach and soon Comey and his dogs will unleash a shower of fake news to destroy his administration.

They even got Pence to vet Flynn knowing well that Flynn was a russian agent.

Just who the hell will take over if both Trump and Pence step down? Paul Ryan? Mr.Turtle?

give me more user...



any other sources?

>The document, which has been described as both a memo and an email, was written by a Democratic operative who expressed confidence that Ms. Lynch would keep the Clinton investigation from going too far, according to several former officials familiar with the document.
>according to several former officials
>comey says he can't discuss classified matters in an open hearing

No one here has called it le reddit for years. Brock must've given you a briefing during your 'divide and conquer 101' meeting that 'if you use le it makes you look like an ironic oldfag'


>What would Jesus do?
Deep down in your heart you know exactly what you're supposed to do, burger!

I made a bread about Barry obummer being gay as depicted on Drudge referencing his new biography and that shot slid hard. Nupol is lame o

His bum buddy looks rather jewish

>I watched the entire hearing I don't recall:

I watched, and Comey was asked about this and gave his "I cannot comment in this open arena" answer. The Senator said he'd be following up in private.