Democrats Sing"Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey Goodbye" After Healthcare Vote

>Democrats and the left in general keep being disconnected from reality
More news later

Isnt that shit song only sung to make fun of something losing....even more evidence that the dems are completely out of touch

such children, and people are wondering why they only gained 2 seats in the senate

>If your enemy passes their legislation you win
What is this pants on head retardation with the Dems?

I saw this live and thought it was being played by the streamer.

It makes no sense for Democrats to sing this, its like they've never been to a sporting event.

Democrats actually still believe NYT (((polling))) after getting totally fucked in the ass by polls last election.

No wonder everything is such a mess. At least half the people in our government are literal faggots

what did they mean by this? that chant is supposed to be chanted when you win something...
>american politics

Yes, democrats are retards and niggers, incapable of even the barest propriety, we know this already.

I thought it was Republicans singing since Obamacare was leaving. Am I retard?

the rejoinder may have been republicans

this is what I would assume
I'm confused

Probably that the house is fucked in 2018. There's not even a CBO score on this bill yet, and they still shoved it through.

Nancy Pelosi gave a speech that those who voted for it wouldn't be re-elected so maybe that was the relevance of "goodbye"

Either way it was pretty shitty and retarded IRL memeing by the dems

holy shit they are legitimately retarded

THEY HAVE WON you fucking idiots.

They have won the midterm election because the GOP house just nuked their fucking electorate.

The left can't process anything other than a smug sense of superiority anymore, even in the face of defeat.

Uhhh...I don't think they know what the point of singing that is.

>tfw being a trannie is considered a preexisting condition
>tfw no health plans cover their stupid shit anymore

Not particularly. This bill is an abortion regardless of where you are on the spectrum, with 0 chance of getting through the Senate and becoming law. Some of the areas that will lose out the most are Republican. Also they pushed it through with a lot of back alley dirty deals and amendments that are either just plain porky or lobbyist wet dreams, and without waiting for a CBO score for the impact of it.

Will that actually mean anyone loses their seats?

Dunno, honestly. I think most of this stuff is actually staggered to not take effect until 2019 and 2021.

>Obamacare is the key to all healthcare in America
>no one making less than $100k a year survived if they got sick before 2011

this is what faggots think everyone will believe

It doesn't matter. The only real healthcare solution is to start killing old people and fat people. Anything else won't work. Just look at Europe.

How do you figure? Many people voted for Trump because they wanted Obamacare gone.

Seriously, this. I keep wondering if these people just can't remember anything that happened more than six months ago or what they're thinking

Is the new bill worse than Obamacare?

I keep hearing this meme but I really don't know anything about it.

They sang that because they feel many Republicans will lose their next election because of the way they voted on that bill.

Not that hard to understand.

I think they are celebrating the republican ownership of the obamacare nightmare.
Obamacare is crashing but most assholes don't understand that fully and it hasn't collapsed fully, yet.
Dems were already doing damage control about how they were going to narrative their way out of the fiasco when it did.

Now they get to blame the entire nightmare on republicans. Remember they ruined healthcare for everyone to get coverage to 10-20 million "previously uninsurable" americans. Remember that because they are going to fucking champion those fuckers for the next 3 years.

There are fewer elected Dems in the country now than anytime in the last 80 years.

it's not that much different. But as is the case with politics, professional politicians will try to make is appear to be a big deal. And many sheep will follow.

>all the GOP ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare
>Won House, Senate and white house on repealing Obamacare.

Yea it is hard to understand unless you just assume they are all idiots


People are acting like Obamacare has been a thing for decades. It's enraging.

what has trump actually done so far?

bombed based assad
failed to get funding for a wall
failed healthcare

what a joke, you never win with jews still alive, we need a final final solution

That's what I was thinking. Can't they even manage to do something so simple as lose properly?

You are too retarded to be shitty at bait or shitty at shilling and not funny enough to shitpost.

Remember Remember the Titans?

At least it shows how they actually don't care about >muh uninsured and simply are happy about their delusions of republicans losing support over this.

Yeah, they just went bankrupt or didn't get surgeries for non-life threatening problems.

There's a reason why there was such a push for healthcare reform. The previous system had hospitals and the states footing the bills for everyone without insurance, because a hospital couldn't turn them away. That was the reason why the previous model was unsustainable and will be unsustainable again should we go back to it.

You end up paying for it. It can be either through group buy with health insurance, or more general taxes.

So long as we refuse to let people without insurance just die, you're gonna pay.

>This bill is an abortion regardless of where you are on the spectrum
poorfag detected

name one good thing he has done

Okay, admittedly, if you make $200k+ a year this bill is fucking great.

ahca: 17% approval
aca: 55% approval

god i hate that everything has to be so fucking serious all the time
honestly i would love it if congressmen still started fencing when they get angry

I hate it when people try stupid memes like this. Also why do democrats have extremely strict party lines while republicans are all "whatever"? There wasn't a single Democrat who voted yes to this thing while a bunch of Republicans voted no. Can anyone explain this?

Right, so democrats just being partisan and republicans being principled. Same as usual.

Dems definitely continue to show they learned nothing from Trump winning in November.

But.... congressional elections are much different then presidential ones.

Politicians are whores, and Dems and Repubs want something for nothing. So no doubt the middle-class and upper-class is going to continue to get screwed vis-à-vis health care

>these people have the power to affect you and your livelihood
oh man..

tens of millions of people lose healthcare coverage
Reps lose big in midterms

your mean politicians and normies

the republicans painted themselves into a corner by being partisan hacks and now they're forced to hold their nose and rubberstamp a garbage pile to save face
democrats are of course being partisan but they've moved the country as a whole to the left on access to healthcare

30 million people lost their insurance because of Obama care
20 million signed up
10 million said fuck it
now the 30 million will get back on their employer healthcare

It is a wash you moron

>Obamacare goes goodbye
>Dems celebrate

Pretty much this. And the people losing their obamacare are overwhelmingly default dem voters anyway. Let them die.

If your enemies pass legislature you win.

Nominated and had confirmed a non marxist to the supreme court.

Repealed a third of Obama's EOs.

Ordered the DoT to not enforce Obamacare mandates on individuals and small businesses (this is a big deal if you aren't a pretend communist on campus)

Trolled the living fuck out of California in general.

Set the 9th circuit up for review and censure.

Gave runaway PC Culture a seizure and a reality check.

If he resigned tomorrow he would have been worth it just for the above.

They're doing so as they think GOP will lose seats in 2018 because of this.

Libs are so cringey.

This bill gives Dems Congress in 2018, and possibly the Senate too.

How is that not a win?

Remember we're not in phase 3 yet we barely know what the end bill will look like. It could be an abortion of a bill or actually be legit, this is a good first step though.

A pretty big number of people who have insurance because of Obamacare got it because they were forced to, or pay the fine.

Of course a lot of young, healthy people, perhaps without much foresight, will get rid of insurance they were forced to buy in the first place.

There are tons of free gibsmedats available for anyone too poor to afford insurance.

>Only in repealing Obamacare

It's more than that. Appealing to SJW's and cheating in the primaries for a fair election basically landed the Republicans all 3 things. Getting rid of Obamacare is a partisan thing only Republicans care about.

The dems are implying the GOP getting buttfucked in the 2018 midterm elections.
Which I don't get since Trump's whole platform during his campaign was repealing obamacare, the people who voted for him surely shouldnt be surprised.

The democratic party is essentially just a cult at this point.

If you don't like it why didn't you run for senate?

Really though, we should probably try to all go to one city and take it over someday.

kind of creepy actually

I don't see any dems singing it faggot, thats coming from the repubs

Because the Majority of Republicans voted it in there is not enough Democrats in the house to do Jack shit about it. So the Democrats can pin it on the Republicans for not being aligned with what the majority that like Obamacare wanted.

Republicans have fallen for the Honeypot.

>mfw everyone forgets about this in a year
>dems still can't produce numbers in an off year
>lose even more seats
What did they mean by this.

Trump is doing so many things so soon after being elected. Way more than Obama ever did.

>This bill gives Dems Congress in 2018, and possibly the Senate too.


>Let them die
But they won't. They'll go to the ER, which taxpayers have to pay for. Under Obamacare they were forced to get their own coverage and pay for their care themselves.

What is this vote even about?


It was so bad the opposing party all opposed and even some of the same party did too?

liberal pipedream. they think all the rural people are suddenly going to vote democrat over something that is more of an issue for city democrats that rely on gov aide.

>the Democratic Party is now the embodiment of Brendan Fraser
This is what I wanted.

The people that voted for him are too dumb to realize that they will be getting fucked the hardest. They'll find out soon enough.

They've absolutely gone bonkers. Don't even pay attention to them.

the world's memory is not like yours. It will be brought up when the elections happen in 2018.

>democrats pass obamacare with house and senate majority
>democrats start loosing over 1,200 seats of elected offices starting 2010
>trump win presidency vowing end to obamacare
>obamacare begins to get BTFO
>democrats sing goodbye song at vote where they lose

At least they know they're on their way out as a national party. Good riddance to trash.

They aren't that stupid. What they do understand is the threat of political momentum. This is what they are trying to curb.

lmao the democrats being obstructionist shouldn't give you any inclination on whether a bill has merit or not.

breaking news: having to pay a 6000 deductible is basically not having healthcare.

Obamacara was an atrocity. A plan so fucking terrible Dems in congress tried to get exempted from it, and so broken its own architect admitted it was a scam.

Oh, and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor". Remember that?

Not only that but remember those that voted for Trump did like Bernie Sanders and wanted to kill Hillary. It had enough of an effect to pull Wisconsin and Michigan to Trump. He can not afford to lose that base.

So the only thing he's *akshually* done government wise as president is confirm Neil Gorsuch and repeal a couple of Obama's EO's?

He's done less than any other president of the 20th and 21st century because his big ideas keep getting blocked by the supreme court.

Sure, he's been a "troll" but that doesn't take much skill, just general flippancy and insouciance. Obama trolled cuckservatives for years (a bit more covertly than trump obvs). Hell, even Bush did a bit of trolling

He's just been incompetent at his job. Can't even get his cabinet filled.

Back to fucking reddit

Told you fuckers they would not pass a repeal bill until the tax season closed April 15th. They had to get in all that penalty money before dropping your insurance premiums.

Why shouldnt we just let the gov take over and run healthcare. Theyve handled the Veterans Affairs healthcare in an exemplary manner.

This bill has a 17% approval rating and already Republican senators are saying they wont vote for it.

I like the way the Brits handle shit, its actually entertaining to watch them roast each other all day

>they btfo themselves now

best timeline

Why americunts hate free healthcare? Every developed country has this.
In fact, you could have a better health care for a lower price.
Go and vote for the Free Health Care Plan 2018!

he's been president for less than 110 days and already he is facefucking the left and their agenda.
He is doing his job. He is doing what he was elected for.
He isn't your president, remember? He's ours.


People in Iowa literally have no health insurance under Obamacare, and it's becoming true for more states.

You trumptarda have no sense of history. The dems are mocking the republicans because they did this to then when Clinton passed a tax bill that ended up outing most dems in congress.

This will have the same effect on republicans


This is beyond pathetic

What even is that doggo?
Looks like its poor corgi mother got raped by a nigger pitbull

Makes no sense.

Even if they did lose house seats, Democucks are literally FUCKED in the Senate.

Republicans can afford to lose a dozen house seats.

Democrats cant afford to lose a single senate seat.

God damn Democrats are fucking retarded.

Sorry but you're not going to go to the ER for an MRI if you want to see if your MS plaque has gotten worse. You don't know what you're talking about.

I mean, if Putin said that we should abandon free governmental healthcare, Kremlin would be burnt the next day, I afraid.

>Back to fucking reddit
Oh shit user, I totally mistook you for a random fellow and not a horribly clumsy raid shill. My mistake. Yes I better go back to breddit and have thoughtful discourse about gender spectrums and the exquisite bill nye.

A majority of the country, in every single poll, wants the affordable care act to remain. A majority of the country, in every single poll, wants preexisting conditions to be covered by insurance. A majority of the country, in every single poll, thinks you should read the fucking chart.