Trayvon Martin

>"The slain Florida teenager -- killed by George Zimmerman five years ago -- will be awarded a posthumous bachelor's degree in aeronautical science from Florida Memorial University."

Although the linked Article is CNN, numerous """""""News Agencies""""""" are reporting the same thing. Can anyone make any sense of this? Why would they award someone, who did not complete High School and took no college courses, a BS in aeronautical science? What is their end game? Do they just want to devalue a degree from their university?

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Maybe they wanna show respect, dickbutt

>it's as stupid as it appears
yeah i agree

dumb, but who really cares, he's fucking dead and never coming back

but why

there's nothing worth respecting about travyon


If this gets more than 10 (you)'s, kek will die tonight.

You've been warned, Sup Forums.

They're virtue signalling in hopes of securing more funding.


This is some advanced form of historical revisionism.

back 2 reddit

Kek is already dead, white friend

He's a human being, you fucking ding-dong

It's because they want journalists to write "white supremacist killed black Bachelor of Science in Aviation". Sounds better than white supremacist kills drug-dealing nigger.

>Florida Memorial University
is this a div 2 college? maybe they just do it for nigg marketing.

sure, lets give a college degree to a nigger who clearly never would have been smart enough to obtain one on his own merits.

haha you're funny, so where's your ACTUAL reason

Wasn't there and didn't see anything, but the degree seems apropos.

Reason: the fact they're giving it to him puts my sides in orbit.

Are you sure?

Getting popularity points.
Retards love this kind of shit, they will be talking about it for months.
Talking = $$$

Haha pathetic dicklet whitebois can't compete with our superior intelligence. Back to the caves with you crackas!

he wuz a plane engineer n sheeit

Not anymore he's not

Why is simple.

His mom has a degree from that university, and he was taking some classes (pilot classes) apparently in the past.

>mfw I contribute more to society when I'm dead

1. Crime free for eternity
2. Get (not earn) a college degree
3. Provide nutrients for grass and worms

>Florida memorial university

More like Florida meme university

he was a punk ass thug... deserved the slugs


You know you can curse on Sup Forums, right? Is your mommy looking over your shoulder or something?

He died when he was 17, before he was able to take any classes

The Miami Herald also reported that Martin was not happy at Krop High School: in one of his tweets he had written, "WULD I MISS KROP?? HELL NAW FUK DA SKOOL, FUK DA LUNCH, ND MOST OF ALL FUK DA FACULTY..... IMA MISS SUM OF DA STUDENTS, MAINLY DA BABIES ;)"

Sound like this kid was going to be the next Albert Einstein.

lmao soooo fucking true... what a joke

death to kek

I don't mind, he's dead, kek.

Pretty much this

Let the kid have his degree. I remember reading that he always wanted to be a pilot. It's a pleasant gift.

Still taking gibs after death.

One of the oldest academic centers in Florida, the university was founded in 1879 as the Florida Baptist Institute in Live Oak, Florida.

Notable alumni:
- Barrington Irving, Jr.: In 2007 became the first and youngest African-American pilot to fly solo around the world
- Freddie Lee Peterkin: Soul and Gospel singer aka Freddie Lee

Kek, 150 years and only 2 "notable" alumni

>human being


"Yo mufugga why we gotta talk about this bernoulli nigga and his principles and shit so much mane. Just gimme my mufuggen airplane degree and fuck on outta here cracka ass professa"

this describes every negroid


Maybe the uni did this to get better PR. Pic related. Get higher graduation rates by giving away useless degrees to dead orcs.

The "kid" is dead, mongtard, he can't possess anything and will never know.

This doesn't even have anything to do with baby Tray-Tray. Ham was the first hominid in space but he was never given a degree because of racism, so they're giving an honorary degree to one of his contemporary brothers to remove the stain. Learn to fucking read then KYS.


Wait until the first black lives matter activist arguments like: "That kid was only 15 years old and he already had a bachelor in aeronautical sciences ... think about that"

>Some of the cell phone texts the defense wanted to use showed Martin had texted about his fights, marijuana use, and guns, and that he had described himself as "gangsta".
>Martin, who was 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m) tall and weighed 158 pounds (72 kg) at the time of his death.



Black people can get degrees half a decade after they've been dead and they're still failing. baka.

in 20 years, the narrative will be "hateful white supremacist systematically stalked and premeditatively murdered an innocent black genius baby"

Here's why.

>it's real
wow steam might be better off sticking to pixel shit after all, but those reviews are quality.

>The only way a nigger can earn a degree is if he dies as a violent nigger with a media coverup

I don't get it
Trayvonn was being followed by an unfamiliar man with a gun
Technically trayvon was the one standing his ground

>Although the linked Article is CNN, numerous """""""News Agencies""""""" are reporting the same thing. Can anyone make any sense of this? Why would they award someone, who did not complete High School and took no college courses, a BS in aeronautical science? What is their end game? Do they just want to devalue a degree from their university?
They get one more black spot for affirmative action filled, they don't spend any money, and the prestige of their degree is still great, as Trayvon will never fly a plane.

and that's probably how the average school looks in 50 years

Because he couldn't get one in aquanautics.

>king of manlets

That "man" had a license to conceal carry. GZ did not violate any law by confronting him about his whereabouts.

Do you think it's rational response to smash someone's head into pavement for asking, "what are you doing?"

this explains everything

I'm a human bean, where's my honorary bachelor in space-o-nautics?

>colleges now unironically giving medals to fallen useful idiots in their Marxist culture war

What a time to be alive.



So did Alton Sterling
Wouldn't you be creeped out by some fat angry looking fuck with a gun following you at night?
Trayvon was right

Literal good people die everyday; Trayvon was evil

Where's their honors?

> When a black kid makes it further in death than he ever would in life


For what purpose? Why would they bring him up again? It will only serve as a reminder to his family that he's dead and never even finished high school.

I have two more degrees than he does. Working on my fourth.
The cherry on top is I earned mine, and I'm still alive.

>Wouldn't you be creeped out by some fat angry looking fuck with a gun following you at night?
>Trayvon was right

He had the firearm concealed and it was his job to watch the neighborhood.

Him asking a question is well within the rights of even you and me.

Trayvon attacked without just cause.

If you think he was right to, then you're a retard.

a dead nigger is smarter than the alive version who was a fucking criminal.

My sides!!!!!

>killed by George Zimmerman five years ago

He coulda cure cancer n sheeeeit

>90% nigger, spic, or illegal spic.

Alton Sterling resisted arrest while in possession with a gun, correct yourself.

>Wouldn't you be creeped out by some fat angry looking fuck with a gun following you at night?
Trayvon was right
Certainly. But I wouldn't turn around and smash his head into concrete. I'd run. Thank god I don't have a subhuman IQ.

Whats your zip code by the way? Let see if you're dumb enough to share a neighborhood with blacks.

>39.9% graduation rate


Why literal rocket science?
Couldn't they at least give him a posthumongous degree in a field he was working in, like pharmaceutical sciences?

So wanting to know why your being arrested is resisting
Also in the video(watch both angles) the officers had both of his hands restrained

show some respect ffs

So do I get a post death degree because im human, or is it only for criminal niggers who assault people and get shot?

Gotta make saint Treyvon a productive member of society somehow.

>What is their end game?
Reality readjustment. In 15 years kids will learn in schools that dr. Trayvon Martin was killed in a terrorist attack by a white supremacist George Zimzam who was screaming racial epithets when he pulled the trigger.

Was he only 5'11"? I thought it was shown he was over 6ft in court and towered over Zim.

It appears you're completely ignoring the fact that a struggle ensued. What prevented him from putting his hands up and informing the police officer right away that he had a gun in his pocket, and then taking his gripe to the courts? Why haven't local, state, and federal prosecutors successfully repeated your arguments in the courts?

Why have you switched the subject from Trayvon to "muh Alton Sterling" ignoring the fact that Trayvon acted irrationally?

Are you going to provide your zip code or not?

Human beings don't act like nogs... please kill yourself immediately.

>BS in aeronautical science
Sounds about right

>instead of of spending thousands of government dollars to put blacks through college we can spend 20 cents on a bullet and post-humorously award them degrees

I think I found a great way to save some money guys

If all it takes to get a degree is being human then where is my free degree

>human beans
*breathes in*

Racists confusing their blacks.

It was Seal who sang "I believe I can fly", not Trayvon. They just played it at his funeral.


You have to be a human being AND be the right color. Sorry.

Further proof that higher education is a joke.

Never forget

Her mom probably made good money form interviews and selling some dindu nuffin shit

if tray trays so smart why is he dead? check mate liberals

Because degrees are worthless so why not give them out to signal virtue? That's why most people go to
College anymore anyway.

what did kek mean by this?


He was a scientist!