Is French Presidential Candidate Emmanuel Macron Engaging In Tax Evasion?

Don't let this slide. He's threatening to sue anyone who is spreading this info. Just proves his guilt desu.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just a friendly reminder that Taxation Is Theft

>B U M P




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Let it go, faggots. It's not taking, nobody believe these fakes.

Proxyfag detected. Fuck off shill.

Tu veux que je te fasse passer un test d'orthographe, faggot ?

Je peux également traduire Google.

lol, ok, what about that: I eat snails. About once or twice per year, but still

Sup Forums

I mean

just let it go

Nigga, french people knew these documents were fake for over a day.

Just admit it, the alt right attempts to shill le Pen have utterly failed because the french people don't give two shits about your memes.

Here's your (You)

The EU is doing complete damage control about this.

Journalists are being attacked, mass shilling, etc

Also they are considering letting France become chaotic so they can send in the EU Army.

Already proven to be fake news
but suburbans and rural retards will believe it

>Already proven to be fake news

Post proof, then.

proof was posted literally 4 posts above but sure have an entire article about it Forums.html

By the way, thank you Sup Forums for creating that fake news, thanks to that Le Pen will be trialed for defamation after the elections since she referred to it during last night's presidential debate and Macron is actually going full law on her.

She is totally going to jail. GG Sup Forums :->.

It's over is it? The memes the keks have been failures in the nonspeaking English world. Stefan Molyneux tried to appeal to the French but still nothing.

>He ain't accusing her of anything, yet
user, I have some news for you

Indeed, you can now safely pull that trigger, kek

He's who the banksters want. Of course he's a goddamn criminal.