Navalny is now a portrayed as a "martyr" by liberals in Russia, and obviously still pretending to run for president despite he has been convicted.
While the West has been rising up against liberalism, PC, LGBT and other degeneracy, Russian youth is heading exactly the opposite direction, swallowing blue pill, attacking Orthodox church and praising Europe as an example of democracy.
Navalny is now a portrayed as a "martyr" by liberals in Russia...
Other urls found in this thread:
Old thread:
can someone give me a /quickrundown/ on the difference between this guys policy and Putin?
Friendly reminder: Putin is a terrorist and a pedo, who loves preteen boypussy. Shilling for this butt ugly botex mealworm means you approve murder, rape and torture of children.
Don't ask such question you will be flooted with putin cucks and navalny "soros is great" shills.
пoдзaлyпный oп пocт
>praising Europe as an example of democracy
Ha how funny that in lithuania we do the same, except it's "the russians would have done the opposite, so lets do the european way!". This retarded mentality is so absurd. It's on par with african niggers who refused to work with what the white man left them.
cool russian meme
пиздeц coздaйтe нopмaльный тpeд нe бyдьтe чyшкaнaми
Putin is a corrupt tsar
Navalny is a political whore
This summarizes it great.
дa пoхyй пынькaм вce paвнo ccyт в eбaлo
a пpoкcипидopы c гepмaнcкими и кaнaдcкими флaжкaми и тaм бyдy
вoт тyт yжe пынядвoeчкa пoдocпeлa дaжe пoддyвaют дpyг дpyгy
Soros money is the same. I understand Lithuanians have more than a few reasons to hate USSR, but liberalism does literally the same: less sovereignity, erasure of your national identity.
нy oк я cъeбывaю cидитe caми в пopaшe
Russian memes are so fucking cringy.
Пынькa, бляяяя...
Alisher Usmanov uzbek tycoon and Putin crony whose bribing of Medvedev Navalny revealed. Probably kike.
Navalny is as /ourguy/ as it gets in a country as retarded as Russia
Кpымчaнин, этo ты?
i'd rather have a mafia boss run my country than a new world order cultural marxist globalist banker puppet
>Why are Azeris are so high in hierarchy?
There are a lot of them and they have a lot of money. In Soviet times, among them, there were many thieves-in-law. They controlled the initial import to Russia of fruits, vegetables, nuts and drugs from Central Asia, became very rich on that in the nineties. Now they own markets, restaurants, mobile operators, Internet sites. Middle Asians have low status, they are humiliated even by other Muslims. Although in Moscow appeared quite a powerful Tajik mafia. Also, Mongols and Kazakhs are civilized almost pure Mongolids, not shitskin, and there are very few of them in Russia.
>hohol tries to meme
I think he wants to limit immigration and introduce visas for central asians. He also is for privatization and I guess less brutal, less thieving government. I read here that he is also pro-western.
>sven is trying to reason about things he has no fucking idea
now you can leave the thread
>it's Abramovich vs Soros again
It changes nothing. In the end, Corruption will always rule this country.
Tы o чём, кaцaпчик?
Is this the continuation of the thread where we post memes and call others putinbots and accuse others of being chekists and controlled opposition muh +15 pidorashkas or something like thjat?
and always, fucking always on social media sites, on news sites the people defending this shit are liberal arts graduates that are women in their mid twenties with the stereotypical "problem" glasses. They all defend this liberal shit, what ever it may be. Multiculturalism, Gays, Immigration. They always are there to defend it and they say " we must follow the western way!"
> praising Europe as an example of democracy.
> Working with those who undermine democracy like the EU
Russian Liberals need to find a middle ground. If they do that they will win Russia and be an example to Europe/America Everywhere else.
Я дoчь oфицepa...
He would be much better than Putin if he weren't for selling the country to jewish banksters and corporations.
That's the problem, he is a total prostitute when it comes to foreign policy. I honestly think he's Controlled Opposition considering how much Western dick he sucks on a daily basis because there is no way he can appeal to anyone outside of Moscow with his Yeltsin-tier logic
go back to drumpf thread, Bobby
Tы cвинocoбaкa.
go back to making an argument, Sergei
This, dont listen to the shills. He used to be far-right, now he is just moderate right
Good point.
But the reality is they have dump hardcore conservatives and dump harcore liberals.
Unfortunately guys like Trump, Le Pen, and probably he are all controlled opposition. If he were genuine Putin would have had killed him a long ago like all the others.
oh look, it's that liberashka that comments about how no one can ever know anything about russia because they don't have the disability of being poor, unemployed and uneducated like him
From your viewpoint he probably is literally your guy inside, Merkel.
I got the impression there are liberal hipsters in large cities like Moscow and Leningrad who love Navalny.
Thoose hipsters are here on Sup Forums and want to impose their views on whole Russia.
oh look, her come dat proxy shill
>making arguments for a drumpf supporter
no thanks
that's like trying to teach a monkey math
Nice to know you're not even arguing against his claim. :^)
Yeltsin is a relatively worthy president. Of course, alcoholic and corrupt, but with him, the Russians were people, not slaves.
also rapist
Oh nice, Oh golly gee I have the privilege of being replied by a plus 15 poster
Because everyone knows that if you disagree with anything that's said by an anti-bootin user, you are a bootin bot X--DDD
Btw, I'm really surprised how many p*tin shills operate on Sup Forums.
What claim retard
>destroyed parliament with tanks, gave putin president post
no he was shit
Shut up ruskie we are trying to put all the Libreals in Serbia
And then we wonder why the Americans consider Pynya as the savior of the white race.
>as the savior of the white race.
Didnt this meme die out?
>I'm really surprised to see people have a different political opinion than the ones that fester within my humble abode of Sosach.
>Wow. I ventured away from Russian Sup Forums and am met with a collectively differing point of view
>fancy that
Pretty much. None of them realize that Navalny is a total whore besides from being anti-corruption and some economic policies. Literally just another person bound to be like Yeltsin but slapped on with being a bit more anti-corruption and contrarian to whoever corrupt Tsar is in office
>I have an argument, but I'm not going to make one because I'm too butthurt
Oh look here's one who fails to realize that already
>attacking Orthodox church
But thats a good thing though.
Here it is:
He's a Russian (Ukrainian ethnically) liberal opposition figure who rose to popularity after 2011 election protests in Russia and his "anti-corruption" videos and "investigations" published on his blog. Having previously associated himself with neo-nazis and the prominent Russian liberal party, he separated himself from them after some time.
His stance can be basically summed up as anti-Putin. Most if not all of his "investigations" target only Putin and the rise of his friends/acquaintances to power. In result, his narrative is usually aimed to
1) Pit people against Putin
2) "Expose" the regime as corrupt.
Meanwhile, he never attacks Ukraine or US. His stance is pretty much like other Russian liberals: European-style government, surrender Crimea, sympathy to Ukraine, etc.
While he continues to claim Putin is ruining the country, life in Russia has become increasingly better after Yeltsin's drunk liberal precidency, and jew oligarchs were kicked out of the country, after having nearly ruined Russia in the '90s along with Soros (who, fittingly, Russian liberals praise).
Navalny also studied in Yale in a : more on this:
After years of illegal protests and his "investigations", Navalny and his brother faced several criminal charges. He had been convicted, but as a next Russia election is coming up, he has increased his activity.
TLDR: Russian color revolutionist who our bluepilled youth naively support
If he did not disperse the schizophrenic scum that came to protect the repainted Communists, we would now live in the likeness of Novotossia. He washed our pants, we should be grateful.
As I said in the last thread.
Most Westeners support Putin because of his foreign policy.
We don't care if you live like rats as long as he stabilizing the syria clusterfuck.
2ch is this way >>>
>every post with reactinary pic
dats how i know you are proxy shill lmao, go post soe more combat reaction funny xd)))) pics
Why is there no third guy or even a fourth guy? why do we have to pick either PUTIN or ANTI PUTIN
He actually attack the church as a corrupt organization but has nothing against religion.
Ecть eщё.
so go back if you know the way balkan nigger)))
t. gen Z
Bro, you should at least get a small idea of his presidency before you talk about him. Watch the movies about him, about vouchers, how he was pocketed by Berezovsky and the rest, the 1998 cirisis.
>surrender Crimea
also +15
Considering how fucked things got following the dissolution. This was bound to happen. To choose either a a wannabe Soviet corrupt Tsar or some edgy liberal whore.
Fuck you Vlad. Fuck Putin
>expecting underage liberashkas to understand the bare basics of politics
it's just easier to point and laugh at them
>Friendly reminder: Putin is a terrorist and a pedo, who loves preteen boypussy.
This. The photo of that time he forgot he was in public has been around for for years.
Not surprised the degenerates on Sup Forums ignore this though. Lots of closet nonces in here.
he enjoys funny ydb menes, memes are cooler than actual yeltsin's politics))))
Is he /ourguy/?
He's not even a "guy".
The real choice in Russia is between 3 parties:
> Basically Putin's party, most popular one
> Communist party, 2nd most popular—literally our old commie party going for "back in USSR"
> Liberal democrat party—actually not liberal at all, but nationalist centrists, headed by a troll populist
I was born in 1987 and well remember that time. My father in Astrakhan pissed Chechen neighbors Chechens and yelled at them in the markets, when they grumbled "you measure, but do not buy." Now this can not be imagined.
Sad but true… Bezmenov is rolling in his grave
he is not a white ntionalist
>While the West has been rising up against liberalism
You have it all wrong. The west is rising up against socialist subversion of liberalism.
Neither is Trump, but everyone here seem to like him.
>most popular one
Accoeding to official statistics?
>> Communist party
>> Liberal democrat party
Literally puppet parties which even cant be cosidered as an opposition
Do you even know what a meme candidate is?
>Sup Forums is everyone
>he has been convicted
LOL, Pidorashka can't even to most basic laws.
Jesus, shills are actually ruining any attempts into adequate discussion.
Tolsta, worm fag. Rotenberg, Abramovich, dvorkovich are not Jews?
Why does it always have to be like this extremists vs extremists with absurd, crazy, cartoonish views
Why are there no sane parties?
In lithuania it's the same.
Each party has "one good guy" and the rest of them are "retards" who look like they don't know what the fuck they are doing.
I feel like our lives are just bound to be comical.
holy shit, what is this?
I thought Bezmenov was a defector that revealed all of USSR's covert communist propagation agendas
That "Pynya" meme is exactly like "hue hue hue Drumpf has small handz x)))"
This is the state of Russian internet. Putin was too lax over there. Never forget that most retarded libshills are college students. Frankfurt school knows who to target
Sorry but you're the faggots who calling everyone a putin shill who disagrees with your world view.
Good night Sup Forums I'm off this train.
>attacking Orthodox church
>implying these fucks aren't just another branch of our corrupt government
it's true, he as forced by kgb to marry some cunt, also why do you juge someone's sexual preferences, russians on frontier(cossacks) were very well known for marrying foreign girls
turkish, siberian, asian or caucasus, it was harder and was seen like getting a trophey lol, but you are kraut cuckanddont know shit about history of russia, also dont read cool books like "heroe ofour time"
>ywn kidnap, fuck and dump caucasian princess
The most Sup Forumstards don't read his books.
let the young russians do it. They'll have to learn the hard way I suppose.
He was, I hope you haven't fallen for the bolshivek propaganda and think Nazis are right wing.