You have 10 seconds to prove to me that Mexican mass-immigration isn't the best thing for America and that Latin...

You have 10 seconds to prove to me that Mexican mass-immigration isn't the best thing for America and that Latin America won't save the west.

>Devoted Catholics
>Hard working
>Family values
>Positive birth-rates
>Hate niggers
>Proud of their heritage

White Americans
>Spiritually empty
>Don't have children, have dogs instead
>Love niggers
>Hate their heritage

It should tell you all you need to know that every (((republican))) that fears these based guys is a (((zionist)))

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America will at long last embrace The One True Church

Bump to reconquista the first page.

All I know about Mexica is tacos and drug cartels.
Mexican like to behead and deface people, they are savages, just like muslims.

This user gets it.

I saw a few documentaries where Italians were doing something similar.

Actually come to think of it Italians also crucified our Lord and Saviour.

compare homicide rate and you are wrong

also the joos

Into the trash it goes.
We beat the dirty brown bastards once and we'll do it again if needed.

Mexicans allowed the Mexican government to become as shitty as it is, and they allow drug cartels to practically run their country.

Do we want massive Hispanic slums in addition to massive Afro-American slums? I mean, cheap labor's great and all, but Detroit isn't. Painting Mexican flags over the gang grafitti won't solve any social problems; it'll lead to new ones.
Politicians will insist that the new workers be paid minimum wage, which defeats the main purpose of bringing them in (cheap labor).

It would be better to discourage black crime while allowing them and poor whites to continue being the majority of the bottom level of America's workforce pyramid rather than importing even more Mexicans.

>not welcome
>except kennedy apparently
>mother worshippers btfo

Most of them are ugly, fat, ignorant, and conformist...but for sure they wouldn't allow their country become a islamic shit hole

but catholics vote for democrats and america is a protestant nation.

God, this would make getting drugs to Chicago and New York SO much easier, since you 'proud Mexicans' cant handle your cartel problem. Are you proud of that?

>Be the United States
>Constantly be pulling the strings of the Mexican government (and every other Latin American government) for like the past 150 years
>lol stupid Mexicans letting their country be so corrupt.

Not to mention the USA is run by drug cartels. They're called big pharma. And unlike Mexico nothing is being done about it.

I'm not Mexican. I'm just a Mexiboo.

Just remember to count in all the kebab shenanigans that the Italian mafia is responsible for because they rather see their entire country destroyed by niggers and kebabs than stop smuggling human trash in exchange for shekels

Protestantism is a Jewish plot.

Because after the first generation tbey become just as shitty if not worse tban us. Also
>civic nationalism

>unlike Mexico
The only way Mexico will rid itself of the cartels is if drug markets dry up in the US. The people could rise up and oppose their corrupt government, but they won't, partially because so many are employed by the cartels (which would obviously be negatively affected by things like an armed populace and meaningful government crackdowns on drug trafficking).

Fair point on Big Pharma, but most Americans are living better than most Mexicans. Less reason to actively resist the bullshit involved in muh guv'mint. What I'd give to be rid of the two-party system...

>civic nationalism
I'm not suggesting civic nationalism. I'm suggesting whites+mestizos+Catholicism = dead niggers and Jews.

Viva María y Jesús

But they are. Mexico has shitloads of active paramilitary organizations. It just so happens that when a corrupt government is in bed with their neighbour that happens to be the most powerful country on the planet it's difficult to win that war.

>but most Americans are living better than most Mexicans
Because America benefits from imperialism.

Fair enough, but that still doesn't make importing massive numbers of Mexican immigrants a fair idea. Better to deport the bad ones, consider allowing productive, law-abiding ones to stay (despite being illegal aliens), and making legal immigration a bit more reasonable. Ease into it rather than opening the floodgates.

>America benefits from imperialism
You're one to talk, bong.

Naturally. The bad ones for obvious reasons are undesirable. But there's very many good ones and I'm suggesting that Americans would be wise to learn from them and embrace their values rather than vice versa with the good ones being assimilated into American culture.

>You're one to talk, bong.

They bring crime and usually always vote left even if they share our values. They just want to leech off of our welfare. Plus some are brown

>This triggers the protestant

>Plus some are brown
This is not necessarily a bad thing.

Spic fag here. FORMER ILLEGAL Immigrant. What you don't understand is that only THE WORST Mexicans are coming here and I'm not just talking about the hardcore criminals. The worst implying the most uneducated, ignorant, superstitious, gullible, unmannered, uncultured, and degenerate are coming here.

The average education level of these wetbacks is 3rd grade. They have no higher level of understanding of anything around them. They are incapable of positive criticism of any wrong doing because they have no education nor higher consciousness of anything. They are incapable of thinking for themselves and investigating. They are very immoral. Our child molestation and rape is out the roof. It is almost Muslim level. Nothing is done about it because they are afraid of the cops. They destroy their own neighborhoods and parks because of apathy.

I'm now a legal citizen and am fully aware of how bad they can make things. The Liberals want them because they are modern day slaves who volunteer for slavery and human trafficking.


>A white guy wrote this

Yeah, why uphold your own people to standards when you can just let others do it for you?

Yeah, you're full of shit OP.

I'm a White American and I'm proud of my heritage, was taught to work hard in life to receive success, stray from being a "muh depression" slacker, close to my family alongside being catholic and so on.

If they're so fucking great, why is Mexico such a violent shit hole that my company won't even send representatives too, even though they still have one guy out in the fucking Congo?

The Jew fears the Jaguar.

No, I fear smallpox.


Fuck off.

>White American
>Loves Niggers

I know there are lots of good white Americans.

When America sends its people they're not sending their best. They're not sending you, they're sending people with lots of problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing war, they're imperialists. Some, I assume, are good people.

I hope you realize that the southwest as part of Mexico wasn't divided along the same lines as it is now in the USA.

Those little slices of Oklahoma, Kansas and Wyoming were part of bigger Mexican territories. But of course it's unreasonable to expect Americans to know their own history.

I couldn't pass as a white if my life depended on it. You just refuse to accept the actual life experience of someone who lived the wetback life. We are only "conservative" for appearances sake. We only go to mass for appearance sake but they are not moral. Besides molestation and rape, there is a huge drug, gambling and alcohol problem among them. A lot of them are stereotypical alcoholics like the Native Americans who brag about being a unique culture only to see them IRL passed out on the street from being drunk.

Almost all my former wetback friends and current wetback friends have suffered at the hands of molestation or rape from another illegal immigrant. The parents know but choose to do nothing about it out of fear of deportation. These wetbacks sold out the justice and dignity of their own children for a "better life" in the States. Coming to the US for a better life only for a lifetime of rape kind of defeats the purpose of coming here to begin with.

White people just love listening to hip hop while white girls twerk to it, then they take on black mannerisms trying to talk like them, walk like them, even dress like them.

What I meant is, I live in Kansas and would prefer not to cede part of it back to Mexico.

This is her in five years.

do you mean Mexicans or latinos?

because a Central American immigrant is probably worse than a mexican one

self hating spics are the worse.

source: am mexi-american.

well for one thing the second generations mexicans are cancer. unironically way worse than their immigrant parents or grandparents

they end up in california screaming about white privelege and burning american flgs

its tantamount to willingly bringing in more niggers to suck up welfare, bitch about everything they have been given, and generally shit up the place

Brown skin+nutrition+fitness+indoor career is the ultimate combo to ageing well.

Of course if you're like 70 and your job involved working in the sun all day long you're going to be wrinkled like a prune.

>Mexican born Mexicans are great
>Americanized Mexicans a shit
I think I see the problem.

Why are british lads so stupid? Or like they say, stoopid?

do you understand why that is ours now?

explain it to me like im a child (you) faggot

Shows how stupid you are. I'm not talking about Mexicans. I'm talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

It's not my fault some of you imbeciles can't tell the difference between normal Mexicans and Illegal Immigrants or you identify with them even though you've never been one.


Well because America won a big war with Mexico.

That's a bingo!

>>Mexican born Mexicans are great

holy fuck no they are not

2nd generation "mexican americans" are just worse

this is why everyone in america hates beaners. do you love any of your new shitskin desertnigger friends? no. we dont either?

>Catholics trying to destroy our country again

Why can't Eurofags just leave us alone, we were nice and religiously homogeneous before you sent all these micks and wops our way.

Am I wrong?

Unless you have a good amount of Melanin or live in somewhere with less sun like Europe the sun will age you like milk. This is science. It's the reason people in different climates have evolved to have different skin tones.

Or not and your kids would look like this.

Why is Mary stepping on those kids?

Go choke on a ham sandwich, Achmed.

Catholicism is just Judaism pretending to be Christianity. Catholics are the new chosen people and behave just as smug. They embrace bizarre rituals and take everything in the new Testament as 100% literal which is why they are so stupid and dogmatic

Damn I love the Mexicans

>some 3000 denominations
>Episcopalians (Anglicans) are protestant too
>They're just as American cuz protestant and anti Catholic
>Protestantism in America
>"religiously homogeneous"

>country is a drug-riddled murder spree where people are regularly decapitated and the corpses left on the street
>massive governmental corruption

You import garbage, you become a garbage dump.

No, but ours are Muslim and yours are Christian.

Likewise Poles are great. They're hardworking, Christian people with traditional western values. Mexicans are basically brown Polish people.

>and take everything in the new Testament as 100% literal
Mate, biblical literalism is a decidedly protestant idea.

But Catholicism condemns circumcision which is popular in many, not all, protestant churches in America particularity the baptist

Op is so awesome that he should go back to mexico and make mexico great again. Mexico needs your help more than we do.

I unironically would like to move to Mexico and make Mexico great again. Mexico is awesome.

Just do it

I still have stuff to do in Bongland, besides I don't know Spanish yet.

Yes and back then the entire area was basically just wilderness. I doubt even 50k spics lived in the upper territories.

Yeah but that's not the reason Mexico lost it. Likewise the US west of the Mississippi at the time was pretty much just wilderness and natives, it doesn't mean they were under any threat of losing it.

Then my catholic parents have some explaining to do for circumsizing me...
I was raised catholic so I am not aware of protestant teachings. I guess what I should have said is the catholic interpretation of the bible is always designed to wag it's finger at all its members and give the institution the chair meant for jesus alone. In other words they judge the world as if they are god which is nothing short of heresy

Too many La Raza type niggers coming over who want to play the victim the card. They don't give a shit about family values and are brainwashed into thinking if they cross over legally and get deported it's racist. Funny thing is the majority of them aren't welcome in Mexico either. They are fucking failures over there and yet they raise their Mexican Flag as if their country give a fuck.

You need a wall between people and these savages.

Britfag - move to a U.S. bordertown.
Get back to us on your experiences.

>Implying Mexico was ever great

You just want to live in a nice sunny place close to the sea and feel like a king being one of the few white people in a sea of indios and mestizos.

>Then my catholic parents have some explaining to do for circumsizing me...

I've been seeing these post here more often. I honestly have never heard or met of a cradle Catholic who was circumcised. The only circumcised Catholics are those who converted to the Church from Protestantism. Sometimes I think you prods might be just really desperate about the circumcision issue so now you're masquerading as Catholics to try to make us seem just as cucked as the protestants

We don't though. Jesus and His teachings as contained in the new testament are the most important and God's chair is His. However there's also the concept of Magisterium and the Pope, with the Pope being God's lieutenant on Earth.

Do note that Jesus didn't leave behind any writings Himself, He did leave behind the Catholic Church.

I see Satan has given me the thumbs up. I may need to reevaluate my positions...

>Anyone in South America + below the Texan border
Look at their fucking civilization. We didn't used to be so degenerate, and there was a time when we made great things. They've always been acting like lazy-ass subhumans.

People that are successfully brainwashed by critical theory, fetishize the culture of brown people because they think whites dont have a culture of their own.

Coincidentally only spics live there

The tribalism of catholics is what gets on my nerves. Do you really think that if Christ came back he would condemn everyone who isnt catholic? Youre a false christian and nothing more.

Mexican history is awesome
>9001 revolutions

Like seriously, the Aztecs in particular I would call great. The most advanced society on a massive isolated landmass that was totally independently able to nearly reach Eurasian levels of advancement. Impressive

>You just want to live in a nice sunny place close to the sea and feel like a king being one of the few white people in a sea of indios and mestizos.
Not gonna lie, that's part of it.
It's also that I think the future has good things in store for Latin America whilst Europe and the broader west are pretty much done for.

Mexicans are not that devoted

>Look at their fucking civilization
I'm looking, i'm looking.

Do you think in Heaven people would still be arguing about which church is right?


If you are not born a Mexican, then it is not your culture to appropriate.

Because Mexico's pussyfart of a president gave up to spare his own life

>implying that we won't bring them in slowly while simultaneously making them more & more degenerate

Catholicism literally built in the argument that they are the only correct church. I agree there will be no argument in heaven which church is right because the church you go to on sunday means absolutely fuck all to christ. What matters is learning from him and applying it in real life, which is the only requirement to being a good person.

That's retarded. Europeans moving to Mexico is where Mexico came from.

It's also where America came from.

>literally human sacrifice

Dont fall for the purity spiral bs. If you are saved and pray for Christ to forgive your sins and follow the teachings of Christ you are good to go. Any church is a man made entity. Its all about the good news.

Ancient British people also used to do that.

400 years ago. They probably dont want your white ass fucking their shit up.

The finger wagging and smugness of Catholicism completely turned me away from Christianity for 10 years, yet I remained fully pure over that 10 years. However without Christianity I was dead inside and depressed. I cannot condone the "chosen people" attitude of the catholic church, it is immoral.