>pretends to be /ourguy/ with "muh kekistan" just to gain fans
>simultaneously claiming to be a liberal
>people from here follow him
Pretends to be /ourguy/ with "muh kekistan" just to gain fans
Other urls found in this thread:
he's not a liberal
literally nothing wrong with classical liberalism, plus what with the banks unrepentantly boning us we could do with a few financial restrictions on Wall Street.
holy shit FUCK OFF with the e-celebs. no one gives a fuck.
Kekistan is the most embarrassing shit I've seen for a while.
Maybe /bant/ is where we should colonise for proper political stuff and leave Sup Forums to the twitter and reddit influx.
Him and PJW need to go what pisses me of is how it's almost ALL American Sup Forums users who fall for this e-celeb worship
Time and time Again they have shown that they are willing to turn on a moments notice yet the faggots on here still fall for the "LE EBIN KEKISTAN" shit
>name dropping Sup Forums on videos with hundreds of thousands of views
He is part of the problem
Why not listen to him?
He, along with Dave Rubin, are some of the few liberals worth hearing on most issues.
>literally nothing wrong with classical liberalism
Yes there is.
Stop dividing. We can sort out our differences after the enemy is defeated. The enemy is what unites us.
>worth hearing
He literally just calls people idiots, engages in identity politics and does his annoying laugh the whole time
pol is not a secret underground club burger and hasnt been for years
>not an argument
Most of Sup Forums are fiscally left wing, actually.
They try to rationalize it and spin themselves as being right wing, but they're not.
>political discussion/debate board
>stop dividing
Any society where people have time to think of fancy political ideologies is shitty.
*Third Positionist
Fuck communism and fuck capitalism. Commies wreck nations as a goal, capitalists do it to make a quick buck.
Hey I love that laugh. To each their own.
He does call people idiots a lot, but he generally does videos about progressives, who are in fact, complete idiots.
Sargon is the king of pol kys famalamadingdong.
Sargon is more like an insult comic than anything else. Guy insults/mocks stupid people in British accent, this is the only reason he's popular. It's a tried and true method that's been used in the entertainment industry for years. He doesn't actually bring anything worthwhile to the table intellectually.
Hi radical centrist.
And out comes the autism
His videos suck.
It'd be nice to see him actually debate the leftcucks instead of mindlessly mocking them
Perhaps he can't even debate? Who knows
yes because 19th and 20th century Britain was shitty. fuck off
>Uses logic and reason to make his points.
>Well versed in history.
>British, and loves democracy.
Sargon is and will always be /ourlad/. Even if you don't agree with his political views, he can be reason with.
Democracy is for faggots.
Classical Liberalism is the only good thing France has produced that you can't eat.
Sargon is a liberal in name only; he can only keep deluding himself for so long.
Sargon is boring as fuck. Sometimes I watch his videos and this trite shit he says doesn't impress me in any way. Milo at least is a funny gay.
Macron is not a radical centrist, he's a globalist prick.
>let's import million more shitskins bcuz shekels
>EU is good for our sovereignty
Centrist, my ass.
kekistan wasn't a Sup Forums meme. It was just a bunch of centrists larping as Sup Forumstards.
>France produced classical liberalism
american education
Fuck off, Paco, you just like anyone who isn't a white nationalist.
But he does debate them. He's done it several times. He even thrashed Destiny so much the Destiny sperged out and started thrashing about and swinging his head back and forth, on stream.
Most lefties don't want to debate him anymore.
He has literally never claimed to be a Sup Forumslack
Nigger you dumb
I've seen a few lefties such as Xexizy and BadMouse propose to debate him but he's never played ball
He even said in one of his videos he doesn't want a discussion with leftists
>people from here follow him
I think the only person I'm following is Aaron Rodgers
I didn't say anything about Macron.
Is something wrong with you?
Classical liberalism started with Voltaire, Rousseau, Hobbes, and Descartes. It's silly to define it as merely being based on the works of Adam Smith, John Locke, and etc.
Though Hobbes is a bit far back to be responsible for it, his ideas that ultimate power ultimately corrupts, and his treatises on the nature of man, laid the very foundation for what Classical Liberalism represents.
He never pretended to be /ourguy/, he never wanted to be /ourguy/. He created the idea of Kekistan because it was a clever joke.
My bad, user. That's how he refers to himself, and it bothers me. The French runoff is in just a couple days, so it's been on my mind a lot.
I'm liberal but hate immigrants what does that make me?
Pshhht! Only kiddos follow e-celeb.
I am well above that. I am a free thinker and I don't need anyone to comment on what is happening in the world I am capable of forming my own opinions without some mildly retarded e-celeb doing it for me
nothing wrong with following and listening to someone if you remain critical and don't take their word as gospel
the fact the whole SJW shit pile has become so disgusting that even some lefties are going: "oy that really stinks" somehow makes those lefties really special/redpilled//ourguy/gal////////
They're still leftist scum, but just not worth fighting because they are currently marching in sort of the same direction
A normal person who isn't brainwashed by neo-liberal cucks?
he didn't mean alt-right as in the group he meant alt-right as in a new right outside of the mainstream
sargon is the most unfunny and boring fucking uboober I've ever fucking seen.
He just makes normie /r/the_donald jokes like "LOL PRAISE KEK XDDDD"
>name taken from backwards 7th century shitskin countries
Only idiots would call it "Kekistan"
he is bros with Ryan Dawson, a holocaust "revisionist", so he is alright in my book
an evil nazi
He has to hide his power level
I generally agree, but I also find it useful and enlightening to listen to other people's opinions, especially when you disagree with them.
That's the point. It sounds like a shitty third world country, so normies can't tell the difference.
What exactly is the problem with someone making his own content and finding a way to cut out mainstream media from getting their hands on the profits? A publicly recognized figure isn't legitimate unless he appears on TV? Or do you just not listen to anyone who has a fan base and only troll Sup Forums for your political discourse?
He's entertaining, just wish he'd stop directing his viewers to this board. His fake laugh is annoying too.
Sargon's explanation is that he considers himself a traditional liberal and thought he was a liberal before he realized that all these SJW cucks who also call themselves liberals hijacked that term and veered it far away from what Sargon thought being a liberal meant.
>holy shit FUCK OFF with the e-celebs. no one gives a fuck.
>What exactly is the problem with someone making his own content and finding a way to cut out mainstream media from getting their hands on the profits? A publicly recognized figure isn't legitimate unless he appears on TV? Or do you just not listen to anyone who has a fan base and only troll Sup Forums for your political discourse?
When we discuss writers and journalists we discuss their work.
When we discuss e-celeb VERMIN, we talk about them.
All these people do is create a hugbox, and preach what ever the hugbox wants to hear.
a faggot
Don't you insult our leader you saboteur!
Molymeme does the same.
When the fuck did he ever claim to be /ourguy/ or even say he liked Sup Forums? The time's he has mentioned pol he usually makes fun of it or calls it stupid.
You might want to check out his livestream channel then. There are debates that he has had with people there.
Utterly wrong. And hairy man-tits literally had a thread here. He comes to this shithole and namedrops it all the time. If you pay attention, you might catch a glimpse of his micro-dick.
He's a self righteous prick. AND look at him he looks like he's in the police or something.
He's an entry level redpill, that is all
He's a classic liberal, basically right of reagan.
liberalism is bad no matter if it's right or left.
only good liberal is a dead one
>disagree with him on a few points
You cant expect everyone to be completely politically identical
>co opts memes and runs them into the ground
>unironically sperging about memes being co opted
what do we agree with him on more then that feminists are retarded?
The only time he did well in a debate was with Destiny. And that's just because he prepared. Kristi Winters for example shat all over him.
Sargon is such a rediculous meme, and the definition of Alt-Lite. He does all this cringe kekistan shit, pretends to ride Trump (while also denouncing him somehow), and says that "he has always been a labour voter" in the UK, and that he "will never vote for the conservatives."
Also, he's an octoroon, obese, middle aged smoker degenerate who brags about anal sex, and literally worked at McDonald's as a high school drop out before becoming an e-whore. (gee, familiar story, huh) I think he is mentally unstable.
He loves Putin and defends Assad, something 90% of Sup Forums does.
Anyone who tries to co-opt us and use us for profit is our enemy.
And anyone who doesn't believe in that is not an actual Sup Forumsack.
>Sargon of Cuckshed
so do many leftists
.... So?
Sargon isn't /ourguy/ nor was he ever /ourguy/
he makes decent 7/10 videos most of the time
#freekekistan and "I wouldn't even rape you" was quality tier banter.
he's a good lad, not Sup Forums-tier.
I just wish the guy would stop interjecting 15mins of his videos trying to convince listeners that he's not a an actual conservative, never voted tory, blah blah blah. I mean what the fuck? Stop being such a spineless pussy and just embrace what you are. Or is it just bred into Brit's genes to be that way?
He is stupid levels of two-face. With someone like Secular Talk he will say stuff like "the stock market should be abolished" or that "taxes must radically increase" and actively describe him self as "very left wing."
Then he'll have someone like Dave Rubin, and suddenly he's a pro capitalist "classical liberal" (a retard meme description because the whole point of classical liberalism was a reaction to mercantilism which doesn't exist anymore.)
Then he'll have someone like JonTron or Varg/Molymeme, and basically describe himself as an ethnofascist, and that "we must do everything in our power to stop Corbyn and Clinton, and Leftists!
Oh, look, it's another "OP states the obvious without making a point to try and bait people into arguing over some youtube neckbeard" episode. These shareblue reruns are getting old.
Why would you defend him?
I think most people knew that infowars support for the alt right would be short lived
They're just a business and their niche is tagging onto anything which is popular but not popular enough to be mainstream
With all the controversy around the alt-right they've just rebranded themselves accordingly to save their "image" and keep the money flowing
"I wouldn't even rape you" was a proper shitshow for everyone involved. It was like a Special olympics - no matter who wins, everyone's retarded at the end.
The enlightenment was a mistake,