Why did Hitler kill himself and his dog?
Why did Hitler kill himself and his dog?
show me proofs faggot
how do you know he didn't die of old age in Argentina
>faggot ass rap
>Faggot ass rap
you didn't even listen to it
this is the only acceptable rap
Slide thread m8
Damn right it is you fucking goyim!
here's another one because you must be a kike or a faggot
I don't care if hes rapping about killing kikes or niggers It's gay as fuck dude
Hiltler had a dog?
Hitler escaped to Bariloche Argentina
>implying Eva Braun was a dog.
>stay alive and suffer a fate like Musolini
>also, the dog gets raped and killed by communists
Gee, i wonder why OP
Hilters entire ideology was based on the leaders killing themselves if they failed...
>gay as fuck
You know where you are? found shareblue
He didn't, he lived his life out in Argentina on the American dime.
obviously because he was a pathetic coward who didn't want to get put on trial, tortured and killed by Russians after they killed everyone defending him.
Because he wanted to die on his own terms and not at the hand of subhuman communists. Also, he did it symbolically to show that he did not submit to the subhumans.
Because he couldn't face living in a world where people like you would exist.
Dog would've been eaten or paraded as a trophy
Hitler lived in Paraguay until his death of old age in 1971