Watching TV with the family

>watching TV with the family
>it's a documentary about NEETs and high youth unemployment in our country
>"they should just go get jobs, bunch of lazy millennials...", blurts out my boomer dad.
>Mum and Sis agree with him
>Suddenly my autism gets hold of me
>"They should just euthanize all NEETS and unemployed people. They don't contribute to the economy anyway. They are parasites. Plus it would save billions as the government doesn't have to keep these useless eaters alive on welfare anymore."
>Mum and sis look at me horrified at what I said

Seriously though, why don't we get rid of all the unemployed NEETs? The government is wasting money on them keeping them alive when they will never realistically become productive citizens who can be taxed.

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They wouldn't exist if society didn't have a use for them

Alternatively, you could get rid of your violent immigrants. Then the labor market would have a shortage. Drastically restrict state benefits and the NEETs would be forced into the labor market. Cut taxes on British companies proportional to the reduced expenditure on benefits, contingent on companies making domestic hires.

Fewer NEETs
Fewer immigrants
Reduced government expenditures
Lower taxes that incentivize domestic business expansion
More young men partaking in the dignity of work
No mass murder required

>euthanize all NEETS
interesting, just how would you kill them, they never leave home.

Incentivise their parents to drop a cyanide pill in their food in exchange for a cash reward

Just have the TV license inspector kill anyone who answers the door during work hours.

Being young and unemployed:
>Look for Work.
>Can't find work.
>Go to college.
>Finish course hoping qualifications will help you find a job.
>Look for work again.
>"We are looking for someone with more experience".

Can't get a job without experience, can't get experience without getting a job.
What do you expect people to do?

Wouldn't work dude. Most NEETs don't have jobs because they can't find a job, they just can't find a job they think isn't beneath them.

NEETs are literally just SJWs who think the world owes them something. Think they are too good to be a fucking janitor or a spinach picker for minimum wage. Fuck off someone has to do it - usually reserved for the bottom of society - in this case your NEET ass.

>government assisted suicide
Yes please


Euthanize all Brits. Literally the NEET-nationalists of the world.

Fuck off.

The only people who can't find work after college are the bottom of the barrel dregs. Trust me, the dude who got top marks, that fucker is working.

This is the horrendous loophole thhat can drain young, unexperienced kids.
Someone you know should be able to give you a helping hand, such as your parents giving you work experience. Connections are very important when getting a new job.

Stop making shitty excuses like you're doing right now

>a persons worth is determined by the amount of money you can leech from him

Are you Jewish, user?

What did your dad have to say about that?

Sounds pretty jewish to me.

Two words. Work camps.

Anybody that isn't contributing to society should be sent to one for 5 years to teach them a lesson.

Stop acting like a whiney milliennial. Find any job you can and be thankful that somebody is employing you.

NEETS are better than people who work for the council, fucking clipboards, the only cunts worse are the arseholes who set the endless regulations. At least NEETS don't impeach entrepreneurs and the actually productive. If you're paying tax in any real way you're doing it wrong anyway, loser.

if i can't find a job,

then that means the labor market doesn't need me.

ergo, I should be a NEET out of proper social order.

do you want me to protest demanding a make-work job?

why are you watching TV? are you a faggot?

>kill off all the unemployed
>economy shrinks because there are less consumers
>less demand for products
>companies have to lay off workers
>newly unemployed people get killed
>less consumers
>more layoffs
>less consumers
>more layoffs

And so on until all people are dead.

Well done, OP.

>if i can't find a job,
There are lots of jobs out there. Stop acting like a little bitch and find one. Who cares if it's not ideal for you? Working is better than not working.

NEET here. Can't drive cause narcolepsy. Live in small farm town. Will turn 21 this year. I did work for a little while at a Grocery store in town right after I graduated, was pretty comfy. But the manager (weeb) left and the store was fine with just me and other other guy stocking the freezer section and wouldn't hire more people. So my first day we have 4 people less than a month alter its down to 2. Also they know I couldn't drive and I could only come in at certain times (it was Winter and parents drove me) but they still put me 5 days a week. I had to leave. Since then I swear there is a new frozen stocker every few months at that place.

But yeah. I just sit around all day tired. Been having tiny bit of stomach pain last week or two and it's bloody when I wipe occasionally. Don't really feel like going to doctor. I'll probably be fine.

>Seriously though, why don't we get rid of all the unemployed NEETs?

1. Sup Forums would die

2. Trump would lose

lol maybe in "riot if you dont like it" france, but in america most jobs are soul sucking walmart/mcdonalds "jobs". only the stupidest goyim here are willing to work those "jobs" and they suffer for it every day.

It's the Baby Boomers we need to euthanize, then there'd be jobs available for Millenials, it would lower housing prices, it would lower healthcare costs, it would improve our society in so many ways.

Employment is like a game of musical chairs, user. There are less jobs than people.

Facts are facts.


The people in those deadbeat Deep South states who suck off the welfare teat are the large populations of niggers not the people voting for Republicans. But hey, let's ignore the fact that the largest populations of niggers in the US are in solid red Deep South states.

>getting parents to kill their kids

What a wonderful society you have thought up there, Nigel.

You're a cuck OP. What that would do is basically give employers absolute power over their employees. Anyone who decided to quit or speak out against their bosses would risk getting themselves killed.

Maybe if these same boomers & their parents didn't dismantle all the fucking historical norms for how young people find work, things wouldn't be this way

How many parents today have helped their kids get a decent job? How many have actually given good advice beyond "hurr get an education"?

This will be a good idea until automation makes it cheaper to use robots for menial labor instead of humans.

Lukashenko, is it you?

Economic shrinkage isn't necessarily bad. It means the average person has to do less work to support people who don't contribute anything.

If we got rid of NEETs who would post on Sup Forums??

Economic shrinkage isn't necessarily bad, killing the unemployed is.

Besides, given what automation will do the vast majority of the population will soon be unemployed.

>Euthanize those who do not want to be goldbergs slaves
You are one good goy

yes a very good goy

There are far fewer jobs than there are people. It gets worse every year thanks to immigration and feminism. For every job opening there are thousands upon thousands of applications for it. Not even mcjobs are readily available anymore.

"We need more experience" is just a cover up for the fact you weren't outstanding among the tens of thousands of people applying to the position. Most people that apply for jobs tend to be qualified for them, so the only way to filter all those resumes is to use arbitrary criteria. When you don't stand out among 70,000 other fucking applicants because college degrees are toilet paper, eventually you just give up. After that it's just a downward spiral.

Every year the bare minimum just to be considered rockets ever higher. Used to be you could succeed anywhere with just a bachelor's degree, even in the humanities because general education gave you a wide basis of knowledge. Now you need a master's, 1,000 hours of community service, 5 years experience, 10 recommendations and a succulent pair of dick sucking lips just to get your application not thrown into the garbage.

Then some retard that invariably works retail only because Uncle Hasheesh got him hired tells you to get a job.

>immigrants are taking all the jobs!
>there are plenty of jobs out there you lazy fuck, show up with a strong handshake!

Doesn't add up, faggots.

its shit and getting worse

Autism is a hell of a drug. Just today. I ran a flying cut off cut to length shear on a .23 edge trim. 23/100th of an inch on a 1983 machine

Nobody else can do it. $23/hr union job. They don't pay me for what I do,they pay me for what I know.