Can we discuss part time Infowars host/owner of compound Media (Gavin McGuiness's show network) Anthony Cumia?

Can we discuss part time Infowars host/owner of compound Media (Gavin McGuiness's show network) Anthony Cumia?

>He was attempting to groom a 15 year old girl for sex(turned out to be a catfish)

>He has said on air that he would fuck 13 year olds if it was legal and even drooled over "cash me outside" girl

>He is a convicted woman abuser

>He deleted his vine account after he was caught liking many vines of prepubescent girls

These are only a few examples of his degenerate behavior. Why is this absolute piece of garbage held in high regard here and with the (((Infowars))) crowd?

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It's okay hes our guy.

Sup shareblue

Anthony is based.
He already went down when he lost his show.

Its illegal to have sex with any person or discuss it according to US Federal law that anyone under 18 is a child.

This baby raping fuck attracted to children should be in jail for even discussing it in a way that is offensive to us rape survivors.

Gavin Mcinnes, phone auto corrected


>(((Infowars))) crowd?

Sounds like you've already made up your mind, dude.

Nobody would have noticed or cared tbqh

Your guy tries to groom children and dated the 17 year old daughter at 50 of a former Bill Clinton speech writer that adopted a child from Haiti.

>even drooled over "cash me outside" girl

The estrogen in the water is working
Hubba hubba tbqh

Sup the_donald.
I describe people who lust after 13 year olds and buy 15 year old girls from Twitter MacBooks as "based" too.

Your alinsky playbook is showing globalist.

opie and anthony is complete degenerate filth. disinfowars is run by a jew loving, 40k+ alimony/childsupport, james alefantis dindunotthin-shill.

She looks like an adult but all the vines he liked had brace faced 12 year old girls who looked 12.

The man is a comedy genius and it makes perfect sense for normies to misinterprete his humor.

Op is a huge fag or a butthurt feminazi.

Known cuck, known pedo. Boycott

Ant and Jimmy show when?

Everyone knows Ant likes younger girls, he even admitted to it and he's been made fun of for it for years

nothing new

>Why is this absolute piece of garbage held in high regard

He's held in pretty low regard for the reasons you mentioned plus hes a tranny fucker, but his show was hilarious and good especially when Patrice was still alive.

He's one of those "Italians" that you look at and go "Yup, this is one of those kikes that dodged Expulsion".

If by comedy genius you mean a guy who now just rambles about black crime while trying to fuck kids and breaking the ribs of women, then you are correct. He hasn't been funny in 5+ years

Anthony is a national treasure, and he makes lil Jimmy a happy boy


>sweating_man with_multiple_arms.jpg.

Would, would so hard her cervix would look like Christy Mack after mouthing off.

Toss in Jeffreys and we have a show dammit

I know. I love him too.

I forgot to mention this. He is an actual cuckold. His ex fucked Andy Levy from red eye in his hot tub while he was gone and he stayed with her.

Go back to your r/Opie&Anthony circle jerk you fuckin faggot.

I stopped listening to any radio/podcast when ant was fired years ago. he is the only genuinely funny host. funnier than jim norton

What a surprise, another alt-right pervert. You guys really know how to pick your leaders.

I wonder what Concho Pete has to say about all this.

As much as I hate 'Tits' and think he's an unfunny cake stomping cunt, he did save Tranpa from a life of cruising boy prostitutes on the Lower East Side

>knowing about some reddit forum about O&A
you have to go back

He's an insecure loser, it's that simple. On O&A it was funny because it seemed like it was just a character but it turns out it's who he really is. Maybe he has matching political views with many of us, and yeah, he's rich, but neither of those things mean he isn't a loser.

>implying there isn't a Reddit for everything

Shut up stupid

I take it you don't engage in any objectionable behavior, do you citizen?

Sounds like a typical north african of low moral standards

To this day Ant remains my fucking hero.

To anyone who doesn't know, let me explain the story of Anthony Cumia:

>no-name dago born into a shitty broken family
>dad is a drunk fag-hating crazy racist who throws spaghetti at walls
>anthony is literally like a genius-level IQ but no one notices because the family is a bunch of noodle-tossing wops
>spends his entire childhood watching television and learning to be funny to survive, which he has to, because he's a crybaby pussy
>dad pays his much-older crackwhore babysitter to fuck him when he's 13
>teaches him to hate niggers, ride horses, and love guns
>finally Ant hits his twenties
>is a complete fucking loser, alcoholic, dune buggie-driving, emotionally broken piece of shit
>marries a worthless drunk cunt who gets hammered at their own pathetic wedding (note: he bought the wedding ring at a dollar store)
>already hates his wife by the night of the wedding, has to get drunk just to make it through
>his life is already completely destroyed before it even began
>gets jobs as a guy installing air conditioners and roofs in the summer
>drives drunk all the time
>he's complete fucking worthless white trash new jersey racist alcoholic garbage
>still funny and clever as fuck, but no one notices, because he installs air conditioners and literally shits in spackle buckets for a living
>suddenly, one day, he gets discovered by a mentally retarded radio host
>within several years he is one of the most popular radio hosts in the world
>suddenly a millionaire

>convinces his drunk cunt wife to have threesomes with a hotter woman to save the marriage
>cheats on his wife with the other woman
>starts fucking models half his age
>decides that's not good enough
>starts fucking barely-legal and possibly even illegal girls while being a 50 year old day-drunk who drives mustangs until he gets bored of them and then gets a different mustang
>lives in a giant mansion, has celebrities come over to hang out, owns a barrett .50 cal sniper rifle, has his own movie theater built into his house
>constantly rants on the radio about how he hates niggers and thinks women are disposable and he only cares about fucking teenagers

Anthony Cumia went from being a literal TIN KNOCKER WHO SHITS IN SPACKLE BUCKETS to a fucking FIFTY YEAR OLD HAIR PLUG ASSASSIN with a .50 caliber sniper rifle who can get 17 year old instagram models to sit on his face WHENEVER HE WANTS

There is literally hope for ANYBODY in this country and Anthony Cumia is the living proof

he's not a cuckold
and he's not a pedo

16 years old is legal in plenty of places and countries all around the world

I wouldn't know, I've never been there. Fucking refugee newfag. Leave.

stop posting on /bant/
.Also he was funny on O&A,a lot of comedians that are now household names started uo there,really funny shit,esp a still uncucked Bill Burr,Louis CK and Jim Jeffries. Also Patrice is top tier

he also fucked the tranny sue lightning, probably, after he shit in jimmy's mouth.

That show went downhill fast after patrice died

Your hero fucks trannies, had all his guns taken away, doesn't have a license anymore because of speeding tickets and advertises known scam companies on his failing radio network.

jim norton is disgusting to look at and to listen too

it's amazing how someone could do that
even tom leykis sounds cool on radio

Ant is based and the only member of the O&A crew who hasn't completely fallen

>skin color
Yeah no.
Opie on the other hand, blonde eyes, aryan genes, fucks with homeless garbage people's cakes
Dudes legit /ourjock/

>Why is this absolute piece of garbage held in high regard here
I've never even heard of this guy before.

Is 13 and below legal? Because he sure does love following and liking prepubescent girls on Twitter and vine. And he literally got cucked and stayed with the girl, so he is a cuckold.

>The show went downhill fast after Patrice died
True and sad. I wonder what Patrice would think what the show has become. Also Rich Vos is a dolt.

seirousy, coincidence detector? tom leykis is jewish?! FUCK


Basically confirmed that Ant and Tits will be getting back together soon, watch this uncomfortable video he made

>If there is literally any evidence for the disappointing reality of fucking jailbait, Ant is living proof

Otherwise 10/10 bio

He would say anthony's a moron to continue to chase borderline underage girls and get played by them, like vinnie's daughter. Opie is a boring family man, but he was always boring, and jimmy is just more and more gay.

No one cares. There are only billions of other things more important to care about. Just who could possibly be behind the attempt to derail him?

And Ron Bennington. Ant and Ron are the funniest men to ever be in radio.

everyone knows rich is a fuckin idiot

in fact they were all stupid, but patrice somehow validated the show.

But without bill burr, anthony, and patrice and jimmy in the background the whole thing falls apart.

Honestly Opie hated Anthony for fucking up their normal life because they all used to go out, them and their wives.

But anthony's wife was too much of a drunk. But she only became a drunk because Anthony reneged on his promise to have children with her after he hit stardom so she was devestated.

He fucked himself over really. and no he's fuckign trannys.

>Opie trying to get Gavin to call him a torpid sloth on camera
Kek I forgot how autistic Opie can be.

>He is a convicted woman abuser

I don't have a problem with that

Ron Bennington host a hipster shit radio show with his hipster daughter now. He has a summer scarf collection. He really went down hill.

His wife was a drunk before that. Listen longer. He even said she was so wasted at their wedding she was starting shit with spit merchant Bro Joe.

Omg I didn't know about any of that stuff. All I know is he was Anthony on "Opie & Anthony" and he had fight with chick in ny. This guy is a piece of shit.

Also who said he wasn't fucking trannies?



Go away with your dumb gossip

wow you can tell he's intimidated by the fucking STUDIO anthony has in his house and walking in on gavin, even though gavin is an old hipster retard faggot.

he's also doin that passive agressive opie shit again "wow why don't these guys like me" like the video is not even 2 fuckin minutes long and he's already goin "WHY DONT YOU GUYS LIKE ME to TWO FUCKIN PEOPLE."

Some of you guys larp too hard on here. I can never tell when someone is being serious.

...according to some reddit shitposters. But where is the evidence?

> when they are butthurt from anal
Really poor dmear campaign, op is a faggot.

Him being a pedo has more actual documentation than any conspiracy theory posted here. Cumia is a 100% proven pedophile.

The photos I posted of his vine likes, and the fact he immediately deleted his vine account after it was brought to light.

the american dream

Provide the evidence of his following "prepubescent girls".

Here is him trying to skirt the issue.

Nobody cares. It's gossip

There is one picture of some random girl's page and then some shitty cumia meme.

Your story states that he was following tons of prepubescent girls.

Why is there a screen shot of just one random girl and no actual proof he was following her?

Even if he did follow that one girl on vine, could in not be because she did something funny or talented?

There is no evidence.I get that it's funny to pick at Ant and all. But why make shit up?

There's plenty of real shit to go after him about. Like his ugly pizza face or biting women. He fucking bites women. That's proven. That's a fact. Why doesn't anyone think that is bad? That's worse than punching her in the ribs like you made up. He actually in real life BIT A WOMAN.

Here is a deleted comment from his Reddit account confirming that he bought gifts for a "15 year old girl" who turned out to be a catfish.

Nothing solid. You can interpret that statement many ways such as his very publicly known tendency to argue on twitter etc.

Again, liking some random video on vine is not the same thing as "following tons of prepubescent girls.

Where's all the proof?

See the game being played here, this is to get conservatives to be pro pedophilia by attacking people they like over it. Everyone falls for it hook line and sinker.

if you think fucking 13 year olds is pedophillia you dont deserve to breed lol

Accusing people of being pedos to discredit them is one of the oldest tricks in the book. It's mostly effective because they can accuse anyone who questions the claim as being pro pedophilia and then you have to agree with them or you get labeled a pedo too.

Yeah what kind of "gift". Buying teenagers gifts isn't instantly incriminating. Buy them dildos and lingerie could be. But if he bought her some shitty dvd or something then who gives a fuck.

What kind of gifts are we talking about here?

You're trying to paint a picture here start using some colours.

You can Google search why he deleted his vine account yourself. He deleted it before more screen caps were taken but there are hundreds of comments documenting his vine likes. Anyway buying gifts for 15 year old girls is much more damming than his vine.

Redditors dude, shut up.
>convicted woman abuser
Wasnt convicted and he got his guns back.
>deleted his vine
Meh kinda weird ill give you that, but a pedo nah dude.

A MacBook and cash. If some unknown 50 year old man that you don't know sent that to your teen daughter would you not assume he is a pedophile?

He got catfished by someone posing as a 15 year old. He's a pedo.

>turned out to be a catfish
what'd they find him in a pond or sumthin?

I'm very much aware of your O&A reddit board memes. I'm not some clueless dummy.

There's hundreds of comments documenting lampshade people and gas showers and shrunken heads and rollercoasters sending people into ovens too but that doesn't mean the holocaust happened like that either.

Remind me to never buy my nieces a birthday present again since it's so damning.

You want to criticize Cumia. Keep it real.

Good one chippa

>Why is this absolute piece of garbage held in high regard here and with the (((Infowars))) crowd?

Because he is funny, and had a funny show for a very long time

Not if my daughter was sending him some sob story to get it, I would assume my daughter was successfully scamming people on the internet or becoming one of these instagram "models".

Oh you god damn aussie cunt. I'm gonna have SpaceEdge ban you when he wakes up from his benzo induced coma.

He said, with complete sincerity he'd go as low as 13 if it was legal. He is a tranny fucking, woman beating, kid fucking, pill popping piece a fawkin gawbage.

I live down the street from him. The whole neighborhood hates him. When he moved in, it was like having rappers move next door. He's operating a flop house with dozens of people coming and going at all times of day and night.


Where will he be preforming though?

>hurrrr let's try some random character assassination of a supposed alt-right celebrity

Fuck off you fucking kikes god fucking damn at this point it's not even going to be fun nuking the ovens you get stuffed into.

I fucking hate you and want to turn you into bacon glass.

anthony cumia is one of the funniest men alive. he is just so quick.

>1 post from this ID
>I live down the street from him


Want to post his exact address? Hell, would you like to go out for a short walk post a timestamped photo outside of his house to prove you're not another boring kike

Anthony has commented many times that ALL of his neighbors are rich jews.

His address is public info and he does brag about having parties that go on untill 8 am the next day.