>white men can't get laid for shit anywhere so your genes die out
>Sup Forums thinks having a white girl, the most desired group of females, is bad

have fun dying out with your beta cuck sons, you shits

Love is color blind.

>white men can't get laid

Children are expensive in modern society. Whites, unlike most other races, bare the full cost of child-rearing without the assistance of welfare. The more parents invest in each offspring, the fewer they have, which is why you cockroaches have so many.

I'm white.
I have a gorgeous wife, 2nd Gen German.
We have 2 beautiful kids who are outperforming most all other kids in school.
>feels good man

Only the retarded trashy white girls fuck degenerates.
We don't want them anyway.
Have fun with our trash

Stupidity. It's wealthy people who have less children and the poor whites who have more.


>white men cant get laid anywhere

You mean YOU can't get laid anywhere then blame it on others you absolute failure of a human being

Have fun being subhuman

shut up merkel

Shut up leaf

A lot of my friends are wealthy white Americans who have 3+ kids.
Stick to hockey faggot

>poor whites

Therein lies the problem. Whites are wealthy and their birthrate suffers for it. That's why poor people in your native China had so many kids.


>Talks about whites.

>Posts a Finn.

You need some learning, Mohammad al Bin Frankfurtistani.

>Only the retarded trashy white girls fuck degenerates.
>We don't want them anyway.
>Have fun with our trash
Exactly, and only beta fucks of our own race who can't land a marriage or even a relationship with a decent white woman usually end up looking for some desperate non-white to be with.

something something WE WAZ KANGZ


I need more Kiiras for my collection, keep 'em coming.

Try finding nerd girls if you are a nerd, athlete girls if you are an athlete, home maker or call girl if you are a business man, etc.

If you want to preg the Nordic cuties, it helps to also be Nordic. That way you and you wife can make more divine colored people and everyone will say "You have such a beautiful family!" They won't wonder how it happened, they will be thinking "That's what happens when you breed with good genes."

despite being a literal white gook would bang 9/10

You can have her, I just want the incredibly rare Estonian IIHF sweater behind her.

Shitskins only get the bottom of the barrel white girls anyway.

While white guys if they want can get the best looking black girls

You never eat a white man's ass. You nasty.

>literally says Valium
coincidence? I think not


fuck off

for fucks sake how many shitskins are in germany already?

Fuck you, Valio yogurt made at Valio's Estonia Plant #2 is the fucking best.

If it wasn't for Valio Artturi Ilmari Virtanen would never have gotten a Nobel Prize and the Finnish butter industry would be 30 years behind America.

t. Valio Marking in the US.

What are you even trying to say? We want to have white girls—it's certainly not bad.

I would go balls deep into Kiira and cum with the force of thousand suns

Me too, serku. Me too.



Actually I dont think its good to be with white girls who're hard to get, scared of sex so you have to wear a condom and only get it once a month.
> pathetic

I want a white chick with big tits who'll fuck me bareback on the first date and doesn't give a shit - and seriously Wants me, pursues me, asks ME out on the date.

> not that I want her doing any of these things for OTHER men, only ME
> from the start

solve that problem you 90iq bastard

In other words, white men demand a very, very high standard.

Not in terms of race, but in terms of openness. White women arent open(ing their legs). So, who IS opening their legs, guess what.

Best way to a man's heart is through her pussy, end of story. Just like Negan said.