Do you support Kekistan bros?
pepe bless me
Do you support Kekistan bros?
pepe bless me
Does it get any more cringeworthy than this
Oh, so this is the new board?
They never made the new board
Mods succumbed to the aspie rage. Also they are lazy fucks
This is so fucking cringy, I hate plebbit so fucking much.
Trump was a massive mistake.
These are the burgers you argue with on Sup Forums
More like Cuckistan...
please do not do this
Your cringe is more damaging than an entire antifa riot caused by a buzzfeed pepe story
Praise kek
Many people here seem to have strayed from the light of kek.
That's literally true though. National Socialism IS socialism. The only reason I don't trust it is because the establishment of a national bank is essential.
normies took the Bants and shit all over it.
Eh, let them have their fun.
>National Socialism IS socialism
in the original plan of Drexler, and the Strasser brothers, it more or less was. Fascim with a social veneer, so to speak. But in practise, no. Hitler banned the unions, outlawed the communists, the social-democrats and any resembling factions and was in cahoots with the capital elite, such as IG. Farben and Porche.
capitalists, like Schindler, had a good time in nazi germany.
Kekistan has been ruined by normies.
Kekistan is finished. It's like a Facebook/Plebbit thing now.
no its not NatSoc is the belief in an Organic society. Essential natures law "Darwinism" implemented and orchestrated through government rule.
So it's libertarianism except they gas the kikes and niggers?
I say it again, and I will keep saying it till you faggots get it, this is Chanology 2.0.
.. these fucks don't give ½ a shit, and hardly even know what they're getting into. They're larping, "for teh lulz", and go full autismo-reee-mode when someone retorts, like the kid who started screeching "SHILL SHILL SHILL KEK KEK SHILL" when some commie tore his kek flag up.
it's actually quite hilarious.
libertarian leaning with emergency dictatorial powers?
no, it's extreme authoritarian, nationalist and ethnocentric Keynesian-leaning capitalism that wants to gas everbody that doesn't fit a certain narrative.
This is you, Sup Forums, you fucking le maymay asspies.
wait a fucking minute... testing something here..
kek kek cuck cuck KEK KEK KEK KEK KEKEKEKEK KEKKEKUCK kekekekek cuckcuckcuck
lol this is fun guiz
.. like the word filters of old, I just realized cuck in all caps becomes kek.
fucking nu Sup Forums
lurk more you stupid sack of shit
Adolf Hitler:
>“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
these people are the new pic related
Fuck off sarcuck.