Marine Le Pen? More like Marine L'Intox

Thank you Sup Forums for She actually mentioned it during last night's presidential debate and now Macron is going ham on her.

French people found her to be as bad as Trump during the debate, and she's cemented her image as an angry spewer of fake news. She will now never be president.

Thank you so much.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hey cool, I love being on an English speaking board and having a faggot OP not translate anything to English

Sup Forums shooting itself in the foot again

Not that I care about you bunch of autists

It's OK not to speak French, but may I assume you're not blind?

The tweet points out the '''''''leaked''''''' Macron documents look fake as fuck. The font contrast is different on different parts of the documents.

Macron shills growing exceedingly nervous

It will take months to know if this is a fake or not
Meanwhile the doubts remains, after all, Macron is a banker and nobody trust a banker.

Marine will win.
Hurra for Le Pen.

Le Pen shills growing exceedingly quiet

1- We already know it's fake.
2- A poll in france shown that the french people trust more their banker than the media actually.

learn to check the catalog first, ahmed

>French people found her to be as bad as Trump during the debate

Isn't that a glowing endorsement?

It sure is. The thing is that french people universally hate Trump.

On the other hand, Obama (whom the french people universally loved) publicly endorsed Macron today.

Why shill when you've already won.

The day of the bacon rope is coming, Ahmed.

Alternative facts, not fake

>A poll in france
Can't believe frogs trust bankers, can you provide a link?

I wonder how big of a retard one has to.believe those docs were not fake

These sterile discussions I'm having on Sup Forums this week remind me of when I first found Sup Forums in 2008. Good times. I'll make sure to visit on Sunday night to drink some tears.

That announcement by Obama was an embarrassment. That's even worse than when he lectured the Brits to not Brexit because at least he was still the president.

I think they're pretty worried about MLP.

Dude.. it isn't our overrun-with-mudslime country that is in question, if Macaccaron wins, half of Sup Forums will be laughing at france while the other will shake their heads. Then, of course, the lot that just simply won't care.

65%, while they have trust in radio for 52%, writtent press for 44% and TV for 41% :

>whom the French people universally loved

We did it Sup Forums, we make macron win :^)

>Obama (whom the french people universally loved

I did not like him.

France, you are doing some massive damage control right now.

The EU is getting predicted.

All of this basically indicates that MLP was aware of Sup Forums helping her, and was willing to trust the information it produced. I liked her before but trusting Sup Forums is probably something she cannot recover from before the election, if ever

Da puck, trusting banks.
OK user, you are not a fag, but maybe these links are fake news from fake polls.

Le Pen will win.

trump won though

>Getting the political equivalent of the kiss of death
>From a disgraced and powerless former foreign leaders
>As Macron insults millions of French voters that might support LePen
>Relying on Polls after this past election

I know France is submissive and nature, but even you guys aren't that bad yet


>it isn't our overrun-with-mudslime country
Retards actually believe this.

That's the only feminism that should exist

That's fine by me. I'm entertained either way.

>Relying on Polls after this past election

You're talking about the first round of the french election, right? Whose results were predicted by french pollsters with eerie accuracy, right?

Sup Forums is graded on a curve, user

>hurr durr french polls are the same as american ones

typical fucking american fuck

Well Marine was that big of a retard last night.

they're trying to make this sound like the Obama birth certificate situation but the truth came out about that and he was born in Kenya.

I'm certain this news is true. They have no proof it's not true...Macron is a total scumbag.

Macron shills are on suicide watch.

>choosing between a banker and a jew
The next time we invade--and yes there will be a next time--don't fight it. You're better off waving the Anglo flag you absolute defeatist toads.

i fucking knew that thread was falsenflag just for this purposem


>I'm certain this news is true. They have no proof it's not true...
That's not how it works, degenerate burger.
Here you have to prove your accusations, until that the accused is innocent. You can't just come with bad memes and fake news to flip the minds of educated first worlders... We're not some kind of bluepilled Trumptards

The french are so stupid on Sup Forums.

They rather have some rothschild-funded fraudster (who is married to his teacher who molested him) as their President than someone who truly wants to make things better for them.

Why are the french so fucking dumb?
At this point I hope another terrorist attack happened before sunday to knock some sense into them.

The American people "universally hate Trump" as well.
How did that work out again?

How was that a false flag? I am a macron supporter and I'm laughing my ass off at anti-macron on Sup Forums giving him ammo to use against le pen.


But then how retarded can one be to mention literal Sup Forums memes on a presidential debate?

She is probably not to blame here, since this is the work of her team that she has to trust and rely on, but holy shit.

This kind of stupidity doesn't exist even here in Brazil.

I literally don't want her to get the nuke codes anymore.

I'm only mad that I actually learned french when I could just have learned Arabic instead since, with Macron, France might as well just be an other middle eastern country.

Pretty good. Because what is good about him? His turkeyt neck? His fucking ivanka piss or just regular piss mattresses?

>I hope another terrorist attack happen
Do you even hear yourself talk? Isn't the point of all that we're doing to make terrorist attacks NOT happen?

I swear at this point that le pen/trump supporters and daesh are pals.

>trust more their banker than the media actually.
so they trust con-artist A more than con-artist B, what a useful poll, also
>trusting a banker at all
people are so fucking stupid, they will scream at the top of their lunges at a supermarket cashier for getting their change by 10 cent wrong, but then they walk into a bank and sign their life savings and freedom away because a guy in a suite told them to. People deserve their fate.

Of course they are, they want the same things: to suck each other dicks

Kek your country is a disaster , not only you trust banks , you are also voting for a spawn of the rotschild leading you ahahahah truly cucked

Anything that will wake up you cunts and make you realize the threat shitskins pose to your future is a good thing.

The sooner Europeans deport every non european mudslime fucking subhuman out of this continent, the better.

>if you fight against X you're just as bad as X

Voting for Macron = more terrorist attacks

but I guess you guys are okay with that

Your friendo Macron will be even worse than Le Pen
Macron and Le Pen are both dictators but Macron is clever and adviced by smart fuckers. Rich fags and big companies will grow richer while we'll really start to struggle
Fuck all of you

Macron wants more refugees and said " we need to live with terrorism " you are a fucking retard and deserve to "live with terrorism " so i will not even be sad in some frogs gets blasted by some sandniggers

>with Macron, France might as well just be an other middle eastern country.
You actually bought into the FN propaganda, didn't you?

We have the French medias attention. Their debunking of the documents was hasty and crap. Keep spamming all the analysis which shows they are real:

Can t see reality huh ? Macron said " we need more refugees " where is that going to lead ? Your mudshit population is the highest in europe , by 2050 you will probably have at least 30% mudshits in your country if not more , so either you are a macron shill or a fucking mohammed

Macron VS Le Pen is just another Hilary VS Trump in the end.

Then why do you even post here if you don't care?

There is no need for that, an investigation has already begun, initiated by macron himself, since he knows he doesn't have a bahamas account. All you guys achieved was making Le Pen appear even worse than she already was.

You remind me of that caricature of an american we had on Les Guignols de L'info who didn't know there were peoples aside from "americans" and "mudshits".
I didn't believe people unironically idolized hitler until I came to Sup Forums. This is like a wonderland of idiocy.

By the way? Got any source for "Macron said " we need more refugees "" Because all I'm getting are Sup Forums archives. Sure is convenient to live in an echo chamber.

You're barely a fucking country anymore retard. Keep that asshole spread wide for Juncker and his pals though, it's your duty as a district of the EU. Don't you dare question your supreme leaders. Good goy!

Well except Hilary is nothing like Macron no matter what parrallels americans try to draw. Look how desperate they are to find some dirt on him.

You must be a masochist

This is almost as funny as finding out the Russian Dossier against Trump actually being real more and more parts of it are coming out to be 100% fact after Sup Forums tried its hardest to pretend it made it all up to trick people.

I guess the French media aren't a bunch of retards like the American media who just take things hook, line and sinker.

Hitler did nothing wrong, Sieg fucking Heil.

Shut up, you're a fucking hat.

Nah, just a guy living in the reality that is France, and having a kick out of Sup Forums's reactions.

And? Do you feel like it's working yet dear?

Yeah, that's the main thing really.
Macron is young and successful without any real dirt on him (for now) so he's the perfect cover for the one who back him up.

There won't be another Trump "miracle", sadly.

>an investigation has already begun, initiated by macron himself

LOL.. how convenient is that?
Let's just let the accused party initiate their own investigation...
I'm sure they won't find any wrong doing at all.

Enjoy becoming a minority in your ancestral homeland, you pathetic excuse of an European.

>It will take months to know if this is a fake or not
>Meanwhile the doubts remains, after all, Macron is a banker and nobody trust a banker.
>Marine will win.
>Hurra for Le Pen.

Il faudra des mois pour savoir si c'est un faux ou pas. Pendant ce temps, les doutes restent, après tout, Macron est banquier et personne ne fait confiance à un banquier. Marine gagnera. Hurler pour Le Pen.

Not our shills. We have the lead. Excluding the leaners. Debates don't matter people are voting issues. Your internal polling is garbage just liie the US.

Sorry. The good news for you is it looks like Canada will stay globalist.

Blocked in French jewtube

It was probably a trap the whole time

Either it turns out fine, or we get more targets for when the crusades come. It's a win-win scenario really.

>Living in the reality that is France

It's not the crime (even though treason is a dozy), it's the cover up, and this drip, drip, drip on Russia is delicious.

The fact that Sup Forums cost Lel Penn the election by feeding her fake news that was instantly exposed by a competent media is great.

Putin needs to start reevaluate who he hires to post here.

You laugh at hope of the well-intentioned. Not sure what your reasoning is but it must be damn strong in order to overcome the despair radiating from Macron's background.

weak bait my dude

Vous êtes un fagot et personne ne vous aime. Tuez-vous.

Wonder (((why))).

Things will no turn out fine.
If you want to see the future of Europe, look at how Yugoslavia dissolved.
Once you lose the demographic majority, which WILL happen unless you do something about it, you will become subjects under the rule of foreign people.
Germany is already fast on that route, and given your state, you are not far behind.

French woman dislike his wife. This matters.
He was 15 years old.

Impling that anyone actually cares about self destructing frogs. If they choose macron they will be a good example to rest of the europe of bad political decisions and cuckoldry.

>they're trying to make this sound like the Obama birth certificate situation but the truth came out about that and he was born in Kenya.
>I'm certain this news is true. They have no proof it's not true...Macron is a total scumbag.
Ils essaient de faire ressortir cela comme la situation de certificat de naissance Obama, mais la vérité est apparue à ce sujet et il est né au Kenya.

Je suis certain que cette nouvelle est vraie. Ils n'ont aucune preuve que ce n'est pas vrai ... Macron est un scumbag total.

>which WILL happen unless you do something about it
I AM doing something about it. I vote Macron and preach his saying around me.

You sure are working overtime with all these desperate posts in one thread Pierre, hope Macrons paying you enough to afford a beer afterwards, you'll need it. Just steer clear of the refugee camps, I hear they aren't fans of alcohol, don't wanna upset your wives boyfriends. :^)

>The french are so stupid on Sup Forums.
>They rather have some rothschild-funded fraudster (who is married to his teacher who molested him) as their President than someone who truly wants to make things better for them.
>Why are the french so fucking dumb?
>At this point I hope another terrorist attack happened before sunday to knock some sense into them.

Les Français sont si stupides sur Sup Forums.

Ils préfèrent avoir un fraudeur financé par un rothschild (qui est marié à son professeur qui l'a importuné) en tant que président que quelqu'un qui veut réellement améliorer les choses.

Pourquoi le français est-il si bête?
À ce stade, j'espère qu'une autre attaque terroriste s'est produite avant dimanche pour leur donner un certain sens.

Fuck Macron

The US Deep State is funding Macron.
Quick Rundown
>National Endowment for Democracy (NED) established to intervene in foreign politics in 1983.
>It is officially a non-governmental organization.
>It receives $50 million annually from the US government.
>Proceeds to intervene in foreign politics.
>1985 gets caught intervening in France against Mitterand.
>Helped depose Pinochet.
>Finances candidates surreptitiously.
>Sets up “think tanks” to launder the money.
>Has shells for right, left, labor, and management.
>Macron is a fluent English speaker and ex-Rothschild & Co banker.
>Macron linked up with the NED in 2006.
>Joined Fondation Jean Jaurès, a French NED puppet in 2006.
>Spoke at Fondation Robert Schuman, another French NED puppet, events.
>François Hollande utilizes the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI another NED puppet) for the 2012 Socialist Party primaries.
> Tom McMahon, a DNC operative, helped the NDI organize the Socialist primaries in 2012.
>President Hollande appoints Macron as the Minister of Economy and Finance.
>Secretary of State Hillary Clinton notices him in 2012 in private correspondence.
>Tomicah Tillemann, her advisor, coordinated NED efforts though the State Department.
>Wikileaks confirmed the CIA interfered in the 2012 election.
>Tom McMahon returned to France again in 2016.
>Macron emerges as a well-funded dark horse candidate.
>Moves to the second round of the elections against Marine Le Pen.
>Macron endorsed by NED puppets Fillon, Sarkozy, Hollande, and Hamon.
>Mélenchon, without NED affiliation, stays neutral.
>Coincidence detected.
>Now we drop this info and get him BTFO
>I’m with her.

she needs a good fuck instead and that would imply she did not strip to pay welding school

>Anything that will wake up you cunts and make you realize the threat shitskins pose to your future is a good thing.
>The sooner Europeans deport every non european mudslime fucking subhuman out of this continent, the better.
Tout ce qui va vous réveiller vous cunts et vous faire réaliser la menace que pose la peau de merci pour votre avenir est une bonne chose.

Les Européens les plus tôt déportent de tous les continents de la terreur non européenne foudroyant sur ce continent, mieux c'est.

Macron will do nothing to preserve French people as the majority in France.
It is not in his interests at all to maintain France as a French nation.
He serves the globalist bankers, who are the sole benefactors of mass immigration and multiculturalism.
Nationalism, and homogenous nations are the biggest threat to the globalist financial elites, hence the push for multiculturalism and mass immigration. Macron will push for your nation's death because he serves his globalists masters, not your peoples.

He's pretty solid for such a despair-radiating guy. Did you watch last night's debate?

>Voting for Macron = more terrorist attacks
>but I guess you guys are okay with that
Voter pour Macron = plus d'attaques terroristes

Mais je suppose que vous êtes bien avec ça

Sorry m8, I don't speak faggot.

>Your friendo Macron will be even worse than Le Pen
>Macron and Le Pen are both dictators but Macron is clever and adviced by smart fuckers. Rich fags and big companies will grow richer while we'll really start to struggle
>Fuck all of you
Votre ami Macron sera encore pire que Le Pen
Macron et Le Pen sont tous deux des dictateurs, mais Macron est intelligent et conseillé par des fuckers intelligents. Les fags riches et les grandes entreprises deviennent plus riches alors que nous allons vraiment commencer à lutter
Fuck tous vous

>Macron wants more refugees and said " we need to live with terrorism " you are a fucking retard and deserve to "live with terrorism " so i will not even be sad in some frogs gets blasted by some sandniggers

Macron veut plus de réfugiés et a déclaré "nous avons besoin de vivre avec le terrorisme", vous êtes un putain de retard et méritez "de vivre avec le terrorisme", de sorte que je ne serai même pas triste dans certaines grenouilles qui sont brûlées par des sandniggers

one of the 3 languages of the world fucking nigger - what other nation speaks yours? None

Why is there a cibc bank statement (for non Leafs cibc = Canadian imperial bank of commerce)

Vous êtes à peine un putain de pays plus tard. Gardez ce trou du culot large pour Juncker et ses copains cependant, c'est votre devoir en tant que quartier de l'UE. Ne vous inquiétez pas de vos chefs suprêmes. Bon goy!