What can be done about women?

What can be done about women?

>disregard women, acquire currency

Artificial wombs and waifubots.

Not even Chad Pitt is safe

They will not respect you if they do not fear you.


why was i born in these boring times with guns and shit. i want to live like a based samurai or troy warrior.

>ftw today only about money, internet and shit. ... no honor and respect





>dying for the elites was much better with inferior technology!

Honour and respect have always been memes.

Based toothpaste

What's the alimony?

None, but she's asking for 100k a month in child support and he refused. Still working on it as far as I know

he looks like a fucking trainwreck

>$100k a month

Why do judges even award such crazy numbers? I know it hasn't gone through, but cases involving rich people often do.

It's just fucking bonkers.

we need get divorce law reformed, so marriage is just a nice ceremony that lets you visit each other in hospitals

we need to take money out of relationships so men are truly independent and equal to women and so we know people are always in relationships for the right reasons

And when they were the guiding light of humanity, we were better people. We accomplished more, and were willing to die to accomplish something rather then rot and watch the world rot around us.

We were adults rather then children.

miss her yet?


Don't stick your dick in crazy, even if crazy played Lara Croft.

Checked, shoulda been loyal.

too late now , Bryce bagged that one

he fell for the succubus when he should've stayed faithful to that old lady he was married to.

/polgb/ comics

Who dis?

There is definitely more honor in melee combat than being shot in the head from 400 yards.

Angeline Jolie’s political ambitions within the United Nations were reportedly one of the reasons behind their split.

While Pitt and Jolie prepare for the worst, E! News is reporting that Jolie recently spoke out against President Donald Trump’s new policy towards refugees. Jolie is a longstanding advocate for refugees and currently works for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

“As the mother of six children, who were all born in foreign lands and are proud American citizens, I very much want our country to be safe for them, and all our nation’s children,” Jolie said. “But I also want to know that refugee children who qualify for asylum will always have a chance to plead their case to a compassionate America. And that we can manage our security without writing off citizens of entire countries—even babies—as unsafe to visit our country by virtue of geography or religion.”

>marrying someone from the 99.5% shit percentage pool called females
>marrying in one of the most degenerate lands in Murica
>getting suckered into fathering other mens children when you have perfectly healthy sperm
Retarded. Absolutely fucking retarded.

But only crazy women will have sex with me....

Based Greeks

>And when they were the guiding light of humanity, we were better people.
They never did. Movies aren't real.

poor brad ay, Angelina might have great cock sucking lips but its not worth it

and Brad said "WALL"

Kill the cancer known as Marxism, Social Justice and Feminists.

In B4 Brad becomes Mel Gibson 2.0
He should battle for custody of his biological children only.

Thats the the thing with women in positions of power, theorically it should be bloody amazing, what else is more powerful than a maternal force taking care of your country? Biologically speaking nothing, that's why matriarchal hierarchies are so successful roughly speaking (Mother Russia) but you need a devoted, strong, woman who is willing sacrifice itself for her child, just like Elizabeth preached before the war against Spain, there you see the best example of why women are so good at caring.
And let me tell you for you to find a women interested in politics is really difficult, like, difficult in a almost absurd manner, and for good reasons, you don't only need some vagina interested in politics, anyone can play the strawman and climb up until they think is enough. But no women here does that, and hardly they do in Europe also, the closest we had for a women in the office may be dead or not human, so there's that. I rather wait for a good one to show up already.