Sup Forums explain this shit

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A well planned out art project. Nothing more.


She understands that brainwashing and social conditioning are rising memes in today's corrupt sinworld and is exploiting it with her art.

A girl for the Pepsi era. Princess Monarch

muh dick man muh dick

Here's a decent rundown

i wanna see her tits

yeah small perky tits like hers are top tier

she is 14

Literally the only reason this channel works is because Poppy is an attractive blonde white girl.

Shitskins are just ugly to look at. Even shitskinsthemselves know that.

Her character is 14, the actual person is older

This is /ourgirl/

She's a shitskin though, brown eyes. IIRC she's of Albanian origin

Post the video that shows the most of her body, including ass in spandex or something.

Filthy little kike vermin egomaniac pretending to appear high-minded with obscure imagery.

That's what these filthy little kike subhumans do.

Totally weak, ugly, retarded human-garbage using enigmatic imagery to appear deep.

How lucky for the children of the deep future to have no one single ugly little gargoyle stinking kike rat bastard in existence.

Those stinking stimley hook-nosed freemason subanoid wretched goblin-slug creatures all nothing but reminders in history books of the ugly and despicable human evolution process of old.

I want her to kill me.

>Rainbow shirt

What did she mean by this?

woodland berries

Leave ol girl alone

People are so stupid that you can overtly brainwash people.

Weird shit for the sake of weird shit