I want to start reading more books. What are some political must-reads?

I want to start reading more books. What are some political must-reads?

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First chapter is mandatory Sup Forums reading.

Dont read fiction.

Read only factual books that you can use to prove your points and beliefs.

'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress' by Robert Heinlein
Because those who do not understand the tactics of revolution shouldn't be involved in the politics of revolution.

1984 is Reddit le stalinist tier. It's about some cuck peasant who gets sexually excited about writing and how many men his girlfriend has secretly fucked*

*Not a joke. It is in there.

St Augustine
Pensees by Pascal

a ton of history.

Protestant reformation
Crusades (including Northern)
Making of Russia



Read any Mildred D Taylor book. :)

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Even if its fiction, it's 1984 tier

Required reading to post ITT

Thomas Sowell's Economics. Julius Evola's RATMW and RTT. Chesteron's The Everlasting Man. March of the Titans. Meditations by Aurelius. Righteous Indignation by Breitbart. Death of the West by Buchanan. And of course, Men Kampf.

Does anyone have the link with all the pdf books that are Sup Forums approved?

>The Gulag Archipelago
>The Painted Bird
>Beyond Good & Evil
>The Road to Wigan Pier
>Brave New World
>Modern Man in Search of a Soul
>Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions
>Man's Search for Meaning

Dostoyevsky's - Demons, Brothers Karamazov

Tolstoy's - War and Peace

Turgenev's - Father and Sons

Solzhenitsyn's - Gulag Archipelago, 200 years together

>Robinson Cruesoe--If you didn't read this as a kid, that's probably the reason you're a do-nothing kike-wannabe faggot. Epic story of a man vs. nature and God.

>The Devils by Dostoevsky: If you didn't read this story it's probably the reason you're a leftist faggot and deserve to be driven from these shores

>A Hero For Our Times, Lermentov: Another story about not being a faggot

>War and Peace by Tolstoy: A really long story about how gay it is to be an aristocrat

>The Count of Monte Cristo: Good little story, m8.

>The Odyssey: It's okay to be a liddle gay.

>The Holy Bible: If you haven't read this, you are not a part of Western Civilization, period.

>Rules for Radicals
>The Coming Insurrection

Know thy enemy user

New Science - Giambattista Vico

They translated that--200 years together? I thought kikes were censoring that?

This one is a good read but almost devoid of political value.

>read to confirm beliefs
Don't, read to expand your knowledge of topics that interest you. If they confirm your beliefs, it was likely a waste of time, try to read who you don't agree with, you'll always gain something from it.

This gives you Street cred

This. I was really liking the book up until that part. It's really cucked for some reason.

Animal Farm is a good starter

Librivox has a lot of the books in audio format that are in the public domain

Here is a partial translation of 200 years together

Orwell is a fucking kike-tier Marxist. It amazes me how he got one over on the world like that--pretending to criticize Marxism while secretly supporting it. It didn't dawn on me until I read his little non-fiction book the Road to Wigan Pier, wherein he sets out what a pinko faggot he is.

That is not what I said.

What I said was dont waste your time on fiction books. Stick to non-fiction literature. Reading is to your brain what working out is to your body. The more time you put into it, the better the returns.

So dont waste that time on anything that doesnt improve your knowledge.

For My Legionaries
The Total Society
The Decline Of The West
Origins and Doctrine of Fascism

Read the Bible user

They are but incomplete translations exist


I get that part, but
>Read only factual books that you can use to prove your points and beliefs.
Maybe you didn't express yourself quite well. Don't hang on this though, I get what you're saying now.

you do realize that to Winston her promiscuity more or less was to him how much she rebelled against the regime. He mentions in the book how the act of sex to him is an act of rebellion. Not trying to justify cuckoldry but your comment isn't too contextual.

Culture of Critique by Stephen Molyneux

Can't we hire a russian to do the rest? Just get like 10K together and some potato vodka and just say 'translate this or we'll drink this before you'? ?

This op will open your eyes to the true nature of yourself

>(((Amazing Atheist)))

You're right. I re-read my original post and admit I did not express the initial meaning well enough.

>political must-reads
Anything of Karl Marx.

this book series is pretty "red pilled" as the kids like to say

Karl Marx is good for when you want to sleep. Das Kapital put me to bed every single time I tried to read it. I got to the chapter on the working day (probably the most important chapter right?) and quit.

Fuck man, I wish other places discussed topics like we did now, sometimes people get hanged up on the shittiest details just to say the other person is wrong.


Neznajka na Lune.
100% POLITICAL must read
It's the Soviet children book teaching on how the real west is, and why socialism is good,
on whichseveral generations of Soviet kids grew up.
There's a cartoon too.

Undaunted Courage.
It has some insights into the politics of the time (not so different from now), and tells the story of the greatest adventure ever pulled off- the opening of the American West. Read it slow, and savor every word. Most books are salad, this is beefsteak.

Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman

More relevant today then when it was written

As you read you'll see a lot of the predictions in the book have/are happening

This nigger is mein nigger

What is 200 years together? What's so good about it (((they))) want it censored. This is my 1st time hearing about it.


if you're here and haven't read it, you're wasting everyone's time

(((Carl Marx))), National (((Socialism))), (((Socialist Propaganda))), George RR (((Martin)))

What the fugg? These are the unadulterated fucking blue pills. Why?

It's about how the kikes destroyed imperial Russia. Based.

Fiction and Fantasy are for Fags.

Reading righteous mind by haidt rn. Seems legit thus far

>Denying yourself literature like Starship Troopers, Stranger in a Strange Land, 1984, Brave New World, and Hemingway in general.

know thy enemy

>Very good book indeed

Hobbes is always a classic, bit heavy language though

For that a look into Cervantes and Fernão Mendes Pinto would be good to.

Read Plato republic, read Machievel prince and republic, also a book he wrote im forgeting.

And for fun read Dante Alighieri divine comedy.

Half of that is straight Marxist shite man. And starship troopers is middle-school tier.

bradbury is great but heinlen was a terrible writer

Fucking retard. It is too teach you of the plight of communism and add to your arguments.

Some good Films to watch are:

1) Truman Show

2) They Live.

As for Books, "War of the Worlds" is always a classic.

Is that you Dr. Peterson?

what kind of .gif do you call that?

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:

Fyodor Dostoyevsky:

Leo Tolstoy:

Ray Bradbury:

George Orwell:

and if you want a harder read:
Nietzsche, Carl Jung

Read homage to catalonia, you fag. Also you can't compare young orwell to old orwell.


Marxism can be dismissed with like 3 sentences, man. Not even worth my time. What a waste.


this is a must for understanding the background behind all the current political troubles in america

>written by a liberal socialist faggot.

You forgot (((gay sex)))

The Law - Bastiat (very short if you want to start of small)

For a new liberty -Rothbard

Democracy: The god that failed - Hoppe

Economics in One Lesson - Hazlitt

>bradbury is great but heinlen was a terrible writer

he wasn't terrible lol, but he isn't amazing, some of his stories are just incredibly dull and boring or written awkwardly, but some of his stuff is top shelf.

the moon is a harsh mistress is good stuff

orwell and huxley are entertaining, but their most famous novels were pushed to normalize collectivism and liberal ideals like population control and the destruction of the family unit.

they tell you to read them in school under the guise of 'don't let this happen here!' but its actually pushed as "its inevitable", like communists love to say about their ideology.


haha, filthy soros-paid capitalist
soviet kids knew about west all before long ago

This is exactly correct re: Orwell and Huxley. It's always something defeatist and gay like 'this is the new normal I guess, ho hum, time to die now." Fucking gay faggots.

Guns Germs and Steel by Jarod Diamond

Starship Troopers.

THE MOVIE HAD THE OPPOSITE MESSAGE.(So don't write it off as entertainment you're aware of.

It's a celebration of Militarism.

i was really turned off by starship troopers but i'll give him another chance and check out the moon is a harsh mistress

This is utter hogwash for blue-pilled atheists.

The Singularity is a flawed narrative of history, nothing more.

Theodor Herzl - A Jewish State

The Bible
Institutes of the Christian Religion

Wrong image.

The protocols of the learned elders of Zion. (it isn't fake, even though the kikes told you it was)

Did you retards even read the book? He liked the fact that she was rebelling against the system, he wasn't a cuck.

But, seriously, try Bukowski's "Swastika".
Truly opens your eye on how fascist USA are.

>Starship Troopers.
>THE MOVIE HAD THE OPPOSITE MESSAGE.(So don't write it off as entertainment you're aware of.
>It's a celebration of Militarism.

the movie can be taken in a variety of ways, thats what has made it transcend in popularity vs the book.

the movie mocks the collectivist 'we all need to do do our part' mantras in the spoof propaganda, while at the end of the movie just johnny and dougie howser pretty much singlehandedly decide the outcome of the whole world, highlighting human achievement as the sum of its great individuals, not the collective.

The Cantos by Ezra Pound. Based fascist poet. Best modern poet.

It literally is

everyone that disagrees with you isn't a kike


The RLM guys had a very left-wing view of the movie.


tl;dw: "this movie glorifies a never ending chain of violence for violence's sake, nobody has any individuality in this society!"

He never said he is against Marxism you retard. He had stated many times that he is a socialist. Totalitarianism is what he opposed. Jesus fucking christ do some research.

Moon is a Harsh Mistress was a great read. Only took me three sittings to finish.

Peterson tricked me into reading this.
The first half is interested just for historical anecdotes on life as a miner, the second half is like reading a really whiney tumblr or reddit post. This book made me really dislike Orwell even though I like 1984.



>USA is fascist
that what they teach you in slavschool?

road to serfdom
capitalism and freedom
intellectuals and society
how to fail at almost anything and still win big

Read these to become red-pilled kekistani


Definitely read orwells stuff. He is a great writer and there is great audiobooks on youtube of all his books. Orwell is not /ourguy/ though. But everything he writes proves himself wrong and us right which I think is why people on the right like him. Its why I liked his writings anyway. "THE PROLES WILL NEVER REVOLT!" This should be the line everyone remembers from 1984! Forget big brother. Its the line that disproves everything the left stands for. And Orwell himself proves as much in his non fiction the road to Wigan pier. Not that we should mistreat the normies! But we sure as shit should not be pandering to them.


those people are totally fucking stupid, dont watch fucking losers on youtube if you want to understand a piece a work of fiction, fucking read/watch it yourself and draw your own conclusions.

paul verhoven is one of the most misunderstood directors/producers in hollywood, all his shit is redpilled and liberals take it all as parody of redpill because he does it of his ironic sense of humor.