Why do non-white people think they're white so much? Pic related

Why do non-white people think they're white so much? Pic related

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he is white

Most of Sup Forums is non-white.

because larping is funny

t. nigger

No he's not. And you're not white either paki


There's a lot of non European whites.
JonTron is not just White, he's also Aryan.

he looks like a nig nog to me

and yet 45% of this board will unironically support natsoc which is inherently a homogeneous ethnostate

how does that add up

pol is 89% none white, yet its a nazi white supremacist board

If he isnt white, then wtf is he

everyone always thinks they'll get to be the cool thug soldier and not the blubbering victim pushed up against the wall

Shitskin or mutt

they want the "white privilege"

>irrationally hate USA
Come on now, JewSA caused all this mess and you know it.

A fat faggot who plays children games

>everyone always thinks they'll get to be the cool thug soldier and not the blubbering victim pushed up against the wall

Why do Chinese people thing they have Germanic heritage?


inferiority complex

I have European ancestry, caucasian skull and white skin. So I thought maybe I am white, then /pol / show me the true I am actually a sub - saharan African

>acts white
that's all I really care about
if tomorrow every nigger gave up crime and started striving for greatness (other than being an athlete or rapper) I'd be okay with them

No lol, its not. You just want to think that because you are a shitskin

>why does the rest of the world also want homogenous ethnostates?


What's his name, Sup Forums?

We've been over this.

Hungarian + Iranian = Italian

It's simple genetic maths.

get off to

joe safari

K Jamal

What about Iranian + German

He is whiter than you

when a Serb has to agree with a roach that your post is retarded, you know that you dun goofed
also, Jontron is white, Persians are white. some on Sup Forums don't even consider Serbs white, it doesn't mean anything


T_D is that way


>There's a lot of non European whites

Lol no. White= European

max level cuckoldry

Hes 1/2 Persian who are 1/2 The time 1/2 white.
It's a bit of a coin toss imo. You will always get individuals on the periphery when you are looking at huge population groups like 'Whites'.

My guess is it's much better to be white than mystery meat.

I like jon tron

but i am white
>pic related

Even Hitler claimed that other non white races as whites.

>Persians are white

Are their Afghan brothers who rape swedish women every day also white?


sure thing, Barbarossa

You right now

>hating usa automatically makes you a swedish child refugee
Nice fucking logic you got there

>Algerian is whiter than me
why does it hurt to live?
at least i'm not a manlet like arabs and roaches, but everyone here in Serbia is ridiculously tall

threadly reminder that you are not white if you dont have blue/green eyes.


green eyes iranian checking in :DDD

Afgans don't egist, its a fooken meme mate. There are tribes with 100% blue eyed blondes (sarmaians) and than there are those as black as American niggers


Stop this jewish meme already

He claimed they were aryans or honorary aryans

Isn't he Persian or something?

Also, people think Italians are white and I have never understood that. The word "white" became meaningless when it was applied to Italians.

Because they are defending the principal bastion of human thought and would rather not see the major proprietors of goodness and innovation snuffed out from the world.

> he thinks 180cm is tall

Sarmatians don't exist anymore

I'm talking about Pashtuns. Would you let these Pashtun refugees into Serbia? They're white like the Persians

Sup white brother


I wouldn't even let them to Sweeden

lot of brainwashed edgy kids on here

He doesn't think he's white. He's defending white culture because he sees it being attacked.
It's like if you saw someone beating your mom. You're more likely to lash out in rage against your mother's attacker than if they were beating you personally.
That's why so many mixed folks are doing all of the actual fighting for us while we sit here on this board and uselessly histrionically shriek like women.



LARP 10/10 pedro

The same people that want whites dead will continue their lunacy long after the last white man dies.

Then all the white-passing people will be next. The threat of racial insecurity will not end with whites, whiteness is relative.

Did you not see the HWNDU streams?

>laughs in 56% non Hispanic Caucasian

If I have green eyes am I white

90% of the people that went there to represent Sup Forums were brown

the HWNDU were mostly men, and all men are evil in SJW eyes, they will turn on brown/black men during this year, someone pls screencap this

>Stop this jewish meme already

>pls don't treat me the way i want to treat brown people =(


Half Iranian, mixed.
Jontron isn't Italian or Greek, he is half Iranian.
If you have mostly European ancestry yes, if not no.

kike subverters say that no one who is not a fucking albino is non white

what a shame that such an ugly specimen gets to post under with flag.
never post a picture of yourself ever again, this is embarrassing.

I have blue eyes but my DNA test said I'm 8% kenyan.

>Half Hungarian
>Half Persian

He's not European, but he isn't a racial enemy for sure.

Desperation and a desire to stay around White people.

Lots of Syrians, Lebanese, Turks and Jews will insist that they are White people of ancient lineages of some such, but they are still physically and psychologically the same crappy people you expect them to be.

He looks half white half arab to me desu

holy shit if thats the case never come to southcone cus everyone is like 150-170cm
you are like a fucking MOUNTAIN

>Brazzers in charge of whiteness

Iranian = Aryan

literally from the caucasus

I am part of a white nationalist group and theres this one Italian dude who looks legit middle eastern... I dont know how to break his heart and tell him hes a non white larper

It could be this too

Persians are roughly half white (they're indo-europeans who underwent a few periods of miscegenation) so being mixed he's like 3/4 white. He's fully caucasoid but he has that "slightly off" look that most mostly-white mixed people have.

Nice meme

But you're both Turkroaches. Nobody's making any false distinctions, Muhmat.

nice meme


Not what, non-white or white supremacist?

I know. I'm so glad I came to Sup Forums.
I always thought I'd be paying reparations but
it turns out I'll be the one receiving them.

Your floor looks like farts and unhappiness.
You are not white.

You're a dumbass for 3 reasons. Using green text when he just wrote one sentence, green texting his entire post, and the third reason is that you're right, but still a dumbass

I believe that white = European ancestry, Iranians are Indo-Europeans who mixed with indigenous Middle Eastern people, same thing with north Indians.

>Persians are roughly half white


>"Aryan" (/ˈɛəriən, ˈɛərjən, ˈær-/)[1] is a term meaning "noble" which was used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people. The word was used by the Indic people of the Vedic period in India as an ethnic label for themselves, as well as to refer to the noble class and geographic location known as Āryāvarta where Indo-Aryan culture was based.[2][3] The closely related Iranian people also used the term as an ethnic label for themselves in the Avesta scriptures, and the word forms the etymological source of the country Iran.[4][5][6][7]

Because every fucking race in the world wants to be white. I don't blame em'.

If 9% of the earth identifis as white and a huge portion of those s muts and deranged niggers how many people are actually purely white?

Cut your fucking hair you look like a retard.

>promoting their separate non-white ethnostates on a predominantly white/american image board