Top fucking kek antifa Bitch deserved it
Top fucking kek antifa Bitch deserved it
Good, good.
That's what you get for dating a roach. What I'm amazed at is she didn't learn from it.
How come so many people are incapable of even rudimentary thought?
>couldn't have known things would turn sour
Where's the archive.
Shame he didn't kill her
So one of our comar (like a Turk version of hillbilly) roaches fixed one of your disgusting problems.
Sounds like you owe us a favor, West.
why not just link the original site. washingtongfeed is shit.
disfiguring her with acid and maiming her so she's a cripple is better. dead is too easy
why are you perpetually pissed off?
We will gladly come over and clear up that Islam problem you guys can't seem to get rid of.
She's still breathing you worthless fucking turkroach. You don't get paid for doing a half-assed job.
i shit on dead american soldiers graves and wipe my ass with the american flag.
Prepare your asshole bub.
That's a lot of impotent anger from a roach
>why are you perpetually pissed off?
I'm actually not, friend. Just messing around.
We need all the help we can get. Bring friends.
Bitch please, your only boat with supplies for Palestinians got rekt by Israeli. I was waiting for a solid Turkish counter hit...all you did was enter stutter mode
Say it with me "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet"
"There is no God"
Exactly !
karınıda ver piç kurusu
That's what you get for being fucking retarded.
>"wipe my ass"
>is turkroach
Pick one
You're on a board that your beloved reis censored, you realise this right? Tayip is disapoint in you.
Based roach.
Too bad she wouldn't change her mind unless she was killed
atat*rk ayyaş bir selanik piçidir, anneside kerhane karısıdır.
Listen little bro, I know you're angry about something. But the reality is, we're going back to the stone age. Adamlar her boku sansurliyorlar. Bu iyi mi şimdi?
>All these racists call my loving man a rapist
>How could this happen? Such a mystery!
This dumbass will never learn. She would rather ignore reality so she can keep up the Huffington Post-created delusion that's she's anything other than retarded.
ş*hitler öldü vatan bölündü burası t*rkiye anasıda sikildi. reis laikçi karılarını sikin desinde keyfimiz yerine gelsin moruq
So you either buy american flags regularly or rewipe your ass with the same cloth
I bet she uses the memories of rape when she masturbates.