Why can't we unite to fight against (((them)))
Why can't we unite to fight against (((them)))
No thanks
Niggers, that's why
> why don't we just cut our cocks off and hold open our wives' legs for black cum? that would show those jews!
I'd like to see everyone working together to beat the shit out the jews then after the deed is done, returning to their ethnostates.
Good goy.
Take a wild guess...
10/10 bait
No, the Jews want us to work together against them for... some reason.
Because white nationalists are the only ones that want to live in countries comprised of only their own people.
Black nationalists do not want to live in countries comprised of only their own people.
The day that changes, I would be fine with allying with them.
Ah yes the Jews love civic nationalism. Try again cuck. Sage this slide thread. Op is a faggot
because we are vastly different types of human and can never get along without a massive police state
niggers want you dead anyway, so stop being such a race cuck
Do you know why
>le based black man
is a meme? Because even people who use that unironically are aware that most black people are fucking ignorant niggers. Are there a few? Sure. Still nothing more than a few tokens.
Blacks don't want to.
Identity not supremacy
(pssst... hey pssst)
(we did that for awhile in America)
(It was an amazing time in a faraway fantasy land called the 1980's and 90's)
(most blacks were just normal people and not niggers)
(they didn't talk stupidly, they finished school, they got jobs, they were like actual people)
(they had shows like the Cosby's, Family Matters, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air that featured successful black families - one even featured a black cop as the father)
(we had rappers that talked about rhymes, parties, and having fun, not murder and crime and bitches)
(we had a kids show called Reading Rainbow where based Levar Burton taught kids how to read)
(black people were just people, they were just Americans)
(Democrats reinvented the Nigger, they rebooted a racism that we had destroyed, weaponized it, and used it to leverage endless political power)
(all demolibs must fucking die)
(secret rant over)
I've found that the majority of those yelling "black power" are sheep to the establishment and (((them))). They're simple sheep.
the only way to unite with beasts is to tame them into submission
Sides gone.
Ohh you mean the crack era which destroyed millions of black lives in the good ol 80's? where you literally had the goverment help kill off entire families in the ghetto? ohh you also mean the good ol 90's where Bill Clinton put thousands of black men behind bars and where his wife villified black kids as predators? but screw all that cause we had the COSBYS!!!!
Jews would never allow things to go that far.
>most blacks were just normal and not niggers
Detroit, Philly, Chicago, Oakland, Camden, and others, all became nigger filled shitholes AFTER the 90's?
Fascinating .
Last time I checked, you have a choice whether you want to smoke crack or not, and Clinton was a democrat, Denmark. Ghettos were created by the fucking Democrats.
What exactly is your point? Blacks and race relations were better than they had ever been, and it was a fucking golden age. The bullshit of today didn't happen. You don't even live here so I enjoy your fucking view of history from across a massive ocean through CNN, cunt.
>evil white people did it: the post!
i do not want to hate blacks; i really do not want too... the problem is the jewish influence of degeneracy. i think there are some good blacks. most of them are nigger pieces of shit. can blacks and whites unite to kick out the jews? yes. will it happen? no. why? too many variables. common enemy? JEWS. kick the fucking jews out. everyone will have peace.
If black nationalists were willing to convince their fellow blacks to go back to Africa, then sure. Until then, no.
Supremacists and nationalists on both sides.
It was a process, and coincides hilariously with the rise of gangster rap. There's nothing wrong with reactionary movements, especially in art, but the shit was never supposed to engulf the entire culture. Those flames were fanned for political power and reinforced with the welfare state.
good question.
people on this board generally hover around the elite pedo-satanic shit...we all know that there is a shadow government. Yet we still fight EACH OTHER.
Whatever this evil force is, it's extremely intelligent.
However, we outnumber the luciferians They must be outed, tried, and publicly executed.
i think what we have to try to do is to get luciferianism into the overton window through collective consciousness and memetic warfare.
it's not the jews, or any other ethnic group causing this shit.
it really is an interdimensional force of pure evil.
If anything, jews are probably the ones exploited most by this energy. They are usually very strong right brained thinkers, and theyve been collectively possessed through the babylonian talmud.
collective consciousness is real, and it's all that governs our reality.
Sup Forums doesn't care about fighting Jews
That's a Jews house.
Them utilize the ignorance of the masses.
(((The ignorance of the masses)))
To divide and conquer.
Until the masses rise out of ignorance, they will always be subject to the whims and manipulation of (((them))).
For all of history its been this way.
Racism is the social excuse for economic dominance. When it becomes tired and drawn out, they just come up with different arbitrary lines of division.
Plebs love it. It like modern day bread and circuses. It's going to be what its going to be until it is no more.
dont let this slide
uniteing with blax is literally jew plan
It's already started
See: Alt Right + Hotep
They're doing the same thing to white people that they did to blacks currently...
> Destroy culture
> Destroy family unit
> Promote woman
> Destroy men
> Drug epidemic (opioid/heroin crisis)
> Degeneracy
Whites are ever so slowly becoming the new niggers and they're too blinded by hate to see it. It's going down like clock work because they failed to ever learn from their creation of 'niggers' in the first place. Thus, they're falling privy to the same demise inflicted on blacks.
The universe works in funny ways.
No one is above or beyond its laws.
I love talking to conservative blacks, they detest the "hood" culture and can speak openly about it without fear of being called a racist.
Im warning you, you are about to be bombarded with comments like
>I've always been in unity.
Yeah so can I because when people attempt to call me a racist, I stand up and tell them to shove their lies and race-baiting up their fucking liberal ass before I knock them on it. If they continue, I explain to them how liberals and democrats are actually the racists who've created the ghettos and the welfare state and reinforce black victimhood while keeping them in poverty for political power. Most libs are actually pretty fucking stupid and don't know even basic history so I rarely get to do this.
I'm a rare uncucked white male, though.
People here are pushing the mainstream Sup Forums narrative, but I think it's a good message OP.
This is actually the only realistic way out of the mess we're in. I'm sure even blacks and other minorities would rather fight against (((them))) than the real white establishment.
The white supremacy/struggle on Sup Forums is actually working against itself in ways... gives liberals more fuel to oppose us with. Can we not praise Hitler's nationalism while taking out the white supremacy portion? Yeah that's probably not gonna happen so wtf am I writing.
>DR3: the post
I think you're in the wrong place.