Is generation Z our last chance to reverse our degenerating society?
Is generation Z our last chance to reverse our degenerating society?
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The other day I was in Philly and saw a cuck rollerskating with a sign that said "Lying Russian Puppet, Release your Tax Returns" and a class of kids nearby were cheering "We love Trump" to him.
There's hope.
It may be. I am surprised they're as conservative as they are. I expected the Marxist ideology to have taken over the human mind by now.
Has anyone considered that gen Z might just be conservative because they're mostly hispanics?
Hispanics are overwhelmingly Democrat. I don't know where people get it in their head that Hispanics like Conservatives.
Heck, they might just be conservative because the bar for being a liberal is so damn high.
Like, who wants to believe in millions of genders, biological sex not being a thing, and men spreading their legs being the first priority is society?
hispanics are socially conservative Catholics who vote for downward distribution via the democratic party, dude.
I doubt this study asked "are you a democrat or republican?" It probably asked "are you in favor of abortion?" or "Do you think gay marriage is good?" Hispanics would say FUCK NO to that stuff.
My generation, millennials, is so shit. Looking at this graph makes me remember why I actively hate 9/10 people my age and consider them absolute degenerate filth not even worth interacting with.
I think its because they're just sick of watching our society and culture go down the drain.
No, dude. Every the majority of every single minority group voted Democrat.
My little brother recently turned 14. The other day I was hanging out with him and he just kept going on and on about Milo, Ben Shapiro, Stephen Crowder, etc. At one point he says "My teacher is racist towards white people. It just sucks to have to sit there while someone shits all over your race."
>Mfw he's full redpill mode
Fucking horrible sentence. I need to kill myself later for that.
No dude, you're missing the point. I think(based only on personal experience) that hispanics just want the gibs and social services. They aren't "progressive" and they HATE gays and abortion.
>Milo, Ben Shapiro, Stephen Crowder
He's not even halfway there, nigger.
I don't know what Hispanics you're meeting, but the ones down here in Texas LOVE the Democrats and won't stop talking about how evil Republicans are.
livestream it and post link
The little man watches Stephen "6 million wasn't enough" Crowder, my dude. He's probably gonna initiate a personal crusade any day now.
>Gen Z
>Having actual opinions
Give it time. They'll go full degenerate once they finish high school.
Well he started off in California with liberal parents, so it's a start.
Kids love freedom. Right now the regressive left is trying to take away freedom.
Yes, there's hope.
Can confirm. I am a spic, and my family always votes democrat, yet they are the most socially conservative people you would ever know. Luckily I convinced my dad, sister, and a couple of my cousins to vote for trump last year.
I'm starting to think that it's not even worth saving. If western civilization failed so hard after being manipulated by kikes, then it's not so great after all. I don't really give a shit anymore, and I just want to see everything burn. I hope to live long enough to see major wars, hopefully see Israel turned into glass. WWIII would be nice, too.
both my younger brothers (14 and 16) are full on 1488, no idea how it happened but i think a lot of the brighter gen z'ers have picked up the white genocide meme and then combined that with natural youthful disdain for authority figures (in this case their pozzed pinko leftist teachers)
it's gonna be a good decade mane
Once gen Z starts going to the indoctrination centers called college, they'll degenerate and become just like the millennials.
Its because they use the internet and online gaming where non-PC chatter and hot opinions run wild and free
Just think of all the edgy 14 year olds shooting the shit with redpilled af gamergate era gamers on vidya gaems.
Also, remember everyone: Gen Z has never remembered a life without Muslims trying to invade their countries, and terrorism.
So far so good.
I'm 19. It really pisses me off when people try to group us in with millennials. 1995+ is gen z
>hey guyzzzz im totally for real and NOT trolling lol DAE hate millennials?
This is accurate for 90% of Hispanics
True, I was born 1995 and 9/11 happened when I was 6. It was my first happening.
The left underestimates biology, they always have, with communism, multiculturalism, trying to make niggers/the morbidly obese be seen as beautiful
No amount of indoctrination will make these things possible or desirable
Not if they are self aware before the go in. The problem with Millennials is their families averted from politics so they could enjoy their youth before the indoctrination.
Are you intentionally acting retarded, they love them because of economic issues, but they are socially conservative
It's like how the Muslim animals vote Labour/for liberal parties in Europe despite being incredibly liberal, above all else they are anti-white and pro gibs
I'm Gen Z. It pisses me off that the last three generations, including my parents and grandparents, really dropped the fucking ball.
Falling for the civic nationalism meme is the first step. Once you realize that niggers will never learn regardless of the society around them then you go full 14/88
Arent they there now?
I don't think they really care about politics beyond economics, it's not like they moved here apart from a 'better life' (more money) so they don't give a shit about the social policies, liberalism allows them to carry on living like they did at home but stops them from their retarded behaviour fucking the country up - until they become the majority that is
I kind of doubt the legitimacy of this ultra-conservative generation Z.
My little siblings ironically abuse the word "triggered" like it's their fucking job, and they're not even politically literate.
We're potentially looking at an entire generation of anti-PC youth.
Who 97 here? 90s kids for life!
96 Checking in
Gen Z is the first ounce of force as the pendulum swings back
the West has recovered from worse crises
>that picture
Holy fucking shit, this can't be real.
this is interesting, would be good to see if pol increases in size as gen z get online, i can see a 12 year old coming here for the edgy meams and staying for the redpills
>born in 99
>90's kid
Fuck off
This gen Z is conservative meme is so far totally fabricated.
Gen Z are the biggest adopters of genderbending and have the highest rates of autism.
There might be a bias in our perspective because of where we are likely to meet people who are younger than know because its creepy for millennials to be hanging around frequently with way younger people.
If you have a job where you work with them you will find that they are not at all the future of radical right wing beliefs.
If you don't believe me please volunteer yourself to be around them in a socially acceptable way.
98 checking in
>Gen Z
They are full of the biggest degenerates I've ever seen. These people are the embodiment of what Sup Forums calls "degenerate".
>watch a bunch of minecraft youtubers
>watch TV show about farts and memes
>eat processed food and become overweight/obese
>majority of children from 0-18 are non-white
>transgender kids and literally the gayest generation
>wear street wear and hip hop clothing
>use slang instead of actual words that exist
>addicted to porn
>more feminine thanks to all the estrogens
>drugs in highschool at an all time high
>don't want to have kids and if they do they will probably race mix
>ADHD at an all time high in children
>Autism at an all time high
>childhood obesity at an all time high
These kids are fucked. The world gets worse and worse.
High rates of autism means there is hope
Sup Forums likes to throw around this claim that Generation Z will be ultra-conservative but I've yet to see any evidence of it at all. It's a garbage meme.
>muh asian allies
Top kek
WTF is Gen Z? Am I Gen Z? Or Gen Y? Or is that called millennial now? Or are Gen Zs Millennials too?? I'm so confused.
95 and after is gen z
It's false's very dangerous
A lot of what you are saying seems to be big big city multicultural hellscape mode. Where I work all the kids are white, very very few exceptions.
So you are right about the youtube habbits, the immaturity, most of what you said is true.
The estrogen thing is very see boys with very girlish features/bodies to the point where I almost feel they need immediate medical help. Of course the female social workers are all too ready to discuss the LGBTetc and the T part is very fashionable I'm afraid.
Same here. It was worldwide news, I won't forget how I saw those towers come down again and again day after day on TV.
"my siblings are bla bla bla so gen z must be redpilled"
no you dumb faggots, your immediately family is not an example of anything besides the shallowness of your gene pool. i visit middle schools for work and see routinely that these gen z kids are gay as fuck, super inclined to wear ankle socks and sandals, and freakishly tall. the next generation will be made of towering normcore faggots, mark my words.
my cousin is 6 and saw squidward on tv the other day and said to me "do you think he's jewish?" and I asked why he thought that and he said "look at his nose"
I work in a primary school (4-11 year olds) and a kid dressed up as Trump for Career Week.
>highest rates of autism
Do you know who else had the highest rates of autism? Hitler.
Its the counter culture effect, these kids have liberal parents and the only way to rebel is to be conservative.
Millenials would be literally hitler too if that were the case. Also I thought that hispanics birth rates are going down while whites are rising?
and also the american founding fathers
>watch a bunch of minecraft youtubers
While I don't I have 2 brothers who do watch gaming channels but then again TV is dead all the kids are being raised on tablets and video games these days
>watch TV show about farts and memes
>eat processed food and become overweight/obese
This is true for most parents, I graduated just last year and a lot of kids would go to the 7 11 after school and buy huge sodas and some huge bags of chips or candy, honestly I found it kind of disgusting
>majority of children from 0-18 are non-white
Sort of true while there are still a lot of white people in high school right now, I've seen more mexicans in school than anywhere else, but then again I live in Arizona and its full of spics
>transgender kids and literally the gayest generation
Funny thing about trannys is the majority of the ones Ive seen at school we're just short unattractive girls who no guy would ever go for, I did see this really tall dude once who looked like he was on hormones kept getting laughed at by the africans and other minorities at school other white kids just didn't seem to mind
>wear street wear and hip hop clothing
Hip hop and trap is really popular right now, I've witnessed friends who would talk normally talk like niggers even mexicans started talking like niggers, blame the media
>use slang instead of actual words that exist
Most just do it as a joke the ones that use them seriously always end up dropping out of school so theres no issue there
>addicted to porn
When you grow up online you can expect a whole generation to watch porn at least once, so this is sort of true
>more feminine thanks to all the estrogens
A lot of guys I knew were definitely a lot more feminine due to estrogen in processed food and water these days, the upside to all the estrogen is girls that we're juniors or sophmores already had huge ass and tits and a lot more feminine facial features thats the only upside I've ever seen to that
>96 and after is gen z
No. The only way to stop the downfall of civilization is to kill the elite who are acting like the shepherd's to us sheep.
This the only way humanity will right the ship
Middle schoolers and high schoolers being racist means they're redpilled? If that was the case, all of my millennial peers would be Generation Redpill, but instead we're known for being liberal douches. Underage shitheads enjoy being edgy and offensive, that's always been the case.
These, but I strongly agree with in the sense that the brighter kids might pick up on redpills.
>6 year olds
>middle school/high school
I know you yanks aren't the best educated, buy fucking hell.
Generation Z is like 60% nonwhite.
lol was this in cuckifornia or jew york ?
Yep, pretty much.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>The other day I was in Philly
Stupid Amerinigger
>drugs in highschool at an all time high
This, Almost everyone I knew smoked weed and sold it too, only a very few percentage moved on towards cocaine or some other hardcore drugs, funny thing was that everyone sold it openly during lunch or when they went to the restroom, most of the people selling them were spics and niggers so no surprise there
>don't want to have kids and if they do they will probably race mix
Most couples I saw in high school were never mixed very few couples were the only girls that did mix with blacks or mexicans were white and mexican girls but a lot of those girls always preferred white guys especially the preppy girls
>ADHD at an all time high in children
Fucking this. Everyone I know including me has gotten diagnosed with this shit, I honestly believe its bullshit psychiatrists trying to get more money out of schools and parents, interestingly enough everyone that was diagnosed was/is a guy.
>Autism at an all time high
Kind of, didn't meet too many autists and most of the autists I've met we're always white
>childhood obesity at an all time high
Mostly with mexicans and niggers and some other minorities and even then a lot of them prefer to eat healthy
They're so left leaning that they touch the pole of right. They'll start popcorning into super liberal cucks in 10 years
It's always the darkest before the dawn. The light is coming.
Gen Z is the generation of the Fourth Turning.
They'll either adapt to hard times and plant seeds of prosperity for future generations like the WW2 generation however if they end up like Millennials then the West will collapse
But how dark does it have to become here in Germany bro. I literally see no real blondes in big cities anymore. Sad !
cycle of fascism
here's a pic for you
>thinking that kids care about culture or society
Its just counter culture. Everyone is so liberal these days that the only way they can rebel is by being conversative.
Philly is becoming more and more based by the day, I don't know what the fuck is happening. I've had muslims and gays both tell me how much they love Trump in this city.