This thread is for Discussion of Capitalism, Libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minarchism, and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Aleppo Johnson-fags, Left-Libertarians, and other Shit-Libs need to fuck off. Voice your complaints to r/libertarian.

>Recommended Reading list


>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads

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Going to drop some Right-Libertarian YouTube channels.
First up is obviously Stefan Molyneux, the famous Canadian AnCap who wants to know whether you support the use of violence against him. He's probably the best there is in terms of pure anarcho-capitalism as an ideology, economically and socially, even gaining more in the way of conservatism. He's got a lot of high-quality content, from rebuttals to various topics to even interviews and singing the American anthem after the election night.

Slovakia, my dude. You have shown you are a based representive of /lrg/ and are hereby made the Helicopter Death Squad Officer, and ambassador to /nsg/

I grew out of libertarianism a while ago.

Allowing capitalism does nothing to stop degeneracy

Any thoughts on this (please watch the whole thing).


don't be a fucking faggot. now get off my lawn.

The most controversial right-libertarian would probably be Augustus Sol Invictus, a Libertarian Party member and former candidate for Marco Rubio's seat in the Senate. He's a pagan, he's revolutionary, and a damn good speaker. He predicts another great war coming to America, and unlike the other pussyfooters, he is ready.
Did I mention that he's a white nationalist and has NatSoc sympathies?

pretty based.

lolbertardians are just AnComs with guns. So basically the John Brown Gun Club.

I never said libertarianism is degenerate. I said it allows for degeneracy and corporations do enough on the own to make it prevalent


I am honored, sir.

Anyway, I've already mentioned the Rough Roman, so here's his trusted friend, Christopher Cantwell. Although he's also indulged in degenerate behaviour (who hasn't?), he really seems to be back on the right path towards helicopter death squads, and has been active with Mike Enoch and other figures in the nationalist sphere. He's a white nationalist and an AnCap, and he's violently angry.

The state forces people like you hire and server niggers and faggots against your will, in some cases they even have nigger quotas. this is the effect of socialism and egalitarianism which must be erradicated no matter the system we actually live in.

Nah. More like the Minutemen.


>The state forces people like you hire and server niggers and faggots against your will, in some cases they even have nigger quotas.

Even without the quotas small businesses will still hire them because they will work for less than whites.

Also corporations still play into the SJWism

Having had a falling-out with Chris over his poor dating choices, the notorious National Capitalists - the 1st Irregulars - whom'st'd've I've only found out about today - also have a thing or two to say. They're like Chris, but minus the degeneracy. Sorry, Chris.

Shit, should I add Dapperton? He's the guy who used to animate Anarchyball, but now that they doxxed him (during a drama situation with the ancoms, no less), he's probably going to be /ourguy/ soon enough.

It'd be nice to see some Natsoc ancap unity but really capitalism is what makes degeneracy profitable

Would you hire a faggot?
Also, corporations exist at the mercy of the government, which is paid through their money. Really activates the almonds.

Degeneracy is only profitable if your end goal is destruction of a social group or in this case a civilisation. That's a breach of the NAP, the helicopter will be here shortly.
Read Hoppe a bit, or here's a more condensed version: 1stirregulars.com/national-capitalism-33-precepts/

they only work for less because they need to be under the income limit so they can still get welfare. do you even live near nogs?

corporations only play into sjwism because they are corrupted by the state to produce troktskite propaganda.

>Degeneracy is only profitable if your end goal is destruction of a social group or in this case a civilisation. That's a breach of the NAP, the helicopter will be here shortly.

thats real edgy. I've read Hoppe and I'm not impressed. You're small government isn't going to take down a large industry

>Would you hire a faggot?
plenty do and would and sell to them

>they only work for less because they need to be under the income limit so they can still get welfare. do you even live near nogs

poor people will generally work for less than a middle class person regardless of welfare

>corporations only play into sjwism because they are corrupted by the state to produce troktskite propaganda

they play into it because it is profitable. this is basic capitalism not some conspiracy

they rely on the state to prop them up, subsidize and so on. dont mistake these commie run decegeracy brodcasts as organic. as a NatSoc you should understand this goverment of ours pushes this crap. none of this degeneracy is natural. we just need to purge the communist fags.

>they rely on the state to prop them up, subsidize and so o

going to need a citation on that. which companies get "propped up" etc

Large industry falls when obstacles are not put in place to slow down its contenders. It's pretty basic.
Would you? Would Christian bakeries?

poor people obviously work for less thats why they're poor, thats a bad sentence. you clearly don't know niggers. they NEED their BMWs, $500 sneakers, and tons of coke and weed.

without welfare they can sustain that lifestyle is the company that pays that much gonna seriously hire pic related?

No empirical evidence at the moment, so just rationalisation.
A larger company generates more wealth, dominates a larger part of the market, and thus can keep itself in a favourable position since it already meets all the regulations and controls put in place by the government. A family business can't keep up, and thus the corporations win.

its literally the same jew conspiracy NatSoc is aware of, you already know this shit. you know these fuckers fund marxism the likes of soros and his kikes they don't just push international jewery they want control of the markets too which is the reason they push socialism. they want to centralize all the resources under their control.

Here's an example of the garbage they peddle on us.

listen to what this "libertarian" is saying. He's blantantly promoting multiculturalism while throwing a few libertarian guy names into it.

This is not libertarianism, this is egalitarian horseshit. I bet when you were a "libertarian" you were one of these fags.that thought freedom is all about weed and sucking dicks.

>Large industry falls when obstacles are not put in place to slow down its contenders. It's pretty basic.

so show me evidence of this happening to companies that are unhealthy to the population such as the porn industry and marijuana dispensaries

>Would you? Would Christian bakeries?

plenty would and plenty only care about increasing profits

>without welfare they can sustain that lifestyle is the company that pays that much gonna seriously hire pic related?

they will just look like they do in the third world

>No empirical evidence at the moment, so just rationalisation.

didn't think os

Oh, those require social pressure. There's a market for them that you need to criticise.
Also, Christian bakeries have a good track record of not serving faggots.

Companies don't hire deficient workers if there's a sufficient supply of decent ones.
Way to avoid my entire point. The thing is, governments like regulation because it benefits their sponsors. Why else would the big business kikes push for regulations?

>Oh, those require social pressure. There's a market for them that you need to criticise.
and this social pressure will magically come about in ancapistan some how

>Christian bakeries have a good track record of not serving faggots
literally one bakery is you're argument against an extremely profitable cultural movement

You're missing the point. All this degenerate shit (only caring for profit, multiculturalism, moral relativism (((Free Migration)) doesn't come from libertarianism.

It comes from COMMUNIST FAGS. thats why we shouldn't bitch at each other and instead defend our culture and crush these faggots together.

>Companies don't hire deficient workers if there's a sufficient supply of decent ones.

this is incorrect. depending on the demographics of the area the company will hire the cheapest labor

>Way to avoid my entire point.

you're making a point with zero evidence to back it up.

libertarianism does nothing to prevent it

and obviously natsoc doesn't either because here were are.

>social pressure
It will come because we're going to remove those who aren't conservative enough.
>profitable sodomy
Again, only for those whose agenda is destruction. If there was no threat of backlash from the government OR the queer "anarchists" who smash shit whenever somebody isn't a fan of AIDS and degeneracy, more business owners would speak up. The AnCap solution to this is the right to disassociation and the right to shoot anti-social elements on sight.

not an argument

>cheapest labor
Niggers literally don't do anything all day, you think they're going to hold down a job? When you add bias into this, it's fair to say that they'll segregate quickly.
>rational process is not relevant
You have a right not to think.

>It will come because we're going to remove those who aren't conservative enough.
edgy m8

>Again, only for those whose agenda is destruction. If there was no threat of backlash from the government OR the queer "anarchists" who smash shit whenever somebody isn't a fan of AIDS and degeneracy, more business owners would speak up. The AnCap solution to this is the right to disassociation and the right to shoot anti-social elements on sight.

lol your arugment is "shoot everyone who disagrees"

Don't be such a stubborn faggot, wave your Nazi flag and fight for the red white and blue with me.

That's our catchphrase. NatSoc has had ZERO impact over the last 50 years, you're going to have to step up. Libertarians have at least been deemed worthy enough of private infiltration, and we don't lose battles to fucking antifa, who pushed you out of cities in the 90s.

>wave your Nazi flag

>fight for the red white and blue with me.

Capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism

This. Disunity is what AntiFa praises about us, because it benefits their cause.

>an actually good system
Oy gevalt, those pesky goyim acting out of their own interest sure are subverting our vibrant vision! SHUT IT DOWN!

Then go fuck yourself and stay at home and jerk off with your fashy haircut buddies, you obviously arent commited to our people if you refuse allies that also want to promote our culture and values.

capitalism is the birth place of every form of degeneracy in the last 50 years

Don't counter-signal the haircut. Don't do it.

Nah, that'd be Boomer bleeding heart syndrome. It's almost like that's when the Marxist indoctrination began showing itself.

I want a job so I can be a capitalist.

Yeah I guess so, we don't do handouts so you'll have to get your own helicopter tho.

Degeneracy cannot survive on its own in the capitalist environment, because nobody wants to pay for it.

>MTV's ratings fall due to SJW content
>Amy Schumer's vagina show fails miserably
>Starbucks implodes after hiring 6 gorillion refugees

Remember that degeneracy is a parasitic fringe minority that cannot survive without a socialist government's teat. No sane person will voluntarily accept their vampiric bite.

kek, I've seen it where it doesn't looks so bad, but I know all these guys really want to look like the guy who punched moldylocks so I go for the feels.

>Degeneracy cannot survive on its own in the capitalist environment, because nobody wants to pay for it.

plenty of it is profitable

in an marxist indoctrinated society, yes. so get rid of the marxists.


Succession is only hope for Brazil

Bumping for private security squads BTFOing communists and degenerates

As a NatSoc, I am actually happy with this pseudoalliance I see with the Libertarians. While I don't agree with the methods and certainly don't agree with some of the values; I can respect the fact that we both want to see the Marxist parasite dealt with swiftly

My main differences are in the fact that Libertarianism leans extremely hard on the side of personal and individual liberty; while National Socialism leans to the side of familial and national liberty

The average normie isn't just going to abide by Libertarian ideals, morals, and values just because; NatSoc is like that stern father that rules his family rough but righteously

However, I do certainly feel that in some way, Libertarianism and NatSoc are opposite sides of the same coin, and is often why; when I was previously a libertarianism, I would see rapid shifts in political ideology based on context, like pic related. I guess it would only be natural seeing as following the law of civilization progress; Hard Times (Marxism) gives way to Strong Men (NatSoc) which then leads to Good Times (Libertarianism)

Libertarianism as a concept can really only exist in a high trust, moral, and stable society, which in many times leaves me wondering if it wasn't the end goal of National Socialism the entire time

I appreciate the kind words, but don't doubt we have family values. There are some who use libertarianism as an excuse to live selfishly but plenty of us understand that freedom is intertwined with morality.

>Average normie isn't just going to abide by libertarian ideas, NatSoc enforces morals sternly
That's all well and good. I don't think I would want to live in a society where the populace got its morals and values from iron-fist teaching rather than from learning naturally. It's the same problem I have with marxism, but I can appreciate the morals and values that NatSoc has to offer, whereas with marxism the morality is frankly abominable.

>Libertarianism as the end goal of National Socialism
You raise an interesting point here; certainly the idea of an anarcho-capitalist (or minarchist, private-law, etc.) hinges on its population having a high mutual trust and being incredibly moral and stable. National Socialism introduces all of these things by force, but I do not think that it properly educates the population to understand the morality, stability, and trust that it enforces. That's the key element that divides us; a citizen of ancapistan would understand why all the rules of his/her chosen covenant are in place, so the rules would not require a state to enforce them and everyone would follow them on a mutual agreement.

A citizen of a national socialist country would have all the same rules, but it would not be because he/she read Hoppe and agreed with fellow citizens to enforce their own laws for their own good, it would be because a highly centralized, militaristic state enforced them. NatSoc doesn't have a mechanism that would slowly phase out the state nor educate its people to become autonomous like ancaps.

You guys are cool
Let's be bros

At least until we figure out what to do with all these God damn commies

That's what I'm talking about, sort these fucking commies out and debate later.

As an AnCap why tf do we get all buddy buddy with NatSocs. Those fascist fag trains are literally everything I stand against. Yeah we both hate commies but for different reasons.

NatSoc is almost purely a response to leftism, egalitarianism, and anti moral ideologies. Authoritarian they might be, but they have the very Dave enemies as us and a least we can talk to them frankly.


>buddy buddy

You need Jesus.

They're fucking fags but useful jackboots in the fight against communism

We'll McGas them later

I was Libertarian but then i realized.For truly freedom society i need remove all leftists by killing comunists and natsoc but then suddenly i will become degenerate.

What? Do you even do English?
We should totally remove commies.

you realize Ancaps don't hate jews right? some of our greatest heros are jews you retarded Nazis

ID 2susf562 here (dunno what happened with my IP)

Coming back for this one
>That's all well and good. I don't think I would want to live in a society where the populace got its morals and values from iron-fist teaching rather than from learning naturally
>National Socialism introduces all of these things by force, but I do not think that it properly educates the population to understand the morality, stability, and trust that it enforces
This is why I can see the merits of Libertarianism and could possibly be one of the reasons why I started and grew from there. However, I still do not think Libertarians are prudent enough to stop the subversive elements from taking route again once they have been dealt with, at least not with our current society and understanding. This is why I ultimately think NatSoc is a slightly superior ideology and has room to grow in its progress of civilian development; and if not a sustainable political system, at least the first major stepping stone to the Libertarian utopia

I hate Jews. I live around niggers, Jews and gooks, and I hate them all. My problem is that NatSoc are often gook-lovers. Gooks are fucking gross.

Im sorry. Of course I can write English, but I'm too drunk because of my developing degeneration.

I forgot to add that Rothbard is an honorary white.

I need a boifriendo. But you're right, user. Many men have recently bruised my heart.

I am of Eastern European decent and I have to say I know and have experienced first had that most Jews are adherents of Communism and that many Russian Commies back in the 60s were Jewish. My father and grandparents were Christians in the time of Communist rule over Eastern Europe
Frankly, being so well aquanted with the community (seeing as Eastern Europeans are highly nationalistic and very close-knit, even in the US) I do not know of any Russian Communist I've personally met that was not Jewish, and I've met many.

I can't stand them; they are arrogant scum and cry out as they strike you. This is what sparked my hatred for (((them)))

>von Mises

These men are jewish and have contributed INVALUABLY to our movement. Stop falling for memes.


It's not memes, some of us have experienced bad jewery first hand, Rothbard is still my #1 nigga, I still see good individuals when are there.

generalizations like the ones you're making are fucking retarded. I hope you know that. The based jews I listed are the exact opposite of the collectivists you mentioned.

If we're talking about the right-wing libertarians whose ideology these generals are for, then no, we do have the prudence to fight subversive elements. Certainly you're familiar with the concept of Physical Removal, as espoused by Hans Hermann Hoppe.

"A society in which the right to exclusion is fully restored to owners of private property would be profoundly unegalitarian, intolerant, and discriminatory. There would be little or not "tolerance" and "open-mindedness" so dear to left-libertarians. Instead, one would be on the right path toward restoring the freedom of association and exclusion implied in the institution of private property, if only towns and villages could and would do what they did as a matter of course until well into the nineteenth century in Europe and the United States. There would be signs regarding entrance requirements to the town, and, once in town, requirements for entering specific pieces of property (for example, no beggars, bums, or homeless, but also no homosexuals, drug users, Jews, Moslems, Germans or Zulus), and those who did not meet these entrance requirements would be kicked out as trespassers. Almost instantly, cultural and moral normalcy would reassert itself."
Democracy: the God that Failed (p. 211)

So, going along with the idea that all citizens of a libertarian society would understand the rules in place, degeneracy would not be a threat. Instead of relying on the gestapo or whoever to move all the jews, gypsies, gays, and Jehovah's Witnesses into concentration camps, any citizen would be within their rights to defend the local social order by physically removing (or gassing/shooting, if necessary) any invading sources of degeneracy.

How many bad niggers do I have to meet before I can say I don't like them? At a certain point you notice patterns. It doesn't mean there aren't exceptions.

Exceptions to the rule do not prove the rule false

Not if we gas you first ;)

This is why I still view Libertarians in such high regard and why I think at least mutual respect can be found between our two camps: there is a common interest to see our societies as highly intelligent, moral, and trustworthy. Our methods may be different, but we do share common beliefs, and I think there is much to gain with a symbiotic relationship between our two ideologies; at least for the short term anyway

What do Ancaps really want? I think Ancapistan could work if it was built from zero, but I think trying to implement anarcho capitalism on a already established nation would be impossible.

Being a Minarchist myself I think Minarchism couldn't be implemented on an already established nation either.

I'm bored about all the theory and hypothetical thinking, should we just root for candidates that are in favor of cutting public spending and increasing individual freedom?

gibsmedat free market

Of course we should support people closer to our values

>high trust, moral, and stable society

If NatSoc is the path to get here in low trust, immoral, and unstable societies, then I'll grab my helicopter.

I'd pick a nationalist government over a leftist government that's for sure.

The difference is philosophical and that's where NatSocs fail miserably. Rights either exist or do not, and if they do not you have none. Natsoc implicitly denies the rights of humans In the name of a greater good, much like Marxism. You can only defend this position by saying that morality and rights are purely human constructs, and therefore subjective. Now you're a Marxist again. If you take people's rights, you are immoral, and that's what you people don't seem to understand.

Go read Bastiat's The Law.

So no, we aren't on your side. You choose the easier path both mentally and physically. Easier to form a collective gang and use violence to enforce peace than the long philosophical struggle to teach people about morality, rights, and honor.

Or maybe we're all fucking morons because 80% of the human population. Can't grasp how a glass of water sweats, so to expect them to grasp politics is a joke. So maybe natsoc is right. People are too dumb to be trusted.
