Who is Tim Sup Forums

ANONS - Who is Tim Sup Forums and what does he mean to you?

He's the guy with a surgically attached knit cap. I bet Tim started this thread.

No if you decode the ID it comes out to Texas...He is on an airplane right now going to France...

normie who is contributing to Sup Forums's corruption by newfags and normies

almost as bad as sargoy

fuck off Tim i know its you

nigga wut?

Tim who? Tim Lambesis?

fuck off tim
stop making such clickbaity videos
also no one cares about your shitty travel montages

That could be Tim Tebow

dunno much, I've only been aware of his existence for less than a month, but from what I've seen, he's trying to be as truthful and unbiased as possible, which means he's been getting red pilled as of late.

Hi, Tim
you r ok, but in need of some redpills

He's a prick

What don't you like about him?

>implying there's anything to like
if he'd bash Sup Forums then that'd be a start. redpill the normies who came here into either pussying out or leaving. in fact he should bash Sup Forums in general, more material that way

I approve of this fag.

Give it 6 months and he's going to be a full-on truther/tinfoil hatter. He seems like a lefty but is starting to see the light.

His smugness

he's good, i like how he really pushes past the partisan bullshit and just asks "whats the truth?"

>decode the id

He needs to stop associating with meme tards like PJW, Lauren Southern, and Sargon of Akkad. Just report the goddam news, those YouTubers are nothing, but garbage. If he reports news and just goes there that's just going to show how retarded modern politics is, but associating with the alt-lite is a waste of time and have no use.

He seems genuinely curious, but it's a shame he got gang-raped by migrants in Sweden.