Republicans didn't read the bill

>republicans didn't read the bill
>premiums expected to increase
>states can drop pre-existing conditions if they want, meaning Trump literally lied
>millions will lose healthcare
>millions will be priced out of healthcare
>rich people literally get richer through tax cuts aimed only for the rich

Is this called winning?

If you're reading this, you aren't rich, so you got fucked.

Other urls found in this thread:

>they excepted themselves from it

We did fine before Obamacare. Love how Liberals make up people that don't exist, dying in the streets from lack of medical care.

>rich people literally get richer through tax cuts aimed only for the rich

What if I am the rich? I say fuck the beggars.

You must have been on mom's insurance before Obamacare. Because literally nobody was doing fine. Obamacare reduced healthcare costs for people by a significant amount, and even when premiums went up (because the industry is corrupt), it was still less than the pre-Obamacare projections.

Trumpcare will ruin this country.

You're not rich, my friend. You're in the same boat.

>yfw trumpfaggots unironically think this is winning because trump removed something OBONGO did
>yfw they only realize how much damage trump is doing and how much money he's saving the rich long after trump is out of office and they've been crushed by the legislation passed by trumps administration essentially gutting what little tax breaks and assistance the middle class had left
>yfw they will just blame OBONGO because a white guy would never do anything to hurt us
>protests for years about the damage the 1% has done to their country
>literally elect a 1% member who does nothing but further the interests of the 1%
>Sup Forums unironically is okay with this
>mad as fuck during financial collapse screaming for bankers heads
>It's okay when trump does it

You can even make this level of autism up. Sup Forums have truly become the jew.

>You're not rich, my friend. You're in the same boat.
>acting like you know a single fucking thing about me

The Senate has already announced they're going to write their own bill and ignore the AHCA because it's a total piece of shit, the last few months of bickering and the narrow vote today have been rendered pointless.

it was a trick by the globalists to destroy trump of course. They passed the most fucked up bill they could just so they could cause as much havok as possible and in 2018 blame Trump for everything wrong.

It's very clearly designed to hurt support for the Republican party.

Oddly enough though people hate Obama so much they will see through this and continue to blame obama for bringing us here in the first place.

2018 is in the bag if the Dems keep this shit up.

>implying that even if you're rich that when the poor start to go hungry you wont be over-run with starving peasants ready to eat your eyes when everything collapses under the weight of a bloated upper class

You're not rich. There's no point in you being defensive about it. None of us are rich.

I honestly can't believe they passed such a shitty bill

Who cares where are my lifelike fuckdolls already?

Healthcare is no longer mandatory. This is a win. We defeated communism. Fuck off red scum

thats my favorite part :)

Enjoy paying for police, fire, rescue, roads, schools, and literally everything else that makes your life comfy.

That evil communism, ruining everything!


You do not understand what communism is.

>hurrdurr communism durr

fuckin americucks never change xD

The funny thing is that all the poor white trash that voted Trump will be getting fucked the hardest by this LMAO! All because >b-b-but muh illegal Messicans!!2!1!!!

Mate my fucking healthcare was $56/mo. Now its $340. That's before and after for gold United Healthcare through my work. That's 1/3 of my paycheck every 2 weeks. Thanks a lot obama.

You know what happened or is it sourced and revealed?
Did everyone jump on Obamacare, get some sort of diagnosis and now they all have pre-existing conditions when there wouldn't be a condition in the first place if it wasn't for Obamacare?

I had healthcare before obamacare.
My monthly rate went up $200, and my copay tripled after it.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

>blaming Obama because Republicans refused price controls and the industry took advantage of it now that millions of people had insurance

kek, the fucked you and you don't even know where the dick came from

And fuck yourself, thx.

the small business that employs me has hired 5 people in the past month alone, trump has been fantastic for small business (as he said he would)

>price controls
>working, ever

That's nice, sweety.




This meme makes no sense. Poor minorities are on average much poorer than poor whites and they voted Clinton.

>>premiums expected to increase
Who gives a shit?

>states can drop pre-existing conditions if they want, meaning Trump literally lied
Who cares?

>millions will lose healthcare

Who cares?

>millions will be priced out of healthcare
Boo hoo

>rich people literally get richer through tax cuts aimed only for the rich

Good! The bill isn't shitty. It's just shitty for the rest of you folks :)

They don't mention it, but taxpayers are still on the hook for millions of illegal immigrant's health care

Sorry, Donald....No Border Wall, still allowing health care for illegals and paying for 15k new beds for illegals crossing the doesn't sound like we're "winning"

>implying all the actual changes that have impacted small business aren't because of plans put in place by the previous administration

Trump's only impact is in speculation based markets he hasn't been in long enough to have any real world impact regardless of his promises.. your small business hired because of the hard work of the obama administration.

My premiums are up from $75 per month in 2010 to $780 per month under Obamacare

I had to move into a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment from a 3b 2ba with my wife and son...

I actually opted out of covering myself for a year (just kept my wife and son covered).

Try getting a non shit job

Liar. They did the opposite.

Explain some things to me.

If insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions after this bill, why would premiums go up?

Also, I thought Obamacare didn't have any taxes other than the individual mandate. How will replacing it amount to a tax cut for the rich?

and guess who is rich in america.

Go fuck yourself

>who gives a shit?
poor people
>who cares
anyone with a pre-existing condition
>who cares
millions of hard working americans
It'll be really funny when you get cancer and can't pay your bills
>Good! The bill isn't shitty. It's just shitty for the rest of you folks :)
implying you're not some wageslave working at mcdonalds shitposting on pol kek fucking assblasted teenage angst is almost palpable.

Everyones full of shit. This bill is great, and it's a lot better than Obozocare, that I can tell you.

>This hurts you
You have zero idea how much or little health care someone wants, needs, or can pay for.

This is America, we hate our poor. fuck off

Fuck off, shareblue. Cry more.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




No wall yet, shill.
But you're wright, maybe we shouldve let hillary win and pick the supreme court slots, you goddamn cuck

>who gives a shit
>who cares
>boo hoo etc

Pathetic defense desu. I'm sure your debate skills are appreciated at le_cuckhold though :)

But but but Trump isn't keeping any promises. We still have niggercare.

Who's laughing now kike.

>Posting this
>Not being ass blasted at this very moment

What is going to cause premiums to raise if prexisting condition coverage is cut? I am sure CNN is absolutely right and you are correct about everything.

>Why would premiums go up

Because they can. That's why your healthcare system is so fucking broken.

>Do less
>Cover less
>Charge more

And here I was thinking Sup Forums was against the jew

>He thinks price controls do anything but make a good/service more expensive or significantly shittier, though usually both

>implying Trump wrote it

>millions will lose healthcare

You mean I won't have to subsidize a 55 year old three time cancer survivor's health insurance out of my (28 no pre-existing conditions) insurance costs?

Sign me the fuck up.

all the people with preexisting conditions just move to the states that keep coverage for people with preexisting conditions ezpzp. a whole state full of faggots.

We already do pay for those things....

>implying I could be assblasted living in a country with 1st world healthcare

Even if I was assblasted I could get that checked out and a prescription for it for free :^) nice try 3rd worlder

> premiums will increase
> high cost untermensch will lose health coverage
> sick people won't be able to get insurance
> premiums will increase
> it will be cheaper for insurance companies to cover people
> thus premiums will increase

does it hurt having the analytical skills of a dyslexic 5th grader?

inb4 you get cancer and can't get coverage and die in your 30s.

>sign me up


Yes it's almost like if you consume the most healthcare, you will have to pay more.

Oh, the horror! I guess you won't be able to get a new iPhone and you might have to cut out eating out to once or twice a month. I can't even imagine what these people are going through.

>>republicans didn't read the bill
>he thinks democrats read Obongocare
>>premiums expected to increase
So no change at all from Obongocare then
>>states can drop pre-existing conditions if they want, meaning Trump literally lied
Good. Parasites can fuck off out of the good states and move to the liberal shitholes
>>millions will lose healthcare
sucks for them
>>millions will be priced out of healthcare
Maybe government should get the fuck out of healthcare and it will become cheaper
>>rich people literally get richer through tax cuts aimed only for the rich
So people who earn alot of money will be able to keep it? How horrible!

House bill's already dead, any Senate-written bill won't get past the Suicide Caucus in Congress.

Obamacare stays.

You already pay for those so why not pay for the worst case medical care you (or your family) might need sometime in your life at a fraction of it's full price along with all those essential services that you barely use?

>Because they can.
So you litteraly don't understand anything and just regurgitating what CNN is saying.

The GOP in the Senate is floating medicare expansion for the poor.
You read that right. Those moderate GOP senators know the house bill would cost them their seats so they are moving left.
Good job freedom caucus

Just pay for insurance then. Or get a job that provides it.

I mean if your house burns down and you don't have fire insurance do you expect me to pay for all your burnt shit?

And Democrats excepted themselves from Obamacare, but retards conveniently forget that

That's you, a retard. Shame on you for being so utterly unburdened by wisdom.

Go back to plebbit, /u/OBAMA_LEAF

Exactly. How the fuck do democrats not remember this? It's unbelievable. I mean I don't think it's right but let's at least be consistent

Lmao take a good long look at the history of the medical industry in your country and come back to this thread and tell me they won't gouge the consumer when they're given the chance.

fellow miami fag?

Because the full cost of the current healthcare system dwarfs the cost of all essential services combined... we spend over 3 trillion on healthcare every year, that's simply unsustainable

>muh pre-existing conditions
Oh God, grossly obese people with the beetus because they eat like shit won't be able to get covered!
>>premiums expected to increase
Yeah, the more people we jam into this country, the more multikulti we are, the more costs are going to rise.
>>millions will lose healthcare
Tens of millions don't want the shit they're forced to buy.

Just like Dems did when they first enslaved us all to private for-profit health insurers. It's almost like Dems and Reps are the same party or something.

>Democrats defend the poor

When will democrats drop the act and just admit that they are racist against whites?

Unsustainable? Like when they tell you that social security is unsustainable? kek wow how does every other 1st world country do it!

>police, fire, rescue, roads, schools, and literally everything else that makes your life comfy.
All of those things are objectively shit in 2017 America, especially schools and roads. I get a bill for calling fire and ambulance services and I think most everyone in the country does as well.

Sure you can pay for insurance but when they find out you had back-acne after you get diagnosed with cancer and they decide it falls under a pre-existing condition and disqualify you for your full coverage and you're left with hundreds of thousands in medical bills you'll sure be glad you paid for your coverage!

By having a much, much smaller population than the US, and by having many of their domestic costs subsidized by US foreign policy

What about bulk buying of medicines, republicans refused that

Doesn't matter. Senate said they're writing their own bill. Which the house won't be on board with so nothing will change. Even with majority of house, senate, and pres, Republicans still can't get anything done.

I do know the effect of price ceilings and I am familiar with the expense of healthcare. What part of the proposed legislation promotes the rates of premiums to increase? From what I've seen it's the opposite.

>price controls
>ever working in the history of humanity
Read a book, kid.

>premiums expected to increase
bull fucking shit, you people are just flat out lying at this point

bite me, burrito boy

I am tired of paying for these greasy foreign leeches
Hillary would have done the same thing as Donald....stuck the bill for illegal invaders up the taxpayer's asses

Wow!! Whoopee!! We have a Supreme Court judge...who gives a fuck when the RINOs fold like wet towels to Dem's demands

>yfw when you get cancer and find out they change the definition of what a pre-existing condition is to include things as innocuous as acne and you're denied coverage

Shut up faggot, no it won't. Obamacare was going to usurp power on behalf of the federal government, pop the healthcare bubble, and bankrupt the country. Obamacare was literally a dying animal.

Uhm, excuse me shitlord, Please check your privilege. You have insurance through your employer. That means you're better off than the poor oppressed minorities that need it more than you. So it's only fair you pay more.

>Sorry, Donald....No Border Wall, still allowing health care for illegals and paying for 15k new beds for illegals crossing the doesn't sound like we're "winning"
This. Healthcare reform can't even begin to be tackled if we're not aggressively removing illegals, tightening immigration laws, and addressing the demographic origin of the abuse of the commons problem we have in this country.

As a rape survivor - it's disgusting and insulting to me that rape could be labeled a preexisting condition #AHCA #preexistingconditions

My statement on voting against the #AHCA:

Female soldiers who served US & were raped/beaten/had a kid via csection excluded as PEC in #AHCA. Way2 support the troops. Or your mothers

>Nearly all European countries have a universal health care system.
>Population of the EU 740 million

nigger you're retarded.

Because they are deeply fractured. No senator from a state that passed the medicare expansion is going to rip millions put pf their state and no pne that wants to be reelected is going to remove protections covering preexisting conditions

BASED President Kushner punishing those dumb goy.

Seriously though, what have they got on Trump?

This. I hate the sick as well. Keep a responsible lifestyle so you don't have to see the doctor.

Health care is run at a national level, even in the EU... and these programs wouldn't even exist if the US wasn't babying its allies

you have universal healthcare at the largess of the USA

This was the biggest mistake of his presidency. Its over

The poor whites in rural areas of the country time and time again vote against their own economic interests to line the pockets of the wealthy, with the dream that one day they'll be that wealthy and they'd like paying less taxes.

They arent folding to dem demands. If anybody folded ot wasnthe GOP to the far right freedom caucus and for some reason stripped protection from preexisting conditions and raided medicare, both of which are extremely popular.
The people do not want this. The publoc wants gov intervention which is why the Senate rushed to say the bill was dead

>Estimated cost of healthcare for all Americans $600 billion
>Defense spending $591 billion
>Federal reserves bailout during the manufactured banking collapse of 2008 7.7 trillion

Nope, can't afford it. You're right.

Can you fucking communists just kill yourselves already?

#AHCA Basically

>Is this called winning?

Having to eat the political fallout for a shit bill that does not repeal Obamacare for the damage it was designed to inflict on the health care system but tinkers with it (even when the case to the public was not made before the legislation was rammed through, copying to a T the political mistake the Democrats made that lost them their control of congress, but not in doing so affecting a policy change that stops the left's agenda) is what the GOP gets for nominating a branding con-man crypto-democrat who surrounded himself with his democratic family members in typical monarchist style come of he who his most fervent supporters label their GOD EMPEROR.

Or "winning," if you will. Trump is right about that one thing. I'm sick of it already.