Nigger Hate Thread

Nigger Hate Thread

Best nigger H8 GO!

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Back to Sup Forums with you're racist drivel

what nigga what

>using nigger vernacular

Gas yourself

he didnt actually say that did he?


He's trying to effectively communicate with his fellow negros, if he doesn't talk like that then there's no hope they'll understand him, as opposed to the small chance he has by communicating that way.

Back to tumblr with your civic nationalism faggot


Fuck off back to The_Donald nigger

Fuck niggers to death!


Sounds like something he would say.

Ifunny has the best meem

is he as much of a white black guy as sowell


>kids don't deserve that
>but the Dad, he sure as fuck does

At least they passed peacefully...


what the fuck was he doing? i dont understand how the this happened

We could start giving free gas-heaters to niggers. Most of them are so dumb that will probably drown. We can do the job without the use of violence kek

giant wall of text, but worth the read for newfags who haven't seen it before

Jesus christ, I died a little inside from this pure representation of niggertry.

Look at the bottom right of the picture. Look at the sponsored ad.

wow so basically every nigger in the US. They're all the same

no, he's still a nigger. he just lives in white neighborhoods so that he doesn't have to put up with other niggers.

anyone with webms of niggers getting beat or those super funny ones of idiot thieves?

>every nigger on the planet

sotomayor seems like a guy i would like to tell me how great i am because i am a man.


A unknow virus has appeared in Liberia. 12 deads in 10 days. Maybe it'll spread fast


>that google ad

That takedown was legit as fuck.


HAHAHAHAH I didn't see that. E bay is pure evil lol


k e k

kek, that filename

>Nigger Hate Thread
>"Let's hate on black people by using pseudoscientific biology and statistics lacking context because we have no self-made accomplishments; it is easier to bring others down than to actually do something deserving of praise!!!11!!111!!!!"

NEETS never change kek.

being a nigger looks fun

The idea that blacks can sing is an illusion:

UK yes

i think he actually died from that.

>instant broken neck
>not moving

so long gay bowser

>legally cant make fun of muslims in his country
>has to make fun of whites instead
never change leaf.

Is this true?
Around half of my family lives in Canada, they are like 3th generation canadians, and they are all right-wing, and most of them think Canadians are too soft.

I've been making fun of whites for years lol

Is it true leafs get arrested for even disagreeing with gay people on the radio?

have you ever watch his videos? I can pretty much gaurenttee he said exactly that. I've heard him say similar things many times.

>proves my point

[crying in Canadian intensifies]

depends if you told a joke on the radio or not

Not really. You suggested I have to make fun of whites because I can't make fun of Muslims anymore. I said that I've been making fun of whites for years; implying since before the law passed. Keep up, burger; your lack of education is showing.

oh come on, surely i'm not the only white kid who had firefights with roman candle fireworks in their youth? this isn't a nigger thing. it's a bored teenager thing

like i always said: white boys fear us, and white women love us.

>makes fun of whites on the internet
sorry i didnt think you would be that pathetic leaf, i had a little small bit of hope. its gone.

You're country is shit. Muslims are cucking your wifes and you can't even criticize them lmao without going to jail lmao


>tfw black

Pls guys no bully



that makes two of us

keep your chin up bro and dont listen to a bunch of faggot ass white boys bitching and moaning.

This is just plain wrong

After college/university they really don't want anything to do with us unless we're rich

It's not that white women don't want to fuck white men, it's that white women don't want to fuck YOU.

But am I married tho?

Oh it never bothered me

When I first started coming here though I got butt hurt pretty bad

I knew you'd enjoy that. Now here is some good reading on the American youth negro and their educational envrionment. I found this one to be great, and hardly shared on here, unlike that Lawyer one or the other teacher perspective.

God I never truly grasped just how much it must suck to be canadian.

i just thought maybe a canadian would realize how terrible multi culturalism was but then i found out you are probably a white blamer. whites are why your life sucks eh leaf?

Going to throw all my good reads down incase the thread 404's or goes dead.


REMINDER that racism towards Christians of different races and ethnicities is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN by the Lord

Doing so will result in condemnation as stated by His words

You cannot consider yourself a real Christian if you're RACIST

You fake """"""cultural"""""" Christians that appropriate and pimp the words of God have it coming at the end of the day


the rabbit hole goes as deep as you want to look

>whites are why your life sucks eh leaf?
>What is irony?


Its cool senpai. we don't really hate blacks. What we really hate are sand-people.

It never ends


>putting a hand in someone's butt (fisting)

negro becomes possessed by daemon of slaanesh

If I ever become supreme dictator of the US, I'll probably Anschluss Canada. Of course, but that time, the US will be like 40% white so...


Honestly Christian Africans are some of the most redpilled people on the planet

another victim of a roastie

here's the pedo who wrote ontario's new sex ed curriculum

>every nigger in the solar system

start with Alberta.

i know you shouldn't check your own posts but satan quads are worth checking

Can confirm. I used to know theze 2 Nigerian cousins, one was a former pro-futball player and one was a former pro- boxer. Cool as fuck and constantly called niggers niggers. They took it as a personal insult in you called them African Americans, they were either black or just American. Niggers where African American to them.

no shame in that leaf. not this time

Checked and fucking hang that man.

t...thanks m8

but wait!
there's more!

>benjamin levin
why does that name set off an alarm. hmm... this is really making me think

>That file name
Holy shit my sides.

really gets that noggin joggin huh user


Tolerant and peaceful and civilized would be a better description.

Would you beat to death your dog each time he piss on the carpet ? Same thing with niggers here.



this honestly explains a lot.