Imagine what it's like to have no noteworthy qualities and so you must come here to cling to the achievements of...

Imagine what it's like to have no noteworthy qualities and so you must come here to cling to the achievements of distant ancestors in a desperate attempt to feel superior.

Yes being black must be a wonderful thing user.

>pay for slavery btw


Yeah, they don't have to overcompensate for anything.

lol, now pay reparations


Could be worse really

>stupid nigger
That's not why I come here, Nigger. Unsurprising you guessed wrong; you have inferior neurology.
As an aside, anyone know how that actress got hired when she's so fucking ugly?

>imagine what it's like to have no noteworthy qualities and so you must seduce a man to provide you with resources


>how that actress got hired when she's so fucking ugly?

She's probably jewish.

Damn bro, nobody said that's why you came here.
Nice insecurities.

i imagine it's better than having no noteworthy qualities and distant ancestors that achieved nothing



She's cute. Nothing spectacular. Body sucks.

I invented the question mark.

Go on

Pol is satire and full of spic larpers

I know Jews are ridiculous right?
>Muh holla cost
>Muh pyramids
>Muh killed Jesus n shit

Listen stupid nigger people point out the achievements of whites as a way to logically compare racial groups with one another to verify if supremacy is fact or not dumbass.

You're absolutely right and they know it but it would hurt too much for them to admit it

A lot more goes on here besides pleb tier race bating and racism. People who irrationally rant about superiority based on skin pigmentations psychologically have what is known as an inferiority complex. To detract from it, they project that this on others.

You're spot on about the people who do this. Every group has their ignorant niggers IMO.

Sup Forums has a number of them but are generally ignored.

>Thinks Egyptians were black
>Thinks Shakespeare was actually a black girl
>Think Romans were black
At least we actually have a past to cling to, rather than making shit up and taking credit for white achievements like niggers

Jokes on you, bucko, we're all sorting ourselves out.

Most rural whites in America dont even give a shit about being white, this nigger is full of shit.

Imagine what it's like to be such an ignorant cuck that you make threads like this

If you don't feel proud, defensive, protective, and loving to your birthright and heritage then the civilization that your forefathers has built will collapse and then you'll end up living like some savage third world faggot.

It's like not taking care of a house you inherited from your grandpa.

If you take it for granted, you will lose it to the elements or other people.

If you inherit your grandpa's house you gotta put work in maintaining it... fix shit, build on it, keep the land safe, keep the termites out.

If you want your comfortable life to last, you have to protect it.

No that's what retards like you believe because it's what some cuck told you to think. You literally cannot think for yourself

>People who irrationally rant about superiority based on skin pigmentations
>superiority based on skin pigmentations

Can't we let this stupid meme die ?

>A nigger talking about being unable to think for yourself

The jew points at white people and says YOU SEE THEM BOY SIC EM and you niggers leap.

Niggers have nothing to be proud of, that's the problem here.

shut up kike, your children will be mauled

I am white and have never given a fuck about other white people. I feel no kinship based on skin color and the fact some peolle actually think being white is special or unique is hilarious to me.
I would love to kick their nazi teeth in

White is a collective term, Brits, Frogs and Germans are the master races.

People who don't want you to be conservative and protect the shit you feel proud of just want to use you and consume your shit.

They want you to leave your sweet delicious shit behind so they can eat it and when they're done eating the shit you left behind they'll go follow you to eat the new thing you've built.

If the white man left the first world behind for the moon, the people would eat everything the white man has built and then chase him to the moon to eat what he's made out of the moon like cheese.

Cool picture Disney bro

I fail to see how you arrived at this two line summary. Nigger = ignorant person. It has nothing to do w/ your skin pigmentation.

>People who irrationally rant about superiority based on skin pigmentations
> ____

>I would love to kick their nazi teeth in

Holy fuck this place become a little more faggier everyday


holy shit i just realized the nigger is a long con


No, nigger is a colloquial term for human of African Negroid descent.


What funny is these morons dont realize Nazis didnt care about whites they were German supremacist.

>You can't take pride in your ancestors achievements
>But their sins are yours

I wouldn't know, I have 2 US patents to my name. What have you done user, aside from your gender studies degree?

Good point op here's your reparations

So. Is that why you are here OP? You want to feel superior? You can't be that stupid, are you?

And there's the golden question

If you don't give a fuck about anyone why should anyone give a fuck about you

Will a black man protect you when you're kicked to the ground, will an asian man?

I know that if I ever get stabbed and am bleeding out on the ground, and I call for help in Russian I will receive help from someone who is Russian

Can you say the same man of no community


I don't find this shit funny anymore leftists need to gtfo of here they ruinning Sup Forums

White nationalism isn't about clinging to the past; it's about not allowing our children's futures to be muddied by low-IQ shitskin genes, jew-funded negroid culture (twerk twerk twerking 11 year olds), etc.

And honestly, that's 100% reasonable.

However, your same party (and yes, you are a neo liberal, there is 0 debate on that fact) will claim that I must suffer the sins of my forefathers without being able to claim their achievements.
And this is why you end up where we are today, people like you just won't kill themselves already.

My ancestors are the only ones who have achieved anything noteworthy in like 1000 years and continue go be the top achivers. Sucks 2 b brown


Nazis thought highly of the English, mate.

Yea, its called civic nationalism and its the heart and soul of america.
Race is irrelevant

also this

That's not just reasonable, we do this or we're dead it's as simple as that.

Hey, be nice to the kangz and abos. Ancient fake history is all they have to cling to

I dunno, but probably something like getting into college knowing it was affirmative action that put you there and going on to a make-work job owed entirely to hiring quotas.

At least you'll always be kangz.

They were gonna breed them out of existence with their aryan master race through eugenics.

>my race created and accomplished nothing, accomplishments and creations of other races have no meaning.

back to africa when?

>not allowed to be proud of what your ancestors did
>expected to accept blame for all the evils your ancestors did

kill yourself

Lol you think niggers in America like white people HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

Oh boy you are in for something cuck.
>Race is irrelevant
Only white cucks believe this, mexicans will slaughter every non mexican in America when they take over.

Who really comes under the Aryan bracket?

i've already fucked with time travel and just don't. my theory is someone playing with this timeline because I've seen a way better one for us all

Probably because they've accomplished nothing so the bar is already low as fuck

But whites have low IQ when compared to chinks and jews, why should they allow you to breed?

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post.

>implying people don't make assumptions based on race in the modern spectrum of todays society
>Living in the false reality that humans do not make assumptions based on patterns that they are both born with and thought
>Implying humans will ever leave the click-whirr response of intervention when dealing with another human

Aryan is an ethnicity that Hitler was creating through German eugenics, for some reason he really loved blonde hair even though thats sucking nordic cock who are inferior to the aryans.

So it's like a hybrid? Which nation's peoples would have been fit to have eventually become Aryan?

What achievements do black people look back on?

I'll wait...

That's fucking highly speculative at best.

Chinks cheat on tests and cut corners more then anyone else.
Kikes and tribal nepotism goes hand in hand.

>My ancestors
So you are jewish? Because Einstein was part jew.

Where did he said that we shouldnt allow you untermenschen to breed ?

Iam married to a black woman so I imagine they do love white people
They will. Sorry buddy but your views belong tonthe trashbin of history

No one's people Aryans ARE ALL GERMAN.

So what you are saying is the tests you use to say blacks and spics are inferior don't actually matter. That's hilarious. You are a mid tier race, just deal with it. You shouldn't be allowed to breed. Let the true Master Race rule, OH WAIT, THEY ALREADY ARE RULING.

Fucking kek.

>being proud of your ancestry means you have nothing else in your life
You just sound like a selfish twat to be honest. I bet no one even likes being around you.

You could literally apply your argument to modern society.
>can't be proud of the society you live in because you're an individual
>can't be proud of your family
>can't be proud of your friends
>can't be proud of your children

You're just a fucking retard.

What do her relatives think of you?

>I'am married to a black woman

Please cut your balls off faggot.

The chinks and the jews are ruling ?

Jews are not the master race until they can conquer a continent without puppets.


Well your hero Hitler tried to eliminate a superior race and see how that went, he achieved nothing, because whites are just that inferior.

Even your current hero Donald Trump is but a bitch when compared to true heroes from and inferior race, like Duterte.

Sup Forums in a nutshell


These aren't my views
This is basic science and study of human behavior


Jews are only alive due to goyim, jews are not superior they are arguably the most inferior middle eastern humans since they have yet to conquer their home territory.

The only real issue is whites not having an in-group preference like the kikes have.

what is white supremacy
same goes to hoteps and chicanos

Thats fucking racist Op.
I know blacks king to the fact that their ancestors were slaves in order to justify their calls for special treatment and welfare but they kinda deserve it dont ya think?

Nigger, this site has sharpened my mind to a fine nothin personal. Better memorization. Much quicker wit. Confidence, really.

Don't knock it.

It's been working very well, hasn't it?

Pic was taken in New Orleans a few days ago.

Hey cuck what does your black wife's relatives think of you?

Germanic. English, Dutch and Scandinavians come under that.

They over compensate for their lack of smarts by intimidating everyone.

I know some are smart but yer outnumbered. Get over it.