Minnesota Attorney Generals investigates (((charity))) (((Kars4Kids))); discovers less than 1% of donations derived from donated vehicles actually contribute to MN children; most sent to promote orthodox Judaism:
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Fucks sake what's wrong with these lot
This website is an unreliable fake news source. All the statements in that article are false. Boy i'm sure feeling hungry, maybe we should all eat dinner and take a break from the internet for a while. Maybe take a nap. You can go back to kekking with your friends later.
what the shyster
I don't even how in how many U.S. states this Charity Jew operates, Earl Grey
But they've been around at least the past 15 years, and have jingles which are annoying and catchy as hell
How can you worry about children goy, when there are poor jewish grannies literally eating out of dumpsters? You rabid vile anti-semite!
It's totally not because their entire bloodline believes in the exact opposite of everything we hold dear. It's totally not an extension of the basic premise of duality in the universe.
Fucking Canaanites.
Nice try schlomo, but that buzzword shit doesn't work here
would anyone be so kind as to post the image of the eternal jew composed of triangles and squares on a white background? as i recall there were no circles in it. pic related. Please and thank you.
Kars4Kids is a multinational non-profit national car donation organization based in Lakewood, New Jersey and Toronto, Ontario which donates most of its proceeds to Oorah, an organization whose mission is "to give Jewish children and their families opportunities to connect with their rich heritage and traditions."
These fuckers are also taking our tax dollars through the FCC and the Universal Service Fund and shuttling it off to Israel.
The FBI raided them but the money is still outflowing in ridiculous amounts.
>Nice try schlomo, but that buzzword shit doesn't work here
He was jus 'avin a giggle m8.
When will it end, guise?
>'raided' by FBI
>The Charity Jew still gets away with it
If this was a white nationalist or Christian group, some people would be doing some serious time right now.
Hasn't this scam been known for a long time?
I remember seeing this on Sup Forums around 2012. Why did it take this long to investigate them?
I've known about this since before Sup Forums was even a thing. Anyone that has sat in a car has undoubtedly heard that god awful "K-A-R-S KARS FOR KIDS" commercial 6 gorillion times. I remember googling it and seeing consumer complaints about all the money going towards wealthy jewish kids "in need"
Sup Forums is surprisingly blue-pilled about this stuff.
>st. jude
the feds thought Sup Forums was always full of shit. now they dont.
Within the last couple of years, they've even also added an additional disclaimer at the end of their radio ads:
>also accepting motorcycle, boat and real estate donations
These fucking faggots have no shame in their kikery...
>Why did it take so long to investigate them
That's what I'd like to fucking know
It's old news and the commercials are cringe worthyn
>These fucking faggots have no shame in their kikery...
It'll end when American citizens actually get involved and publicize these parasites for what they are.
Look at how many scam corporations they have at a single address:
383 Kingston Ave Brooklyn, NY 11213
This includes a pro-Haredi Jew non-profit as well as a tech company that received $2.3 million in government contracts.
The conspiracy is real and all publicly available.
Me too! I know the jingle by heart. "1 8 7 7 kars for kids, 1 8 7 7 kars for kids, 1 8 7 7 kars for kids, donate your kar today!"
They probably get a decent write-off for donating because the kikes could care less what you claim as value. Ultimately, the taxpayer ends up eating more than half of their take.
Is this kike for real?
I dunno, but I just ate dinner and I'm feeling a little sleepy.
Fuck you burgers. Start cutting off their shit, sabottage or whatever. Stop feeding this psychopathic jewish cancer
there's a similar operation here in kangarooland
I wonder if I looked into it it would also turn out to be run by the peoples front of Judea
This is scam has been known about since the beginning of the internet. Yet, the jingle still gets played on right wing radio all the time.
They fund some station called Oorah that brings us gems like this.
This is as old as the internet.
Kids don't even drive cars, who would be stupid enough to donate a car to a kid?
>I don't even how in how many U.S. states this Charity Jew operates, Earl Grey
"1 8 7 7 Kars for Kikes, donate your car and give it to a kike. Donate your car today...you filthy goy
That's how I've been singing it for the last year, actually worried my kids are gonna start repeating it soon.
HHAHAHAH and to think we were the goyim.
We rule over you faggot kikes and we will hang you to crosses and sail you as kites