The Short-Sightedness of Trump Supporters

What the fuck are you retards going to do when angry old white people die out and the demographic shift elects a Democrat president who instantly undoes all of the shit Trump is doing?

The "wall" (fence) will be dismantled.
The muslim ban will be lifted.
The borders will re-open.
The ACA will be reinstated.
The rich will again be forced to pay their fair share in taxes.
And there's nothing you'll be able to do about it except bitch and moan.

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>if if if if if if

what white country will all the non whites try to move to once they ruin america?

No "if". When. This will happen. And demographics will ensure someone like Trump will NEVER be elected again.


>What the fuck are you retards going to do when angry old white people die out and the demographic shift elects a Democrat president who instantly undoes all of the shit Trump is doing?
>completely ignores Gen Z, the most conservative generation thats coming of voting age to replace the "angry old white people" dying out

>muh demographics

Stay mad and illogical.

People get more conservative as they age.

Gen X were like millennials at that age, now they're majority conservative.

And then the rich leave, the white guys leave, and then you'll learn the lesson Mugabe learned.

Kill everyone browner than Robert Pattinson

you should only be able to vote if you pay taxes
my views went hard conservative once i saw 28% went to unclesam and "welfare"

I dont mind splashing some cash so muhammed doesnt blow me up, but i'll be damned if i have to send some dumb-ass through college

no hes right, the country is fucked

the future of america will be 500M poor brown people

>Millennials are libs!!! Trump BFTO!!
>Ignores Gen Z being super conservative
>Ignores the fact that nearly 50% of Millennials are sterile.

>if only
Literally admitting upfront that it's a fantasy. Remember when the left at least knew what a fact was?

social security, not welfare.

Millenials get the bullet

>completely ignores Gen Z, the most conservative generation thats coming of voting age to replace the "angry old white people" dying out

This is just a sad meme perpetuated by increasingly nervous white people. Small sample-sized polls like the one where this narrative comes from mean nothing. These kids have not yet even formed a reasoned political opinion. They haven't even graduated High School yet, let alone been through college.

All that chart shows me is a Hitler 2.0 is coming.

>when the demographic shifts

Ever consider as they grow older people will vote more conservative? A conservative at 18 has no heart and a liberal at 35 has no brain.

>>The rich will again be forced to pay their fair share in taxes.

Rich will just move, cuz Fuck you.

Source: My ass

This. The charts are linear, just like nothing in life.

>what is generation zyklon
I had the hope that maybe, just maybe, this election would get liberals to be just a tad more humble.

>People get more conservative as they age.

>Gen X were like millennials at that age, now they're majority conservative.

Reagan won the youth vote at similar levels to Democrats now. Those youth grew up and became liberal Gen X'ers and Boomers.

The opinion poll involved a bunch of white kids from Britain, guy. It's meaningless to the US no matter how you slice it.

OP has to assume no one changes or grows up ever for his argument to work.

>>completely ignores Gen Z, the most conservative generation thats coming of voting age to replace the "angry old white people" dying out
can this meme fucking die already? Gen Z is literally the gayest, most autistic generation. These people live off memes. Trump was the funny meme guy so they like him. just wait until Kanye or Bruce Jenner runs for president

When the angry old white people die out, their angry old white kids will be in their places with their old white parent's money to protect

commies are so short-sighted

It's a good thing not just 18-29 year olds vote you dumb fucking nigger. And didn't you here? The upcoming generation is going to be the most conservative generation since World War 2 and many of them will be able to vote! MAGA 8 more years of Donald

Dismantling the wall would be a waste of taxpayer money.

Thats why we are trying to destroy the dems now

18-29 people voting at the next election will be a disaster for democrats.

Their excessive identity politics is producing the most conservative generation in American history.

Turns out blaming young white people for shit that happened generations ago doesn't make them support you.

Most of those people are pissed because they cant afford health insurance and are now being fined for not purcahsing a product.

They are also extremely careful to not be aocially outcast so they lie and say they supported democrats but they literally didnt vote which means they literally dont aupport democrats

You said the same shit BEFORE Trump was elected.

For every "angry old white kid", there are multiple minorities. This is how the Right will die; no bloodshed necessary.

While people get more conservative on average, the majority still stick with the political ideologies they form when they are 18-30, with each additional year becoming less important. After 30, studies show it's actually unlikely people change.

This is easy to see with cultural conservatism ("Back in my day we had X/we didn't do Y!") because people stick to what they know in that 18-30 year old range... but opinions about government involvement are not like cultural issues, where consistently things get more progressive/liberal so older people are almost ALWAYS culturally conservative. Rather, it depends on who they supported back in the day.

The reason modern old people are conservative is because the people in that age group were growing up during the conservative upswing following the Great Society pushed by Johnson. They were shaped by conservative energy when they were young. My grandfather voted for FDR when he was young. While he currently is more conservative socially (and thus votes Republican) he was a big Bernie supporter because he grew up with the idea of the New Deal. The people who voted Obama/rallied against Trump will eventually become more socially conservative, but their views on government spending and involvement likely won't shift much as they age.

We're right now working on a generation of angry young white people to take over.

Doesn't matter. Republicans will vote Trump because he will turn the Supreme Court super right wing.

Republicans care more about the Supreme Court than healthcare.

The Democrat party is the future.

We Center left now senpai.

trump was a wildcard and i think he lost the 18-29 vote because social media was saturated with propaganda against him

there will never quite be another contender to the throne like him and an election as crazy as '16 will never be seen again

You have dogshit for brains if you think only white people are conservative.

And even if that were true it would prove exactly what Sup Forums has been saying for years. Which is that minorities cant make it without white people

>The rich will again be forced to pay their fair share in taxes.
No they will flee the country and either liquidate their assets or take it with them and the dems won't do anything to stop it because they want the US to collapse.

inb4 muh conservative Gen Z meme

>angry young white man
Fuck you faggot OP.
I seriously hope all you old fags die before we purify the land so you don't get to see or live it because you didnt do shit but let (((them))) take over and now we can to clean up your mess because you're too busy cuckin up

He lost the popular vote. If Republicans can only win with the EC and districting, it sets them up for wave losses, given that the trends against them aren't reversing.

We're going to have segregated white cities in the next 60 years and you're all going to want to come in, just like you always have.

All we need is segregation and you will suffer and die without us.

You're here on our good graces and you know it.

Like we don't fucking know this is what liberals have always wanted retard. A wall will be built and no more spics are coming in. Fuck you.

Too late. White people are going to be in for an awfully rude awakening when they discover that the political opinions of white youths in Britain mean absolutely nothing in majority-minority America.

People aged 18-29 are the least informed in society, and their ideologies and opinions will change as they age.

The scope of your world view when you're 23 for example, what you think about healthcare and social programs and all of that shit, it's very naive. You haven't spent enough time as an adult to even have strong or well-researched opinions on any topic.

Trust me, if you're in the 18-29 range, either you, or a great number of your friends will change from left to right as they get older. Im 38, when I was a young dipshit I won't deny I had strong liberal leanings, so did most of my friends. Now? I can hardly think of anyone I know from back in the day that isn't conservative and redpilled.

>Muh based niggers/spics/asians will vote conservative.
See: Brazil.

Woah young uninformed voters whose only information on Trump comes from Twitter don't like Trump? woah no way..........

>>Once kids leave school they become more conservative.


If the situation actually got to the point where Democrats were guaranteed to win every election, there would be civil war.

We don't need any more Hispanics coming in; we have plenty. All we need is for white people to continue not having babies and mixing it up with other races when they do while Hispanics reproduce.

>they dont like drugs or gay marriage

Are these "gen z" kids all from Utah and happen to be mormon?

What a joke article.

So sick of seeing these fucking beaners drive around in their low riders thinking they are fucking tuff because the city wont arrest or deport them
>uncle is cop
>partner killed by Mexican gang member years ago
>had to stand in room with dead body of friend while they did "paper work"
>has to go out on the street next day and be nice to these fucking soulless spics

>today driving out to beach with family
>Mexican lady always runs me and my family off the road

Its getting ridiculous
You keyboard cucks need to be running shooting and buying ammo.

>serious face
Were taking Cali back.

People don't change much on their views of the role of government.

The only reason we have the "A conservative at 18 has no heart and a liberal at 35 has no brain" meme is because that's the most recent iteration. It's the one youngfags have grown up with.

Young people want change, but change isn't always more liberal. Look at Reagan. Look at the students who helped install a conservative religious government in Iran. The old people now are the remnants of conservative movements.

On average, they've stayed the same.

They're from Britain. Absolutely nothing to do with Gen Z people in the US.

Become an Amerikaner

>These kids have not yet even formed a reasoned political opinion
neither have millennials but that doesn't stop them

>Social programs
>Open borders
And then when society collapses we will impose our will through force. Congratulations conservatives still win

>>"Back in my day we had X/we didn't do Y!"

The definition of Conservatism/Liberalism changes with time. What once was Liberal idea X becomes Conservative idea X

For example womens sufferage was a progressive Liberal idea, but once the west is flooded with stupid Gen Z voters and muslims it will be a conservative talking point.

>He lost the popular vote.
Only because of California. Every single other state (with the exception of Utah) leaned far more right than 2012. California because conservatives gave up even trying to win in that state, and Utah because McMuffin.
Trends are reversing, everything about society today show this.

I can't wait to kill minorities

>hurr durr
Reminder that today's conservative old people were yesterday's Woodstock hippies. Young people always vote Democrat, then when they start making money and paying taxes and get some life experience they stop supporting liberals. Funny how that works.

Hope you like getting fucked by them in jail if you actually were stupid enough to go through with this you edgelord loser.

Four hard blue states were flipped this election. That cant be explained by districting and the EC

>Implying those things will happen.
Frick off

I've read that comic.

Among all groups polled, Hispanics have the highest approval rating of Trump.
The Trump approval rating of Hispanics is actually higher than that of the national average.

In Texas the last governor race the Hispanic vote was split. Abbot won around 44% of the Hispanic vote.
What I am saying is that Hispanics will make a good chucks of GOP voters, and white voters will go right as they get older.
Conservative Hispanics and whites vs blacks, white cucks and open borders Hispanics is not what many people here want for the future but it is what we will get.

>it doesn't matter, only the wealthiest/most populous state

Hillary was a shit candidate, and democratic turn out was super suppressed. More Americans self identify as Dems than Republicans. Judging historical trends using it would be foolish.

Also, maps like that (adjusted to area, not population) are less than useful.

So whites will still be the majority even in 2060? Wheres this outrage about whites being a minority then.

That's only from this cucked generation OP.

You're forgetting about the next wave. An entire generation raised by memes, the internet, let's plays and Sup Forums. I wonder how they'll vote?

People go more and more right wing as they age.
This is largely because they actually get to see the effects of liberal policies rather than just the bullshit dreams their told to believe.

>we need more immigrants to help fill our workforce!
>10 years later and 10% unemployment later...
>>Wait a minute....
>wages tanking
>>pic related

Wait? You think someone who decides that's the path that's necessary is going to surrender to authorities?

If America has a Civil War, and the conditions are becoming more and more ripe for it based on how people are moving and voting America, we will either split up or have one side conquering the other.

Why would I go to jail for putting an animal out of its misery?

Most former Woodstock hippies are still Woodstock hippies.

Despite that time period's reputation of "free love, drugs, rock and roll"... the 60s and 70s marked a resurgence of conservatism.

>Win with districts
Districts are more gerrymandered now than they were at the turn of the last century and it's in the Republicans favor. Democrats are shit out of luck for 6 years at minimum.
>Muh popular vote
Means absolutely nothing

The Electoral College isn't going anywhere and districting/gerrymandering does not affect presidential elections, governor elections or Senate elections - three categories where Republicans are BTFO'ing Democrats.

What do you think we'll do?

I see.

Then Sup Forums should stop this "gen Z is conservative" meme, when it doesnt really apply to americans. Gen Z will be half lib half conservative, just like it has for many decades.

What a neat story.

You will be outnumbered by minority groups. See and try and understand what this means for you.

like a mexican i can say you that all the latinos going to vote republican when the majority to be legal.

As people getting older they are becoming more smarter and conservative.

Another thing, Generation Z is getting more red pilled it will take time but it will happen you kikes.

Obamacare has been repelled, keep shilling Reddit Kikes

>liberals actually look forward to the day this country is basically Brazil and Mexico smashed together and cartels are running around cutting throats
>because beaners vote for socialism too

I'm not even fucking old faggot. You got another 50 years or so to wait, and race traitors will hang.

The wall isn't going to be dismantled you turd. As far as economics go worst case scenario we reach Zimbabwe-tier inflation and collapse.

Also if you have to trust in elected political saviors rather than collective action then you're doing it wrong

It can be explained by pointing out that Iowa went for Bush prior to Obama (hard blue my ass) and Michigan and WI are less impacted by the trends we are talking about demographically than the rest of the nation on average. Also, very small margins.

I will give you that he targeted Pennsylvania well, but given that all of their economic problems are going to keep existing under the republican government, they will flip back.

>Graph source: Deviantart
>Trusting polls
Holy shit you aren't even trying are you?

>The definition of Conservatism/Liberalism changes with time. What once was Liberal idea X becomes Conservative idea X


Do conservatives not realize that at the end, liberals always win?
Liberals pushed for slavery to be banished, and they won. Liberals pushed for women to be able to vote, and they won. Liberals pushed for segregation to be banished, and they won.

Many of the neo-conservative view points today would be seen as liberal nonsense decades/centuries ago, and they dont even realize it! Liberals push and push until even the right appropriate some of those views.

If the wall is built, dismantling it would cost billions and no one would do it.

The current muslim ban isn't a muslim ban. The Saudi fucks aren't even banned, ridiculous.

Obama still deported more illegals than Trump

There is never a "fair share in taxes" when the society promotes unhealthy lifestyles and rewards the fuck who do not have self discipline by paying for them everytime they fuck up.

They'll bitch and moan, but at least they won't break stuff everywhere.

european countries ...

There was another study done on Gen Z in the states, by the Mexican Heritage Foundation no less, showing that they would have majorly voted for Trump.

Try reading the bottom-left, silly.

>democratic turn out was super suppressed.
Kek, got a source for that
inb4 huff paint and washington compost
>More Americans self identify as Dems than Republicans.
By 2 percent and dropping faggot.

States are preformed districts that benefit less populous states, so huh... how about that.

Republicans are benefiting from a wave of voter discontent. Voter discontent at things that aren't easily fixable. It is a precarious place to be in, as their wave will easily collapse, and the demographics mean that future waves won't be as large for them.

Conservative thought will survive, but the current form of the Republican party will drastically change (more minority involvement, social progressive stuff, whatever) if it is to survive.

>Based on exit polls
>No link
>Still trusting polls in any measurable fashion
If I wasn't certain you were trolling I'd berate you for being this retarded.

My generation never acted anything like millennials. Don't make such a disgusting comparison in the future if you please. You can blame us for raising millennials so poorly though.

>He doesn't know about the upcoming SCOTUS ruling likely to define gerrymandering and make it illegal

Only reason that gerrymandering works now is because the only hard guidelines out there are preventing racial gerrymandering. If this ruling goes as expected, Dems win for the next 20 years.