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We now know what to excize from the US, now, do we?

how many of these people take care of themselves?


Not hard when he won the majority of the states.

>run on platform to repeal ACA
>people know this and vote for you
>do what you said you'd do
>this is somehow bad

Mental gymnastics

>live in state where niggers steal gibs
>want to stop gibs
>vote Trump
>Trump stops gibs
>CNN writes fake new "b-but T-Trump B-BTFO"


got served right, they trusted (((donald trump)))

>pre existing conditions
>bi polar disorder
>panic disorders
These are the pre existing conditions being cut out, deal with it faggot

if someone actually asked you "what does this mean" would you even be able to answer? I don't think so, because you're a moron
you see the headline, you just have no idea what it means
this is truth

This isn't bad, this is fucking hilarious.
Sucks for the redcaps though.

This. Really sick of this meme where people talk about how the health, education and crime statistics look terrible in the south without ever mentioning they have more niggers than any other part of the country

>the states themselves have pre-existing conditions

Classic fake news from CNN

I once debated this with a liberal. He claimed New England had more racial diversity than Louisiana

Da fuq?

These are flyover states. Full of chain-smoking, diabetic piggies. I was fine with sharing my coastal state's tax largesse with these ungrateful, undeserving cretins, to help save them from themselves. But I guess they didn't want it. :(

Go watch RT. CNN is propaganda.

The gibs bring in undesirables
I'm willing to make some sacrifices
I'd rather die young of a curable disease than live to see my grandson shot by a nigger who liked his car

>Posts just the headline of the story
How to spot a shitposting baiter 101

Lemme guess, it's the south where 40% are niggers who voted for Clinton.

Almost like living near black people makes you hate them.

Shouldn't you be busy posting in the LePen threads, tovarisch?

>Panic Disorders

So every snowflake ever? Who gives a fuck.

2/10 bait but okay get

Covering pre-existing conditions is a ridiculous prospect.

Imagine buying flood insurance after your house is underwater. That's what it is. It doesn't make any sense. That's why it drove costs up more quickly. It's not sustainable.

>we have you covered! we democrats won't kill you for being sick like the evil republicans.
>what? you don't have money to pay for your pre existing condition because my amazing plan spiked insurance prices?
>oh no... that sucks

He also said everyone would be covered, service would be better, and it would be less expensive.

>everyone in those states died when they got sick before Obamacare existed

the more i hear about this the more my almonds tingle

how will single mothers survive user(((S)))?


>Nobody will be denied entrance into Disney World. All are welcome
>Disney World quadruples prices, jacks up parking fees and everything in the park so nobody can afford to go unless it's a once per year trip.

Great. Thanks, Disney.

>implying RT is not also propaganda
at least its propaganda from a different angle

Because most retarded Trump voters didn't actually think he'd do it. I'm not why they thought that.

I was about to come say this.

RT mostly tells the truth when it comes to criticizing domestic affairs of other countries. It completely avoids any truthful coverage of Russia, so there's your bias - also foreign affairs will all be the Russian perspective. But as long as you keep that in mind, you're good to go.

It's best to get your info from many sources.

the difference between healthcare and fucking disneyland is that PEOPLE CAN *******DIE******** WITHOUT HEALTHCARE
are you too stupid to apply reason? stop fucking hiding behind false equivalencies


Impacting blue voters in red states? Fuck yes! Send every one of them to New England and Sn Fran.

Bump =^)

Fuck yes, can't wait to see these cucks burn.


So how do you get care with no insurance?

>ACA goes in
>forces people to get healthcare or pay a fine
>they all have insurance now but the deductible is so high that they can't actually afford to see a doctor
>it's somehow bad that they'll be removed and not have to pay a fine anymore

My deductible is nearly 3k. Shit is retarded. And this is one of the better plans.

Hopefully they won't.

Yeah aca sucks but this is waaaaay fucking worse. The answer is single payer, not this shithole

Essentially this. I think there should be some reasonable limits on what insurance companies can define as pre-existing, but you shouldn't be able to jump on a plan when you find out you've got cancer. That's not how insurance works.

shitty insurance isnt any better than having none at all

giant premiums and deductibles help no one but insurance companies

West Virginia is one of the whitest states in the country and the worst in terms of pre-existing conditions.

Lol indeed

Even better, you can just be rich and then the lack of gibs has a minor effect on you.

People can die without food. Are you ready to create a universal government funded food system where everyone has to pay tax to make sure everyone gets free food?

whatever makes liberal feel better

>single payer
>in a degenerate obese crippled racially mixed society where 10% of the population does 50% of the work
go fuck yourself leech

They need to add type 2 to that list

>worst in terms of pre existing conditions
Fuck off diabeetus is not a pre existing condition


What's with the preexisting conditions meme?
>I want to get insurance
>okay sure, do you have any pre-existing conditions?
>no fuck off you're going to cost us too much money

What's wrong with this?

>Going 5k into debt isn't better than going 500k into debt


Also that's far from the only thing this will change

I agree that ACA sucks but this is insanely worse

>trumpkins can't handle the truth

How surprising.

Surprise, surprise, places with high nigger populations rely on food stamps

>live in shitty southern states surrounded by niggers ad welfare leeches
>vote for the lazy fucks to have their benefits strippen from them because they obviously don't deserve them
>meanwhile the leeches in question are literally too dumb and apathetic to even go out and vote for more welfare
>Liberals think this is backfiring on Trump supporters

Or they didn't think that and this retarded non-logic is exclusive to your own mind.

Are you too stupid to realize that having insurance but not being able to afford to use your insurance is the same as not having insurance? In fact it's worse because it's a service that you're required by law to pay for that you can't use.

>t. taco who can't get into the states for gibs now

>Blacks try to spongue off healthcare like welfare
>States with the most Blacks vote Republican

>one of
Case and point.

never look at material that will make you assmad....stay in your echo chamber

this thread:
I have nothing to contribute

Why do conservasharts continuously vote against their self-interests?

>single payer
The answer is get a job and stop expecting me to cover your bullshit. You aren't entitled to my money.

kek, this

I'd gladly pay 2-5% more of my income to the government if they denied gibs to government-dependent leeches like most nogs/spics and all non-citizens, even if the government just literally burnt the money

>killing off those w inferior genes

i appreciate their votes, now its time to procreate strong babies for the volk and let the weak die off

Trump has said from day 1 that he's going to keep pre-existing coverage.

Why the fuck are liberals so God damn ignorant?

well we may have won this battle but the war was lost 7 years ago . Single player is company to america now. better start lining up for your (((checkup)))

People that actually need care don't get it due to being locked out of the system. They don't get treatment till they their condition is so bad that it is waaaaay more expensive to treat, and then they go to the ER (even more expensive), get treated there, and then guess what, you foot the way more expensive bill. Shitter, later, more expensive treatment that you get to pay for

>millions of illegals in NV/CA/NM
since when did they vote trump


yea, but the 2 states most likely to be affected by post-existing conditions voted for Hillary.

They wanted him to get rid of Obamacare, they didn't think he'd repeal the ACA :^)

>People that actually need care don't get it
And if they can't afford it, that's not our problem. Fuck off.

People with pre-existing conditions can fuck off to special pools that existed specifically for those reasons. Is it more expensive? Yup. But they won't die and they'll get the care they need. It's not my responsibility to take care of your wife's son because you didn't think to get them insured until you found out they were sick.

Guess what they're getting even more of your money when they go into the ER with late stage diseases and no insurance, the most expensive way to treat anything. You are just too stupid to realize it

No, trumptards are genuinely retarded.

The West will never have a leader that truly looks after its White citizens. WW2 was a mistake.

>Toddlers work at CNN
We all knew this

Cool. Next step. Debters prison for delinquency on medical payments.


niggers taking medical gibs will finally stop and Appalachia/flyovers wont be so fucking destitute anymore. whats the problem?

Oh my god you people are so fucking stupid.

They are ALREADY getting your money when they go to the ER with late stage diseases and no insurance. They are actually getting waaaaay more of it than they would if they had coverage

Which shows that healthcare was not this epidemic issue before owebamacare.

85% of all Americans were covered by health insurance before Owebamacare.

That number is the same to this day. Owebama care did NOTHING positive for American people. Just a different group are getting fucked now (the entire middle class)

By the way, where did the additional $9T in debt go? Did you see a fucking dime of it? Didnt think so.

Nothing, they should just be honest and ask for charity

I guess that's why they voted for Trump. They saw the problems first-hand!

lol basically all of those are pretty much things that you can 'recover from', with the exception of bi-polar disorder/mania

Do you guys even live in the south? Its mainly poor ass whites.

Nice ID

>Sup Forums
>actually knowing the demographics of an area
You came to the wrong place


So, it mostly affects niggers?

See that's the thing. If people were just healthier in general, where preexisting conditions were quite rare, and besides that insurance was mainly used for accidents/injuries, then health care would be cheap enough. But with enough people living crap lifestyles and being unhealthy, it's hardly a vast pool of money for the occasional issue, but everyone paying more because they "need" more...

naw white people take the biggest handouts, they just don't go niggin around on them

Insurance =/= Healthcare