>literal cucks
Literal cucks
Has the T H I C C meme gone too far?
What a disgusting, disproportionate, artificial body.
What's the appeal of ridiculously huge asses? I can understand not wanting a flat ass, but this is the other extreme.
it is the culmination of negro and spanish culture in the US
That's because you're not a nigger
You're probably the last european man in the usa.
>What's the appeal of ridiculously huge asses?
I can't speak for everyone, but personally I'd like to fuck it.
"DAT-ASS": The bigger the butt, the better -- even to circus proportions, at least according to the Negro. Interestingly this is a universal trait among Negroids scattered worldwide. I am at a loss to explain this, other than perhaps, just perhaps, that barely repressed Cannibalistic portion of their disgusting Simian cerebral cortex views their mates as potential sources of food in the event of some type of calamity. When they say, "Damn, Dat ass sho' looks fine" it may have a ulterior, and sinister, motive behind it!
Plastic ass is as bad as plastic tits
Both look fake as fuck
Kylie lookalike much? I hate the Kardashians. Made caricatures out of the black female body and made it "cool" for light skinned women to have our features, but it's still "ugly" on black women.
seems legit
No the Kardashians made diaper butts popular, not black people. A real black woman's behind is shapely and natural-looking and proportional.
Wait, you mean that's not a photoshop?
look at this ass clown...
I was thinking the same thing...
her fucking outfit is cringey
Or maybe they just like girls who actually look like girls, instead of skinny pubescent boys.
>Yet the whole worlds trying to imitate it
makes ya think dont it
Not sure if nigger or hamplanet.
What is this monstrosity?
I think it comes from Africa when a black guy was running away from lions and shit they hid in big baobabs (pic related) so they just feel safe when close to a woman with a big ass.
meh she likes buttseks but doesn't like a cock in her digestive system
I think she made a wise move
The Kardashians may have started the trend but they needed an audience to make it popular.
so many virgins and pedophiles in here
oh look antifa cucks are here
Nigger culture. Big tits are way better as someone with a flat ass could always do squats and such to at least make it nice while tits are completely out of their control.
is that "woman" ok?
irish have nothing to worry about antifa
>third world shithole
she's probably from medellin, never seen so much fake ass in my life, great city though i wish i lived there
>wanting proper proportions on your women makes you a pedophile
Explain your reasoning.
this is what u want pedophile
he's wrong it just makes you low-test/nu-male
this, only nigretos like fat asses like that
get down with the thickness
Fuck off JEW.
no he just want's some boney no boobed slut who is too skinny to have kids
>girls who actually look like girls
Is that what you call someone whose ass weighs more than the rest of their body combined?
Fatass faggot
lmao that is just silly, in the middle pic you can follow the natural shape of her body, and then she has this gigantic tumor of an arse sticking out
plastic rear end never looks good, unlike plastic tits which can be great if done right
You must be manly as fuck bro. 6'3 aryan male
anyone has the link to the original vid? Without those annoying cunts adding nothing and constantly interrupting the video
Big butt means fertility. Fertility leads to prosperity, it's very simple, really.
I wonder the same. It's disgusting. Basically they care only about the butt, as long as she is at leats a 6
I'm using this reason in every debate from now on
Can women be cucks? Like one guy having 2 girlfriends? Or it that considered to be sexist?
What's the original fucking video I don't want to be interrupted by these fucking retards
Big fat lard ass
That ass must stink all of the time. What a bozo.
Alright. This girl needs to be BLACKED. Who wants to start the GoFundMe page?
Looks like a sentar
>the world is following the cultural hegemon that is the US
How is this news?
Sorry buddy, boobs are for babies. Butts are for real men.
if your waist isn't as wide as one leg, and the other leg doesn't look like the back end of a racehorse bolted onto the side, are you really thicc?
All of her videos are just "uh, what mate?!" and "are they kidding?" What's the point? She never has anything to add.
been waiting for an excuse
>It's scientifically proven! I thought you were against anti science?
Should be these people killed for their degeneracy even if their activities doesnt hurt me in any ways? I'd like to see them dead.I think /pol is truning me into muslim jihadist.
This is like medically abnormal. Or more likely just implants.
It's just not possible to add that much mass to your ass alone. They claim they're working out their butts all day every day, but even guys who juice can't get that much muscle on their asses. And they lift 100s of kg.
"But it's fat store", not that localized it's not.
Yep. Implants have made these women into cartoon caricatures of human beings. This is no different than those idiotic women with 6000 cc implants, that need a wheelbarrow to walk with.
And the sad thing is, there are guys who think it's a good thing. It's pathetic.
Imagine her 50 years from now, hobbling on a walker, with all that implant shit hanging to her knees.
This is nigger shit. This is what niggers like. And women are ruining themselves for it. If you like it, you're a nigger too.
#our based youtuber slut
it's called cuckquean
>not noticing iceland prefers ass too
Has Iceland been BLACKED?
Niggers never evolved past basic sexual stimuli. Ass = fuck. They're basically baboons.
Watch them in public, when a girl like this shows up, they start circling, doing mating displays like monkeys do. They got left behind when humanity migrated to the levant, and upgraded to Civ 1.0.
So now that our idiotic culture is catering to niggers, we're getting stone age sexual signalling, with blown out extremes like this woman. It's not even that they're nicely shaped, or smooth - Kim Kardashian has been all over the news this month with her lumpy, injected ass, and getting rave reviews. It's nigger logic big ass = better.
Be better than a nigger. Reject these women.
Only a BBC could handle a butt like hers.
Hame, she has a nice body too until it went downhill from the waist down.
Mfw the emu overlords successfully breed with a human slave!
Oh my lord in heaven.
Now with 50% more sand.
My fucking sides.This is hilarious.
t. black guy
mean't to quote
Disgusting fatass.
>Nigger detected.
Oh dear lord.