>"The study measured testosterone levels in 696 Oxford University men. Of the study participants, 233 were vegan (ate no animal products) and 237 were vegetarian (ate milk and dairy products).
The remaining 237 subjects were men who ate meat on most days of the week...vegans had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat
British Journal of Cancer, 83(1), July 2000
No wonder I stopped getting laid after falling for the carnivore meme
Turns out vegans were right. You jewed me on this one Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Do vegans grow hair slower or faster than vegetarians and meat eaters, that's what I want to know.
...So you're saying if I eat a steak, I'll grow boobs?
>doesnt control for work out routines
>doesnt control for height
>doesnt control for sleep
There's a lot of other factors at work here
What about receding hairlines?
Almost everytime i eat meat i eat vegtables as well.
Binary fucking retards. you can have both.
>No wonder I stopped getting laid after falling for the carnivore meme
It could also be because meat, eggs and dairy make you smell bad.
>In 2006, researchers at Charles University in the Czech Republic decided to see how diet affected one’s body odor. They had men eat meat diet or a vegetarian diet for two weeks and then took odor samples from their armpits. Then they had the men switch their diets and took samples again. The odor samples were given to women who rated them on level of pleasantness (there is one study I’m glad I didn’t partake in!). The women consistently found that the vegetarian men’s smell was “more attractive”.
>Why do vegetarians smell better than meat eaters? One possible reason is because red meat causes toxins to be released into the bloodstream and large intestines, which then make it out through our pores. Another reason is because of the bacteria on our skin. The bacteria love to consume proteins and fats – things are plentiful in meat. So, the bacteria thrive on meat eaters and their waste produces a vile smell.
>tfw you have that guys body.
Why live?
Health obsessed vegans are more likely to exercise, I hypothesise.
Correlation =/= Causation
What was the study actually about? The trend is to cherry pick numbers from studies to prove a political point nowadays.
Also, that was released almost two decades ago, there has to be more recent scholarship.
Did they conteol their lifestyles and diet?
Because I bet the meat eaters were regular retards who didn't exercise and ate tons of junk food. Meanwhile, most male vegans do it for the lifestyle thing, so they are obviously more physically active.
Read the articles on this page anabolicmen.com
>Why do vegetarians smell better than meat eaters?
This explains so much. Now I get why they never fucking bathe. They smell so repugnant but apparently their warped brains have tricked them into believing its an inviting aroma.
no wonder, animal products are full of hormones. it's not only the added hormones but also the ones that are in there naturally.
What are artificial growth hormones?
I'll take Shit That Isn't That Hard to Fucking Figure Out for $700, Alex
Vegetarians are low energy, their skin color is grey, they have no sexual appetite and they go to bed at 8:00pm.
You can fix it. I looked the same way a year ago. You don't need a gym membership either. Body weight exercises and homemade weights from Home Depot stuff. Just sticking with it changed my life.
This mostly has to do with the fact that those who eat meat typically don't have a "diet" and eat very terrible, fast food, and more terrible sources. Obviously, someone who regulates what they eat will have better benefit.
But, take a standard diet of meat vs a standard diet of veganism and you'll see a HUGE difference.
So you don't have boobs anymore?
What a shame...
Lower body fat, and more natural foods, will result in more testosterone.
Milk is bad if it is pasteurized, as it is basically sugar/protein water, and has not been shown to increase bone health.
The less processed, generally the more nutritious. This is why you also see health benefits with paleo and Mediterranean diets. You just need balance and less toxins. If you're going to eat meat, make sure it is grass-fed, or better yet, hunt it yourself. Antibiotics and hormones will negatively effect your health.
Sleep and exercise are also key to testosterone. Pine pollen is supposedly a source of natural androgens.
this /thread
I used to have this bitch tit problem as well.
It's probably not estrogen in the food or whatever people are claiming. It's just sedentary lifestyle.
Constantly working out did it for me.
Is a confounding variable the vegan's greatest nemesis?
Sounds like British people in general.
vegans are more likely to be cautious of what they eat and less likely to be obese which is why their testosterone is higher. false cause.
This, vegans are in my experience health freaks and take good care of their body or easily convinced women
This. It's basically impossible for doctors to distinguish between gyno and fat (unless you have actual boobs, like the guy from fight club).
If you have a body like OP's pic, and you're not in good shape, just try getting in shape. It's very likely that the "breasts" will go away. If not, then hey, at least you know you need to get surgery *and* you're in good shape too.
>bodyweight meme
How do you guys replicate squats and deadlifts? They're the big-two of lifting and I don't see how you can get an equivalent workout un-weighted.
what they dont mention is that 100% of the vegans in the study were female
Oh, so it isn't even science.
Dam. Guess I have to cut meat, protein, vitamin b, and iron our of my life than. Really activated my almonds.
HIIT. Sprints and jumps.
Moringa is a plant with everything you mentioned.
in most cases vegans have better results even if you take into account healthier living in other areas. the advantage becomes a bit smaller but is still there.
It's very important what kind of meat they ate. Natural meat probably wouldn't do this. However processed meat probably would. They add all kinds of artificial stuff to processed meat and this may explain the difference.
Vegans tend to eat food that's more real because it's not processed. Even dairy has preservatives. I wouldn't be surprised to find out those who follow the paleo diet have more testosterone than either vegetarians or the usual meat eaters. The paleo diet tells people to eat natural meat not the grain fed and steroid ridden meat we eat today. I believe you've been remarkably misinformed.
Youre a fool if you can't understand why this is a terrible test with a terrible conclusion
Vegans and vegetarians already monitor what they eat so are going to be eating relatively health.
"Meat eaters" here is just everybody else which includes people who eat a diet of Tendies, Doritos and Mountain Dew. And then they are ignoring whether the meat is organic of full of hormones
The study is clearly assuming the only difference between vegan and vegetarians to "everyone else" is meat and not all the processed shit they are having.
Our meat isn't full of hormones and I can tell you vegans and vegetarians look like weeds compared to meat eaters
Bodyweight AND homemade weights. The way I did it (not the guy you reply to) was use shag carpet and a garden hose. The carpet soaked up water and retained it like crazy and made moving around feel like training in the high gravity DBZ thing
Yes. More fat begets more estrogen, begets more fat. You just have to break the cycle.
I never really had moobs but the nips were tender to the touch, again most likely from just being a fat cunt.
If I eat 90 meals a month at least 85 are 100% vegan.
Cow and horse shit smells better than dog and cat shit dogs and cats get to live in the house and dogs are considered smarter animals than the plant eaters.
Also... Rams and bulls have high testo but as mindless beasts during mating season.
The meat diet probably enhances the testo you have, helps make your brain better at math and hand-eye coordination.
Would you rather have less testo and be a badass tiger or a fucking ram and have high testo?
Primitive Rule of the Knights Templar:
26. It should be sufficient for you to eat meat three times a week, except at Christmas, All Saints, the Assumption and the feast of the twelve apostles. For it is understood that the custom of eating flesh corrupts the body. But if a fast when meat must be forgone falls on a Tuesday, the next day let it be given to the brothers in plenty. And on Sundays all the brothers of the Temple, the chaplains and the clerks shall be given two meat meals in honour of the holy resurrection of Jesus Christ. And the rest of the household, that is to say the squires and sergeants, shall be content with one meal and shall be thankful to God for it.'
you don't need squats and deadlifts if you just want an aesthetic physique
You can look really good just doing weighted pull ups, weighted dips, handstand pushups with increased rom or landmine press, t bar rows etc
I looked my biggest when i just did weighted gymnastics with a little of hiit cardio
>drink milk/dairy
>which is full of hormones
>have higher test
animal products *always* contain hormones naturally. it's not only added chemicals.
>mfw I always laugh about vegans and just realized I am one
>just eat beans, nuts, veggies, fruit, grains etc.
no wonder my nuts have been so big since I started eating clean
If you were genetically predisposed, it might speed up hairloss. At least that's what I've read on steroids
It's not the meat you retards
It's the wheat!
Meat has dioxins which lower testosterone
good luck controlling for lifestyle in any nutrition study
nutritionfacts is a red pill. I'd encourage people to check out the youtube channel. The doc is vegan but he doesn't go full retard "chickens are people too." Doesn't sell any shit on his website. Book profits go to charity. He does cherry pick some studies just for consideration but he doesn't make wild conclusions based on them.
The best thing Germany has done in a long time is ALDI.
>moringa is a plant with meat
Bro, Dr Greger cherry picks everything in favor of a vegan/plant-based diet approach.
That said, hormones in meat are mammalian hormones, and will bind better, and more effectively to our hormone receptors, than plant based hormones, like phytoestrogens.
All in all, it's probably better to take a 'middle path' approach to diet, and eat lots of plants and some meat sparingly.
you guys are really bluepilled when it comes to food. you actually fucking think that eating a cow pumped up with estrogen hormones and then washing it down with a beer that reduces your testoterone makes you more manly
eat organic and you wont have that problem
It took me to long to realize this
>vegans had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat
this is bullshit
it might be that none vegas eat fattier food and hence are fatter
everyone knows that high protein meats contribute to T levels
Not so fast faggot - since not even vegans want to consume nothing but raw vegetables they consume a lot of soy and soy byproducts which is a xenoestrogen.
your logic if flawed, we've been eating meat forever... still, all your ancestor reproduced... if you ain't getting laid it's because you spend all your time in a darkroom in front of the computer where there is no women. we are done here.
this might be a wild concept for you, but theres protein in vegetables
Cherry pick? He provides studies and facts not opinion for his videos. Even if he is biased, which he might be, because he's vegan, it doesn't change the facts in his videos. It's fact based nutrition.
its not the same protein, and barely at the same quantities
Vegans do not drink milk. Vegetarians do.
was about to post this
if you regiment your diet to the extreme of vegans, you are going to make sure you are eating healthy shit
if you don't care, you don't care so you eat whatever the fuck you want
You can literally cherry pick studies with conclusions that fit your narrative. I respect him and what he's doing, but you have to recognize a spade as a spade.
Can you at least link to the study?
If it's American then it's irrelevant because the FDA allows hormone injection for your cows.
So is that why they are so pissed of all the time?
>vegans are in my experience health freaks and take good care of their body
Because they have to be. It is a meme diet that is nutrient deficient without supplementation.
>237 were vegetarian (ate milk and dairy products).
Milk is now made with hormones to encourage lactation. Maybe it interferes with testosterone?
ok vegans then. the op is about vegans who drink milk
The only thing he puts in his mouth are cocks
Saying that dairy is full of estrogen and xenoestrogens isn't cherry picking bro. Animal estrogens are very potent in our bodies and the compounds are molecularly simiular to our hormones. Plant estrogens, phytoestrogens, only interact with our bodies in a positive way like improving bone health. This is because phytoestrogens and animal estrogens are handled and processed differently by our organs.
This is strange im eating meat almost everyday but my tits are normal maybe because im working 12hours and do some sport.Stupid propaganda.
out of your control, thank your maternal grandfather for your hair
Wow what a shit study.
I want to obliterate you leaf
You can't be vegan and drink cow milk. Doing so would render you not vegan.
Listen to this person goys
If it isn't grass fed and organic, I usually won't touch it. The only exception is to not be rude when someone offers me a meal.
Environmentally and health wise, for all parties involved, conventional cattle and dairy farming is terrible.
holy fuck I mean vegetarian ffs
didn't need to see that before sleeping.
>The higher an animal is in the food chain, the higher the concentration of dioxins.
>Short-term exposure of humans to high levels of dioxins may result in skin lesions, such as chloracne and patchy darkening of the skin, and altered liver function. Long-term exposure is linked to impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions.
i eat meat every day and dont have man tits
Crusty hippies lying like plastic shaman con artists? Never!
Always point out to them that they are the ones who pull that apropriation shit.
Because they want to apropriate their votes.
It makes sense because obviously the only vegan athletes are in hormone theraphy and steroids
>mothers father had hair until the very end
Thank Christ
that explains asian men i guess
This is basically what happens with every single shit vegan "study".
Vegans as a whole are more likely to control for diet. Guarantee one hundred percent (because this has been the case for every single controlled study ever) that if you place a meat-eating group on a planned diet next to them the differences willl vanish.
Veganism is a retarded pseudo cult.
estrogenic hormones may have been present in the meat they were consuming.
Kill me.
nah. veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, get rid of estrogen and promote testosterone production. since they don't have any dietary estrogens like in meat and milk then it makes sense that their hormones are in better shape.
Vegans also have lower iqs than meat eaters.
Top fucking kek m8y
>233 vegan
>237 vegetarian
>237 omnivores
Hardly seems like a random sample. Probably the only 233 healthy-looking vegans, and 237 of the fattest, bustiest meat eating men on campus
>year 2000
Only health freaks were vegan in college back then. Every vegan I know in 2017 eats potato chips and fried rice everyday
Shit study
Xenoestrogens are manmade. They end up in diary because of the way dairy is processed.
There is estrogen in milk regardless of xenoestrogens mind you. Xenoestrogens may end up in processed soy but if you eat something like tempeh or organic tofu then the risks are essentially mitigated. I'd rather eat tofu every day than ever drink a glass of cow milk.
nice mortal kombat tier outfit
>High Testosterone
>A good thing
Wouldn't that make niggers the master race then?
This might explain the insane amount of trannies online. Our cow steroids have gotten stronger and are fucking up are hormonal balances.
Haha the grey alien vegan lifter always gets me.
If you are on a diet where you have to get B12 shots to survive you might want to reconsider.
>>"The study
You jewed yourself.
ACTUAL STUDY that OP was too much of a fag to link. Right off the bat it's noted that the vegan diet *lowers* IGF-1, so it has at least one bad effect from a masculinity / muscle-building standpoint.
Exactly, unless it controls for % bodyfat this is basically meaningless. Obesity has long been known to depress testosterone by aromatising it to oestrogen.