STATE OF Sup Forums

im posting this under the protection of chink moot who said one meta thread is allowed per board

now that we have

how do we stop the american shitposting crisis that plagues this board?!

i call upon the international diverse community of Sup Forums to propose needed fixes to stop burgers from ruining this board.

for example .. i think the klumpf general has to move to

/ptg/ should be banned full stop

yeah good luck trying to implement your politics in an Sup Forumsutist playground

stop this nonsense. THIS IS A WITCHHUNT. You have a hidden agenda and I demand transparency

anyone who calls for heavier moderation is either a shill or a retarded newfag


this is a now a serious board again, if you have any legitimate reasons to dislike trump state them, otherwise fuck off to

still dont get it

can we define international, is that non Americans

So, non Americans post there, and Americans post in Sup Forums?

thats a good idea aswell

well he looks like a fucking cheetoh for one

Boycott /bant/.
We wanted /mlpol/ back and got this shit instead.
Just pretend it doesn't exist.

Gimme a religion board please. I'm sick of christian threads getting deleted.

You two are shareblue/ CTR shills.

Those go to /his/ and /x/.

take you paranoia there

we don't need this "hurr durr shills" meme anymore

ban and redirect all mobile traffic to /bant/

(that's old school ban - you wouldn't even be able to read)

just make a religion general on /bant/

you have to be joking

>Using any form of the term 'bant'
>Not a twelve year old sneaking on his dad's computer to visit their favorite Malawian finger trap forum

Looked at the /bant/ catalog and its fucking confusing. Its like Sup Forums lite.

not really, it's complete shit m8
shitposting boards are the worst

i think its pathetic that they try to attract Sup Forums tards do it

why not announce some Sup Forums rules and tell them generals have to go to /bant/ to give it at least some form of use case

Americans should be given an IQ test and they must have a time stamped post of their arm or leg.

If they even kinda look mixed or black whatever, they are BANNED. Same if they have an IQ of less than 80 INSTA BAN.

That should take care of most burger posters, as per the cringefest HWNDU meet up. If there are still a few burgers left make sure to have a height requirement of at least 5'5'' to finish the rest, only then will they learn.

>it's a leftypol concern troll thread episode

no but why are threads like


still on Sup Forums and don't get moved to ?! are the mods retarded?

/bant/ is being used to divide us, Don't let the shills get to you

ignore that board, keep banting here

I don't know, but now that we have this board, you can say farewell to Finns.
Au revoir! Bants is all we ever wanted.

Sorry your country's politics don't matter as much as ours'

>containment board for the containment board


very creative meme tabs user

>new board will be 3 letters
>name it /bant/

this. from the chaos our power emerges. as more as mods interfere the worse it gets. especially since there are faggot mods deleting or now moving the thread to /bant/ stopping all valuable discussions

/bant/ is divide and conquer kikery.

It goal is to remove all the funposting from Sup Forums and thereby stagnate pol by taking away its ability to produce OC.

>because there never were any shills here amiright?


sorry leaf, to the rest of the world you may as well be American.

>Americans are the worst shitposters
>Proceeds to be the only one shitposting

Why are shills so retarded. Do they recruit from special ed?


People were buying your "Trump has betrayed us" bullshit, but now you're making it way too obvious, well played gentlemen.