Why is prostitution illegal in the USA?

Why is prostitution illegal in the USA?

Because Republicans hate women

Because muh freedoms.

Germany, you of all places should see the problem when you give women too much power.

>implying prostitution is wrong

It's legal in parts of Nevada. The brothels even have websites. "Escort" services don't seem to have legal trouble either. So maybe it's illegal just to keep it out of the public eye. Ironic considering all of the porn that is made here.

its not in nevada
thot patrol

We are already degenerate enough

Because it's the final stage of the feminist takeover.



Because of democracy, same as why drugs are illegal.

Pandering to a moral panic is a good way to get dumb lower-middle class votes.

Hard for the government to audit and tax

Because it's unethical, and demeaning to women.

Because it is disgusting godless degeneracy

It's not, it's left up to states, then counties if they choose to legalize it. It's just that very few places allow it.

Why is calling jews the lying stinking fucking abominations they are, illegal in germany.

I'll give you a clue, it's the same answer as to your question.

Big daddy government has to take care of us or we might get a booboo.

>stop liking what I don't like

because porn is so profitable, and it's mostly owned by (((them)))

This thing that you like is morally wrongful, therefore I am going to take it upon myself to stand against your right to like it.

>Why is prostitution illegal in the USA?

Because America needs women to work at Mc Donalds for 1/10 the salary.

Both are equally degrading, but whores have more free time.

Just imagine being pathetic enough to have to pay for sex with a woman. No reason your country is a shithole right now

It's legal in Vegas. That's what's great about the US of A, you can have degeneracy if you want it, or you can relax in a nice conservative community. Just drive to the nearest vendor.

People are too soft and need a nanny state to stop degeneracy rather than letting people that make bad choices suffer the natural consequences and social rejection of their bad choices in the free market

Because it is degenerate.

Except that prostitution was legal for hundreds of years before the feminist phenomena in the west.

As a matter of fact feminists shut down brothels and prostitution big time in the late 1800s.

I think the final stage is Sweden where being a prostitute is 100% legal but buying a prostitute isn't.

The only reason prostitution is outlawed is because of the evil alliance between Bible thumping christians and hysterical feminists. One of them is bad enough. Both at the same time is the worst of both worlds.

First wave feminists and modern feminists aren't the same. Also your argument is a glorified form of chronological slavery. I mean COME ON, IT'S 1800!

Looks good to me :)

Prostitution is the most red-pilled job for women to do

>Work what they love and make money from it
>Brothels provide a safe place for prostitution as well as promote safe sex policies so less chances of disease
>Prostitution can be a cure for Depression in men who aren't getting sex

snobbery* not slavery

not a violation of the NAP or property rights, it's none of your business
Yes but why use the power of the state to police a voluntary exchange between adults?

You can't hide your Muslim rape invasion with your economic stats. You know exactly what I was referring to, Achmed


Germany mostly has imported whores now.

The fact that German women don't go into the profession anymore should be evidence enough to any Sup Forums Krautlet that it's degenerate.

But hey, reason away as to why you have to pay money to fuck women from Eastern Europe (as opposed to having skillz and getting German girls for free at the club).

Sill Krautlets...

It's degenerate.

Its better to have pimps, drugs and black market trade than to make Christians uncomfortable with laws that make sense.

It's my business just how it was the white man's duty to civilize lesser peoples in an effort to make a better tomorrow.

Women think it's because the patriarchy is trying to keep her from making money.

Real reason is nobody wants professional whores as daughters.

Because it puts a very literal price on pussy, which degrades the value of marriage (which like everything related to women, is hilariously overpriced).

Western marriage works because the man provides for the entire family; the wife is completely dependent on her husband's salary, and does not pursue any meaningful career of her own. By choosing to marry, she has eliminated the necessity for her to work ever again; we all know the negative social conditioning males receive from an early age (Oh, Joe doesn't make enough money, so his wife had to go to work, what a loser).

For many men, marriage is traditionally the gatekeeper for sex. If you're not married, you can't have sex, it's as simple as that. Extramarital relations are looked upon negatively, and can even result in the man being socially ostracized or fired if his workplace finds out about it. Prostitution is a natural solution of allowing men to positively express their libido without being shackled to one woman. Were pussy to be officially on the open market, men will only get married to produce offspring, and utilize prostitutes to satisfy their desires.

Prostitution is bad for feminism, because women have artificially raised the value of their pussy beyond the means of regular men. This, combined with the "slut culture", makes it socially acceptable for women to have sex with as many men as they please, and simultaneously deny it to the majority of men.

I'm sort of split on the issue of illegal prostitution. On one hand, it enforces traditional gender roles, and punishes social nonconformity. On the other hand, it allows women and the Church to dictate when an where and with whom I can have sex.

Why is FGM illegal in the USA?

>The fact that German women don't go into the profession anymore
[citation needed]
There are literally thousands of German women offering their services right now, bookable online, legally, with transparent pricing and service fees.

That's nigger tier thinking not at all different from the mudslimes. You make a better tomorrow by giving the degenerates the freedom to make or break themselves.

It is an unregulated industry, it can lead to the spread of STDs on a larger scale and it is against the principals that the country was founded on. These are the reasons why the government would be interested in enforcing laws against it.

Because it adds vectors for the spread of serious diseases like HIV.

He literally did the opposite of that

99% of humans are utter garbage if you give them the freedom to do so. Freedoms should be reserved for those who intend to use them productively. For instance, using your First Amendment right to free speech to advocate for Communism, is an incorrect use of your freedom, and therefore, there would be no harm in taking it away. Your laissez-faire approach will merely result in degeneracy on a massive scale, and if you think those people are going to just vanish instead of reproducing, then you're simply out of touch with reality.

Well actually he literally didn't imply anything, he asked a question. That was for anyone who says it is immoral.

Unregulated means free. If you or anybody else doesn't like a business that runs itself a certain way then don't buy from it. Who cares if they get STDs? Guess people that get involved in that degeneracy will have thier lives negatively effected and be less likely to do it again etc.
>it is against the principals that the country was founded on
Limited government and Freedom?

>literal price on pussy

There are top class prostitutes ranging into the thousands for a root

Then there are cheap prostitutes who sell themselves off for a couple of hundred
Some even go as low for $50 and some even give it out for free

There is no price on pussy
Also the sad part is, your beliefs are a lie, the world wasn't meant to be just two people together forever like a fairy tale you saw growing up as a kid, even if it was the case it's very rare for people to find that "special someone" that they can HAPPILY live with for the rest of their life

Traditionalism is dying out

Because it's competition. Look at opinion surveys where people are asked about prostitution. Women always oppose it at higher rates than men, for what should be entirely intuitive reasons: it's competition.

>It is legal in the Senate.

>Because people want to feel dirty when they do it.
See Religious Elite and Politicians.

This much autism.


Because women would lose all their power. Same reason feminists are so anti sex-robots.

Women hate the availability of legal formal prostitution because it removes a key leverage for them in heterosexual relationships.

because you can't tax the income

How much does it cost in Vegas? How is it? I like strip clubs, ate brothels that much better?

>Because puritanism. See prohibition

Wait, with camera phones couldn't you just say you were filming some indie-porn? OR do states vary on this?

>using your First Amendment right to free speech to advocate for Communism, is an incorrect use of your freedom, and therefore, there would be no harm in taking it away
That's literally evil. Stalin himself would be proud.

Just let them be garbage, let them reproduce an be degenerate all they like. You think non degenerate people will want to work or trade with them? You think without welfare and without a state they'll be able to support themselves? The very second they attack is when you launch your self defense missiles made be the productive non degenerate people. Suddenly you have your better world and you did it freely and morally.

>Unregulated means free. If you or anybody else doesn't like a business that runs itself a certain way then don't buy from it.

Unregulated as in the government doesn't profit off of its services.

>it is against the principals that the country was founded on

Puritanism (anti-degeneracy) and taxation of businesses

Prostitution is fully legal In Rhode Island.... As long as it is INDOORS. I kid you not


You really have three groups here shilling for prostitution hard

tradcuck bible thumpers/ alt right 4channers: They want prostitution to be illegal because they're morally against "degeneracy" or whatever. They want white men to breed and create more white babies. They hate the idea of a promiscuous woman in general and would never want to encourage sexual freedom

Feminists/ Women: Feminists hate prostitution because they know it will make their pussies less valuble. How would they get a man to devote their life and wealth to them if they can only offer what Bucksam Betty offers at 80 bucks an hour? They know that their argument is contradictory to "my body my choice" so they pretend there is some underlying human trafficking problem involved in ALL forms of prostitution, which is categorically untrue

Jews/ Government/ Elite: The higher powers understand that the economy is pushed by frivolous female spending (70% of all spending by women) which can only happen with male labor backing it up. How else could they get a free man to get up at 8am and work all day? They take away his sex, and bind him into a contract that forces him to siphon wealth to his spending harpy. With prostitution men can get sex for pennies on the dollar compared to marriage, and many would never commit. This already happens illegal, but once it's legal and unshamed, it will happen en masse.

See this
You are implying that he was implying that it was wrong.
You make a valid argument, but your autism expressed it an autistic way.

feminists hate prostitution though, as it brings the price of pussy down to its natural value

Why couldn't you tax the income? It's just another cash-based business.

It doesn't even have to be cash-based. In Germany there's an app similar to Uber, where you can pay your prostitute electronically with credit card. Very convenient.

Which one you belong?

it's incredibly easy to get a hooker safely in America. It's more about the social shame than it is the law.

Because it demeans people. It take a basic human quality and ((monetizes)).

Puritan influence

No, I was making a general comment not a direct response to the German. The German didn't even imply anything, he asked a question.

I don't know how you think someone can be wrong when they're not even making a statement, but asking a question.

I'm for legalized prostitution

Sure you can, just like any service job. Certainly more difficult but doable. This thinking might be fairly accurate reason of illegality though.
It's pretty damn expensive, it's basically whatever they can get away with. The Bunny Ranch charges up to $1000 an hour. The girls aren't that gorgeous either. There is limited legal competition though.

Well, as a wise semi-authoritarian once said, "human rights must work to uplift human dignity, but human rights cannot be used as a shield or an excuse to destroy the country."

They're going to very easily outnumber normal folks, and normal folks doesn't include individuals who are morally upright. The fact of the matter is that the degenerates (either poor people, or the very rich) end up breeding like rabbits. And the normal folks have your mindset. "Well, it doesn't DIRECTLY impact me (yet)." Or more commonly, "a drug addict's money is just as green as anyone's." Consequently you'll have a very small group of good people that will ultimately be marginalized, outnumbered, and ultimately will likely be outright destroyed. From there the country slips downwards, the masses being complacent, or against any kind of moral change, and only once it is too late will the masses look in the mirror and cry out, "WHAT HAVE WE DONE!?"

Women love prohibitions on shit that men spend their money on.


Holy shit fuck that

Sweet, I think it should be legalized as well, and I'm one of those who calls everyone degenerate. The old profession always existed, making it illegal makes things worse.

just go to backpages

because my daughter will use her mind to make tons of cash, capeesh.

The government doesn't profit off of anything, only steals then spends it wastefully on things you may or may not want.
>Puritanism (anti-degeneracy) and taxation of businesses
That's not the founding principle of the USA, this is.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Implying jacob didnt fuck his daughter in law tamar after thinking she was a veiled prostitute, paying her with clothe and a goat, getting her preganat and giving birth to Dan.

I've been married, I've had a lot of girlfriend, one nght stands, etc. I get hookers because its way cheaper than being in a relationship and you always get what you want.

Yet she's not smart enough to make that choice on her own?

I said capeesh.

Germancuck ready to attack!

Which is exactly why ancap can't work with an average IQ of at least 105+ population. The group would be too small. Even democracy breaks down below IQ 90s. That doesn't mean the principles aren't valid or unachievable. We just need an alliance of enough upstanding people that reject statism but also uphold good morals and values of their own free will.

This is not possible, it's naive like communism.

>The government doesn't profit off of anything, only steals then spends it wastefully on things you may or may not want.
Libertarian detected / Not an argument

>That's not the founding principle of the USA, this is.
Notice how you said principal(S). There are many factors that contribute to this country's founding.

>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

This wasn't truthfully (Equally) applied fully for another 200 years

What said. All it takes for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing. Don't do nothing, user.

not an argument

Then why the green text?
>implying prostitution is wrong
in response to
>Why is prostitution illegal in the USA?

Would lead anyone on Sup Forums to believe or infer that you, by using the greentext and the common trope of the use of the word "implying" as a counter to post to which the greentext infers to, are implying that you think that prostitution is ok, This greentext would be taken as a position you believe againstt the post you are writing about. Which would mean that you think the OP is wrong.
But you agree with the OP. So your green text and the word "Implying" didn't or wasn't required.

The fact that you don't understand how your greentext directly led myself and the other user to point out that you were using the greentext to imply that the OP was advocating the immorality of the notion of Prostitution, is in of itself, autistic.

This lengthy post is a testament to how you have triggered my autism.
I shall have to re-arrange my meme collection now.

How much do you make annually? Is it enough to comfortably support yourself, your wife, your 2-3 children, your house and car(s)? Probably not.

Marriage is a financial trap to allow women to not have to compete in the workforce.

I find it sort of sad that you acknowledge the societal value of western marriage, but then denigrate it and claim you're happy to see it gone.

Not sure if you'll like the answer.

Hope this pick isn't (((ILLEGAL))) in your country.

no arguments there
it still isn't
Statism is evil don't do nothing.

It is actually, find me people who are ready and worthy to achieve something like that. If you have to rely of an "alliance of enough upstanding people" you basically divide people and form a primitive form hierarchy. You basically say fuck you to the rest.

>Then why the green text?

Buddy, are you retarded? It was a general comment to anyone who might have that opinion.

But why the use of
>implying ?

Look lad, we agree on the topic in question so:
Is it legal in Canada?

Because sex is worse than violence.

Your analysis is strangely persuasive. Is there a way to prove you're right? Like maybe check If countries with prostitution have less marriages or something along these lines. I mean there are still valid reasons to marry beyond Sex, right?
