How many people do you think will be indicted before the Trump scandal is over?

How many people do you think will be indicted before the Trump scandal is over?

And before you guess 0, just remember that Flynn and Manafort are almost guaranteed to be charged with something, if nobody else.

Other urls found in this thread:

Still waiting on one tiny little indictment. Till then stay mad bitch nigger

this explains it all OP, enjoy

>telling me to trust a jpg over the FBI director




>the Same FBI that said Iraq had wmd

It's not the same people.

By the way, my guess on the indictment count will be 34.


Nobody has done anything wrong.

Except they have, by, at the very least, not filing foreign income and/or registering as foreign agents. This is a fact you can't deny at this point because it's literally a happening.

So you could at least not appear like a total shill.

Feinstein Says There is No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump Associates and Russia


So you people have gone from "trump colluded with Putin" to "some nobody not associated with Trump in years took money the wrong way.

>Hilary Started Anti-Russian sentiment in the US

This is literally how stupid remaining Trump supporters are at this point.

It's all part of the same puzzle, idiot.

Trump still colluded with Putin.


zero faggot. kys





There's an awful a lot of people calling other people what they actually are in the political realm, and almost all of it comes from those who are afraid of hanging from a lamppost.

oh man you must have some sort of evidence then?

Yeah, Trump called Hillary a criminal, and now look at what happened. She has no charges and he's about to be crippled by them.


Great then you should fly to DC since you apparently have something nobody else has.

Except nobody did anything wrong. I don't know what more to tell you.

Not gonna happen. Tis all a fantasy cooked up to make simpleton Dem retard voters forget that their primary was a shitshow & was rigged to favor the worst possible candidate in history. Even Obama chastised them for thinking all they had to do is nominate somebody, anybody and demographics would handle the general election. Giving HRC her "turn" was a catastrophic mistake when Biden would have easily won 400 electoral votes and Sanders at least 350. Didn't it click when four white people were the primary opponents? The party claims to consider diversity the end all be all but four white candidates, three of whom were barely Dems, were her "opposition" and were clearly there to lose. They were the Washington Generals. HRC wouldn't permit another 2008 primary happening again. This "muh Russia" garbage was shit out to make the imbeciles who vote Dem forget all that and trust them next time.

They have it, why do you think there are so many different leaks?

I mean come on, this government wants Trump out so bad that they're willing to go to jail to leak this info. How do you think Flynn got the axe?

Carter Page has literally already been profiled by the FBI for being a Russian agent, so there's you one guaranteed Russian shill. Then there's lyin' Flynn, Manafort, and Epshteyn. Then Nunes and Chavittz. Slowly we climb the tree, branch by branch.

During the Hillary scandal there was never a leak which detailed grand juries, warrants, and literally giving 2 to 1 odds that the president of the United States would be impeached or not finish his term.

That is literally where we are right now.



Dems decide they want Hilldawg to be nom.
Dems make sure Bernie loses and HillDawg wins.
Russians release emails about Dems colluding to have Bernie lose the nom and HillDawg win.
Cry baby media predicts HillDawg is gonna win.
HillDawg believes crybaby media and doesn't campaign in swing states.
HillDawg gets BTFO by Trump.
HillDawg says Trump and Russians made her lose.


He can't be president for more than 7.6 years.

But the reality is that he won't be president for more than 1 year.

Then provide me this proof because were a half of a year in and i haven't seen anything.

Why don't you ask Wikileaks for it?

Oh that's right, they only show pro-Russia pro-Trump propaganda.

Probably because there is no proof retard.

If there were no proof then why would there still be multiple investigations? Why would members of the Trump campaign have FISA warrants?

You tell me because for all of this I've yet to see anything come forward corroborating the accusation and it's been over a year of looking into.

You need to PROVE to ME why your conspiracy theory is valid and none of you clowns can seem to do that.

You don't even realize what you're asking for. The information that people follow who are actually interested in this topic is far too vast to condense into a single sentence.

You need to be reading Twitter feeds of people like Seth Abramson who takes information like from the dossier and finds real-world and publicly-available links to information in it to draw conclusions and validations.

You need to be watching the intelligence committee meetings, where it's fully accepted that Russia did in fact hack the DNC, did attempt to help Trump win, and does in fact do this throughout Europe as well.

You need to follow sources of leaks, which convey the progress of the investigation which Comey himself has refused to comment on publicly since it's ongoing.

You need to watch shows like Rachel Maddow who follows the money trails of individuals in the Trump circle and of their associates.

If you're not willing to divest yourself into information sources due to the fake news meme then you really aren't interested in the answer. In which case, I suggest you simply wait it out.

Why would you be dumb enough to ever EVER EVER trust a US intelligence agency for anything?



>gulf of Tonkin

>Iran contra

>saddam incubator babies

>Iraq WMDs

Do you realize how much they lie?

What does Comey have to gain for lying about this?

We know what Bush had to gain by lying about Iraq, for example. His daddy had a grudge. But there's no possible reason that Comey would be inventing evidence against Trump, especially given how many liberals still blame him for helping Trump win in the first place with the timing of that letter.

If we're going to start holding people accountable for that then half of congress would be arrested for taking money from AIPAC, which are foreign agents that no one seems to do anything about

Prove it

zero. fucking faggot.

Disprove what they released? Oh wait, you can't because everything they released was still stuff the Dems actually did

So you have literally nothing. Nobody cares if Russia hacked the DNC since the reason for that was because Podesta is a moron and clicked a phishing link. Maddow? Jesus surprised anyone can say that without laughing their ass off.

Protip EVERY country on the planet seeks to hack us as we do to them. Just because one side was retarded and fell into an obvious pit doesn't mean the group walking next to them dug it and so far you have....NOTHING!

I completely understand why Tucker Carlson is getting angry at you liberals everybody he brought on his show and asked for proof gave a big whopping NOTHING and feels unverified claims mean anything., It is frustrating as all hell.

Oh you're trolling for bait. Never mind. Move along people

Had me going for a minute there

>almost identical comments within 2 seconds

I see that my comment ruffled some feathers with someone who wanted to shoot that response down quick.

It's almost like two people can see you being retarded.

>what does a deep state actor have to gain from lying about a president who is currently at odds with the deep state

Comey is comprised and has been for months

>watch Rachel Maddow bro


Sincerely kill yourself

make that 3

Our comments aren't identical

He believes you're a retard. I believe you're just being purposefully stupid in order to get (you)s

Trump is not at odds with the "deep state", he is fully engulfed in the corrupt system and more pro-jew than any president to sit in that seat.

You don't believe me?

You can't even refute the stories she does. This is why she's #1 in ratings now. The number of money trails she's reported on over the last few months is astonishing.

I bet you get your news from Alex Jones.

says the nervous man for the umpteenth time

You don't know that...



>Defending Hillary

I actually fell for your bait

Gotta get in here.
So, Obama publicly supporting Macron.
Obama using taxpayer $ to campaign against Netanyahu.

Those are attempting to influencing an election, and I hope Israel and France (extradition countries?) charge his ass.
Russia, not so much. Absolutely no proof Louise wanna be.
I like the 'it's too complicated to put into one sentence' bullshit too. Just post proof.

Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Obama at a minimum

Is this your opinion?

Cant be president if you are in jail tho

I don't care if you believe me, you know. It's up to you if you want to be willfully ignorant of the subject in the meantime.

Whenever you guys had something to tell about Hillary or Obama, I'd look into it. I'm open-minded to the fact that politicians are corrupt. And many times you guys were full of shit, but I still looked.

You guys aren't willing to look because you don't want to know the answer.

And after today, Huma. DEMOCRATIC Senator calling for special prosecutor for Huma.

and you'll still be waiting for him to be impeached 7 years from now

true... many troompaloompas are blind for they seek comfort in thy lovely memes

Do it, OP. We welcome a civil war.

Not bad...but I propose president for life. We might get 12 or 16 if we're lucky. MAGA bitches!

"Special prosecutor" is a buzz word, even one used by liberals about Trump.

They already looked and it's bullshit.

Think you are mixing up Maddow with O'Reilly and now its Tucker Carlson at #1.

kys faggot

There won't be a civil war, silly. It'll be just like Nixon. When the truth trickles out, he'll lose all support, and then Republicans will overwhelmingly vote to impeach him.

>investigations incomplete
>user claims to know the result

Wew lad it's almost like you claim to have a source!

Tucker Carlson is not #1. You need to look at the ratings. Maddow is #1 for all of primetime.


uhoh. liberal arts major confirmed.

So now it's a buzzword. Well, hasn't been one for the muh russia...let's see if there's one for Huma.
Specially since the dems are asking for it.
We'll just see who gets prosecuted first.
Oh, and holy shit, if Flynn does who the indictments go to.
A spy all of his career, and worked for Obama and Hillary, and didn't agree with either one.
Got rid of him just like they tried with Adm Rogers.


>vague booking, the post


ROFL. cry much?

I love Russians. I'm not russian, but I've worked with them on gov. research. pretty cool people.

I love Trump, and I love reading your tears.

Why are you using ratings from March?

April is when she went to #1. Check it out.

There is no scandal, the entire Russian connection is a fabrication. Not true. False. Fake. A fantasy. A ruse.

You are dull.

Perhaps my child, it is time for you to go back to your homeland, REMEMBER you are NOT INDIGENOUS NOR A NATIVE OF THIS LAND. GO BACK HOME.

>but I've worked with them on gov. research
Picking up trash in front of the prison?

You realize that Trump and all of his people could sue dozens of journalists for libel and slander?

Not a single lawsuit has been filed.

that's like your opinion based on no data my child

>appeal to authority fallacy

But that jpeg is true. The truth has no prerequisite for its accuracy.

>are almost guaranteed
so close, better luck next time


maybe if redskins were better warriors there wouldn't be "Sacred Burial Grounds" everywhere. fucking indians

>you need to watch Rachel Maddow
Almost had me

Obvious thread Jew obvious.


Trump isn't Nixon and America isn't what it was decades ago. The American people now know what's at stake. We will slaughter you.

i don't listen to hip hop.


The nigger menace and the jew menace were boogiemen just the same back then. They also hated liberals just as much and thought they were the antichrist just the same.

Nothing changed. No politician is going to get dragged down with a proven criminal. When Trump falls, they fly away.


i always forget you people are limited by your upbringing. how was life in the ghetto?


Yes yes, we're aware of the Macron memes since Russia wants their candidate to win.

didn't even win her own time table. Her boost in April was because O'reilly left the stage.