Is India the worst country in earth?
>People ugly as shit
>Accent disgusting to hear
>Breed like rabbits
>Lazy and low IQ
>No redeemable aspect to their culture whatsoever (at least blacks have Jazz, for example)
>Will literally shit on the streets
This just came to mind
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indian culture and history is just so unattractive to me. also, most indians i have interacted with smell of curry. i just don't get it.
I like the sari. They are quite beautiful, but yeah, Indians are just disgusting. They need to stay in their own country and clean it up, literally. Install plumbing, have less kids.
>at least blacks have jazz
>>People ugly as shit
I'd fuck Raj's sister
I think so.
Burger. You have been brainwashed by the Jews. Stop being a coal-burner.
They got one thing right
India is predominantly Hindu so automatically better than all Muslim shitholes.
There are many extremely attractive Indians, but whenever I think of them I think of poo so that kind of turns me off.
Indian women are really hot though.
No, Africa is.
Does her cunt taste like curry?
My sister in law is a solid 8/10 and she's Indian. My niece is white passing and my nephew looks like a greek.
I knew a half black half bangladeshi drill sergeant and he just looked black.
I think when it comes to miscegenation Indian genes are weaker than even ours and are very easily BLEACHED and BLACKED
Used to be my Indian/Canadian news waifu
Fucking faggot, Indians are Asia's niggers. Might as well kill yourself.
Indians are pretty cool, never done wrong by me. OP most likely rarely leaves the house. Also Indian girls are fine as hell, would recommend for bleaching.
Indian people behave themselves when they move to white countries. In the US they have the highest income and lowest crime rate. The country of India must drive them nuts because when they leave they're fine. but for real niggers are the worst.
I hope you're joking.
>Accent disgusting to hear
Wrong. Indian women speaking British English sounds incredibly sexy.
>Indian girls are fine as hell
Settle down Rajesh. Nobody really hates Indians, but you gotta stop the bullshit about your women, they're demonstrably ugly.
I BLEACHED an Indian girl once, she's American raised, is pretty hot and doesn't fit into most of the poo stereotypes. Severe daddy issues and a vapid whore, though. Now she's depressed because she realizes her personality is shit and nobody wants to associate with her for anything other than her vagina.
On the other hand, every other Indian I've met fits the stereotypes 100%.
First pic is a 6/10, second one is a 5.
Indians are fucking ugly, poor bastards.
No. Some country in Africa is. Or maybe Afghanistan.
Should've guessed considering brits are halve indian and muzzies right now.
>This coming from a fucking Huemonkey
fucking idiots only you are good on earth all the others are bad.
primitive monkeys.
They might poo on the street. But at least their poo doesn't commit violent crimes
I disagree to an extent. (anglo here)
Their accents are fuckin hilarious.
The Indians here hate muslims and all have red-pilled stem jobs.
As a white man, they are one of the safest minorities to have move into your neighborhood as long as their sons dont nigger larp.
I can't believe how many of you faggots find indian girls attractive. If I google "beautiful indian girl" there's nothing higher than 7/10 and in a selection of billions that says a lot about their appeareance.
nah, pakistan. Everything you mentioned, just add islam.
Poos have one of the most disgusting cultures that I've heard of. I've been to a couple of Indian convenience stores and all I can say about them is that they're poorly maintained, full of flies and reek of curry and fish.
You're fucking crazy if you think Indians have a low IQ. More accurately, regions of the South with lower castes cause the nation's IQ to be artificially low. However, I've met absolutely geniuses (yes, people with IQ's in the genius level) from India who are Brahmins. Not really people to fuck around with-- doctors, mathematicians, philosophers, and so on.
Their religion is a preservation (albeit corrupted slightly) of Indo-Aryan beliefs. As opposed to Europeans who unfortunately gave up their beliefs at the first hook-nosed Jew to come along. So honestly India needs to be respected.
Indian cuisine is the best in the world
>tfw no qt indian gf
They are not that well behaved. They cheat like the Chinese do. Also lots of other annoying things like always being late and not using deodorant.
Inida is improving a lot, and more people are becoming educated. It's still awhile off before it gets really better, but there is improvement.
There's way worse countries in the world.
India's days are numbered.
Sorry Pajeet, Brazil has as many attractive people as it does literal monkeys originating from the northeastern parts of the country.
India is just a sea of ugly brown "people" and shit.
>Muh IQ
Dumb Larin America nigger
how can anyone hate India when their QTs sing so beautifully?
that's an israeli
Engineering fag here.
At uni the two best professors in my opinion were indeed Indian and even studied at the same Bombay University albeit at different time.
Sorry I won;t buy
yeah, but they're not gonna kill you and rape your daughter.
Indians are also the cheapest, rudest people on the planet to deal with in business. Even niggers are more pleasant. Stop buying anything from curry niggers.
>indian men don't rape
India is a genetically heterogenous country. There is no Indian race. The iq will vary greatly as a result.
Most of your 'Indian cuisine' is actually Bangla-Paki cuisine...real Indian cuisines are all vegetarian.
>fantastic food
>best cricket players in the world
nah they alright
I've heard the monkey problem has gotten even worst in your country.
Is it true?
their food seems amazing and history seems nice. but yeah other than that it needs to be nuked
sounds like we fucked the same bitch
National avrg IQ of India is 82, same as us
i think OP's pic is QT
south america is like india a huge place full of shit
that's a weird way of saying worst
I had an indian doctor once, he was the rudest, unkept, smug peace of shit.
>From UNSW
Finny cauz its truzzies
This thread is the first time pol has been nice toward Indians, but the best part is that they are all asleep now and will never know.
calm down steve
Pre-bleached castes of Indian women are relatively attractive. Same with the chink mixed north east Indians.
The more south you go the more nigger they get
Even mexico has voter registration. WHY THE FUCK CAN'T WE?
Sorry but srsly Latin American women (At least Venezuelan, Colombian, Brazilian and Argentinian) are waay more attractive than your fat Helgas.
Is shitting in the street only something the men do, or do the women do it too? Do hot ones like this take dumps in the middle of the street?
Im not saying their food tastes like shit, despite most of it has the consistency of baby food....but ffs they ALL smell like absolute shit because of it. Is it a law they must stew their residency, clothes and bodies in curry fumes 24/7?
I don't think the northwest does.
I'd like to see that desu
I dont know why poos get all this hate, they have never destroyed other lands like arabs or jews, they dont chimp out like niggers. They are a lot like smellier chinks (and thats saying something), about as attractive on average which is to say not very. But their contribution in the West is generally very high, not in australia where they are curry smelling cab drivers but in America where they are the highest paid ethnicity. Oh and they are shit nowadays but they had a lot of history and culture.
Bangladesh population: 161 million
India population: 1.311 billion
Now go figure. Hope you know how average works.
Look we all know that the democrats fighting tooth and nail against voter ID laws is both discrimination (assuming black people are too retarded to get an ID) and a very obvious cover for their voter fraud (hillary won the popular vote!!!! 3.5mil !!!! ect)
Total lack of morales regarding voter fraud, and a populace who cares more about their side winning then the country itself.
Don't forget that weird bobble-head thing they've got going on.
>incredibly sexy
Lmao they sound fucking retarded and punchable, there is nothing more irritating than some punjab cunt speaking her drivel trying to sell you shit on the phone
Nah man india is good for one thing, recording the white man's history. You read the vedas? It's about the white man in their vimana spaceships coming down to earth and having shitskins worship them. But our ancestors got freaky with the natives that the other aryans got pissed at them for race mixing and sent the great flood to wipe out the mulatto babies. But some survived and became modern day indians.
no but Argentine sure is
Go back to destroying your gene pool, you monumental cuck.
Northern monkeys aside, Brazil is known for having incredibly attractive women. The concentration of beautiful women in the South is downright bizarre, they're everywhere.
Argentinian women are drop-dead gorgeous as well, although I don't know how common they are.
>they have never destroyed other lands like arabs or jews
lol, where do you think gypsies come from
>no redeemable aspect
hold your horses, argie scum
curry is pretty good
You know what i say? Just gently place a bread bag around the head and bang...
would colonize
>Is India the worst country in earth?
They're pretty fucking awful but they're at least marginally redeemed by Sikhs and the fact that they aren't Islamic.
Put together two repulsive cultures and what do you get. An even more repulsive culture.
would you colonize?
they usually hold it in whole night and dont dare go outside in fear of getting gangraped by village man, on the dawn daylight a whole bunch of wimin form groups to go together to drop the motherload on nearby field
Fucking shitskins gtfo of Canada you don't belong here
>Java programming language
India must be purged from the Earth
Only if she poos in loo. If I come home and there's a giant turd pile on the driveway, I'm out.
ALL of the dot indians I've dealt with are crooks, thieves, liars and racist as fuck. They also love flaunting their success over the less successful of their race. They lie about everything money related. it's fucking crazy.
maritime cunt here, all my lecturers were Brits, One Scottsman and one Indian. Best group of sailors ever. Every one of them had a strong passion for teaching, they go above and beyond for their students. The indian guy had a certain way of making you understand everything easily, it's a gift. But OP isn't particularly wrong. I am an ethnic mutt, Mostly Indian, bit spanish, one drop white, kalinago mix. When the indian lower castes come to T&T, they are uncivilized scum, even by our standards, they don't stay long however, they usually then head to Canada right after. The well off indians are the ones that leave Pootopia with that bad taste in their mouths. The only part of their culture they keep are the clothes and the food. Those are the Doctors and engineers. The general Indian would find any excuse to worship a shit fly. Even my lecturer acknowledged this. India is beyond redemption. Even if you want to see the good it may have, they are seriously cucked by their feminist government. For all your hate of the Poo, i find it strange with Sup Forums's negligence of this fact. Simply speaking to a girl your aren't related to in India can land you in jail for attempted rape. I think India deserves the title for the biggest cucks.
Fuck off leaf