What a fucking clown.
What a fucking clown
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Hillary wouldn't be this much of a international embarrassment
So we're getting universal healthcare now? About time, thanks Drum--I mean Trump.
Why is it always some liberal verified Twitter e-celeb?
Doesn't make what he said false. Of course universal health care would work on a shit-tier little island with less than a million people on it. It doesn't mean it would translate to the USA.
>replying to your own thread under different VPNs
The world would be much better if all shills died right now.
How is he a clown when what he said was correct? Obamacare is still in place leafy.
You faggots just wont quit huh. can you really keep this up for 8 years?
>poortugal talking about embarrassment
My sides
The usa is running obamacare. It is the most expensive healthcare on the planet, by 200%, and the 43rd best. Healthcare spending has gone up due to Obamacare even though the actual amount of people using it has gone down.
Obamacare is a disaster and the only people benefiting are medical corporations, who are enjoying record profits. Barrons reports that the threat of repealing Obamacare saw 3% contrations in the value of their company alone.
We also have 280 million less people and aren't as fat.
quit what you smackhead
same guy that forced "erdoğan is running away to germany but he got declined loool" meme when coup was happening. which turned out lie as erdo was at country.
he is a well known CIA shill here
Wow fakest of news
You are retarded. Population size literally does not matter.
>live in Australia with universal health care
>spend less tax money on health care than the US
>still have the freedom to buy my own healthcare if i don't want to pay for petrol sniffing abos
feels good man
I think trump has always liked the idea of universal health care, but it's unfesibly expensive the combination of welfare and healthcare is around 70% of the bugget. And we have billions in debt it will all collapse in 10 to 20 years when the loans stop or the next world war what Evers first
Everything stated is a fact. The only thing Obamacare makes cheaper is rare diseases. It winds up fucking poor people in the ass.
you get the prize
Possible, but the Democrats would have to run a REALLY bad candidate, worse than Hillary.
Obamacare was simply a way to jack up healthcare costs on the white middle class to fund it for muds. My health insurance for my family of 5 went up 1.5x and is now more than my mortgage payment. Obamacare was absolute shit
>comparing a 90% white country to a 50% white country with an open southern border
not fair
You're pretty fat, let's be honest. You're 90% white and that's your real advantage
Fucking leaf
>You're 90% white
I wish. I think the government fucked up our latest census on purpose so the Australian people wouldn't know how bad it is now. Most immigrants to Australia since 2010 are not white.
>and donald trump is going to make the system better for poor people and fuck over those big businesses
if this isnt his goal why are you happy about it?
Dumbest shit I've read all day.
>Obamacare was simply a way to jack up healthcare costs on the white middle class to fund it for muds
yes? why is that a bad thing? should usa cut all foreign aid too?
literal retard
of course it's a fucking leaf
sorry eh
dont worry it will all be over soon
>should usa cut all foreign aid too
Yes. Stop feeding niggers.
Import millions of illegal beaners and nogs who are 300+ pounds and then lecture me on how affordable your country's health care is.
Oh cmon, shes cosplaying the splatoon squid
Just a reminder, I pay $60/mo for "Free Leaf medicare". Healthcare is a joke world wide. Some get it better but it all is the same shit in the end, bogus health care
who /regret/ here
trump has betrayed all of us
He ran in 2000 with Jesse Ventura as Vice President on a universal healthcare ticket.
Now THAT is the greatest timeline.
oh wow a whole $60? I had to pay $20,000 out of pocket for a broken finger.
Its not really universal what you think it is, its mainly for things that are life threatening like cancer and there is a waiting list, stuff like teeth you will be waiting a long time. Its also not free, its paid through taxes.
yes it does, even then I still pay for my healthcare
Sounds like bs
What do you feel when you think about how you have to foot his bill
You know that kid plays with lead toys and you wind up having to pay for it
Being a decent leaf must be suffering on par with burning in hell
It's not like countries know
Nigger you are so fucking stupid I got a headache reading this.
their roster is empty, they have no one good to run
what do you mean? they don't patrol the world and fund every other country even Asstralia
>posting the shit version
Delet this
Honestly, I am really convinced they'll draft her.
Double minority card, independent billionaire and already has a cult following, especially with Soccer Mom types.
Australian healthcare also isn't mostly spent on nonwhite filth, abbos are too dumb to check into hospital after they've fried their brains by huffing gas all day.
Don't change Canada, you're perfect as you are
It does. You can deliver services cheaper in more densely populated areas
Ban yourself from Sup Forums
>doesn't mention Outback healthcare
no one there gets good treatment out there, it's worse than the middle of nowhere America.
Our public healthcare system is fucking garbage though
yeah and piggies like her shouldn't be cosplaying anything
Even we have better healthcare than you. Sad!
t. Dole bludger
Just another reason I have jumped off the Trump train. Funny that Trump just trashed American health system, the best in the world, after he spent the past few years yelling about Obama going around trashing the US.
Trump proves everyday he is a globalist, just like he said he was. No one wants single payer except the globalists and their brainwashed commie zombies.
But Trump is saying it's still better than Obamacare.
Can someone explain why he's retarded? If medical staff are a certain percentage of the population, shouldn't it scale up?
Liberals are, unequivocally, the stupidest fucking people on the planet.
Exactly this.
Obongo (because he's a jealous member of a low IQ sub-race) pushed Obongocare specifically because it hurt middle class whites. It was one more program to take care of our inferior black and brown underclass.
it feels like shit, especially when you work fulltime trying to better yourself and a large chunk of your income goes to paying taxes for social programs to support the stupid and lazy.
Opiate abuse has been on the rise in Canada over the last few years, more and more people getting addicted to pills, then overdosing frequently, constant trips in and out of hospital, the thought that some of my tax money goes to fund that shit makes my blood boil
A leaf shitpost with a million (You)s
Heh, Obamacare was welcomed by the insurance companies; they were able to make yuge yuge profits. Why do you think the insurance companies rewarded Obama with a $400,000 "speaking fee" recently? It was a post-presidential payoff.
Money, money, money...
universal healthcare=good healthcare
>lived in australia
>thought the healthcare system sucked
>nmy parents are actually australian
>they think it sucks too
he's shitting on obama and his failed system
it's good ribbing
It's fine with a small population with sufficient infrastructure. Only reason it is failing now, and will fall to pieces within 20 years, is mass immigration.
I don't get it either. Composition matters. Niggers are bad, elderly are bad, survivors of events such as 9/11 (lung problems) are bad. The sheer amount shouldn't change anything other than the amount of bureaucracy needed to get things rolling.
Who /lowIQlowlypaidshill/ here?
George Soros is an ugly kike who will be dead soon.
where the hell do you live?
The US has 109M people on welfare than australia even has 23M in total population. not the same situation nigger
>Less People
>Less Tax Reform
>2nd World Ally
>Over 3/4's of country is desert
>Most fucking savage poisonous wild life on the planet
>Fucking jellyfish in the waters surround it
>Was originally a prison colony
>Leaf poster shitting on irrelevant topic aimed at aussie shit poster
Leaf stop trying to act like the aussies are fucking worse than you.
you're the real maplenigger in the room, remember that you spray can chlorophyll hockey plant
>109M people on welfare
You can't even hope to fix this without cutting off immigration to minimum levels.
>literally wearing the suit he was in while, mere minutes earlier, celebrating his [claimed] repeal of the closest thing burgers ever had to First World health care
>calls a nation with universal health care "better"
geriatric senility soused in autism -- kek
our problem is we are unhealthy as fuck and there are no consequences. universal healthcare would just make that privilege worse.
Lol that's what you said right after his presidential campaign announcement at trump tower.
Hasn't Trump always supported universal healthcare?
It's over. America has 20 years left. Then we'll Balkanize into 3 or 4 countries based on race.
Black America will be hilarious, and tragic.
I take it you're counting the 89 million retirees on SS in that figure? Only way that number pans out.
He was for it once before he had to be against it ro get GOP nom
>some people get to have experienced this level of life
>Black America will be hilarious, and tragic.
White America will retake it the next generation. Without the burden of other races, we are pretty terrifying people I guess.
>First world health care
If ObongoCare is "first world" I'd rather have "third world" healthcare then
America is the only first world country with this many niggers and shitskins. What works for small, wealthy, white countries doesn't work for an enormous country with more on perma-welfare than your entire country.
Yet most of the leechers are "WHITE" inbreds in trailer parks, who've either never worked or are a remnant of defunct industries never to return (...despite Dumb-old's three-word, simpleton pandering slogans)
Moreover, most of the new workforce needs to be of a highly technically skilled nature -- literally 90% immigrants
>re-training Jeb and Cletus coal miner moles to be quantum programmers
Fuck off we're full
he's a very stupid man. if you haven't figured that out by now, you might be, too.
>without the burden of lesser races, we are pretty awesome people I guess