Over half of the Republicans who voted for the bill didn't read it

>over half of the Republicans who voted for the bill didn't read it
>they actually admitted it

Well the Senate has all the ammo it needs to vote this bill down.

Other urls found in this thread:


>still shilling for health care
At this point in time, I'll say it again:


The best thing about all this is seeing all you niggers cry

You have reason to gloat, your healthcare isn't an embarrassment of the modern age.


Denmark isn't full of worthless niggers scamming the system


Except he isn't gloating about his healthcare you illiterate fuck

it's not like it concerns them

gloat? I don't give two shits about our or your healthcare system. I just love seeing liberals cry.

Nobody read the Patriot act either and that's still in effect

>have hired interns that read legislation for you and tell you the key points
>if you disagree with any of those points you vote no
Why read it when your barista can read it for you?

>what are congressional aides

I'm enjoying it. CNN shows they have no idea how the law making system works in America anyways which doesn't surprise me at all.

his country isnt 50% white

What i take from all of this: Congress is far too retarded and incompetent to do anything. Wanted to pass something hoping the senate's combined IQ is higher than that of a house plant, which is where the congresses cumulative IQ aspires to.

Granted theres probably a few decent congressmen, the vast majority would rather do nothing, because if they do nothing they get reelected, if they do anything they run the risk of losing their job.

Term limits out of spite imo, praying the senate does everything we wanted the congress to do, but were incapable of doing themselves. Must vote out the vast majority of them for mid-terms, hoping the leftists aren't able to game those elections too much and create a total government blockade.

You muricans deserve to die for voting for Drumpf

Maybe if you weren't terrified of muslims for no reason you wouldn't feel that way.


these people are wastes of space

So still more than the zero who read the AHCA

Holy shit man are you fucking retarded?

>Implying any of them ever read any of the bills they pass.

As Nancy Pelosi said when the ACA was being voted on: "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in"

>we gotta pass it to see what's in it
>Nancy Pelosi

How soon we forget.

100% of congressmen didn't read Obamacare. It was much too long.

Shut up Muhammad!

Reading is White Privilege.

hey that's ok, not like A SINGLE democrat, or anyone for that mater read the ACA before it was FULLY PASSED INTO FUCKING LAW.

Somebody check that dogs contractors tags, that work looks a little ruff.

>over half of the Republicans who voted for the bill didn't read it

just like every other bill? legislators don't write bills, K street does. politicians are just there for pomp and circumstance

Even Congress knows how slow things move through Congress. There will be plenty of time to read it long before it gets to Trump to sign.

>vote to have the government pay for it like other countries
>astonished when the prices go up
>complain that it's expensive

Do you even economics?

>"because THEY did one thing, that means its ok when WE do the same "

>it gets harder to afford obamacare the more you make

Fuck off. Lose your job and work at a McDonalds for one week and you'll get one whole here of cheap Obamacare. Work a steady and respectable $80,000 a year job and suddenly you're paying massive $1000 premiums per month with a $6000 deductible and fucking ridiculous copays with very little options.

>Implying this isn't another case of 42D Chess that just outed all the incompetent RHINO's who only follow the course of a nature and don't actually care about the GOP or the country itself.

Tired of winning yet Jack?

And? Literally no one read the fucking ACA.

Who says they read their bills normally?

Apparently you don't.

You're a goddamn moron.