Niggers nig out in Niggadelphia

a pack of wild sheboons chimp out and one of them knocks out a braindead blonde teacher who tries to intervene

no news coverage of this violent black on white hate crime

disgraceful and sad;-meeting-set-for-today/1948625/

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Just Remember What Liberals Always Say:


this is now a nigger hate thread, lets go


this is the result of white people not apologizing for slavery, when will you learn?

just apologize already

I hate niggers. Now you go.

The fat blonde saw her moment to get disability pay and took it. Fucking fat worthless people all around.

Putting fights on national tv. This fucking guy.


>Gets grazed
>Falls on floor

They didn't knock shit out. That teacher is playing 4D chess to get that sweet lawsuit money.

Local Philly news has been talking about this extensively the last couple days. They even had a teacher speak anonymously about how this kind of shit happens there every day.

why is it always a fat white woman teacher that jumps in?

and what a fucking flop lol, played dead

I'm always amazed at how niggers look 28 at 15.

She saw an opportunity and took it. Nobody wants to teach here.

Actually makes sense

>White people are productive members of society.

>B-b-b-ut he's being controlled by the Jews!

it is important to note blm readoric is causing this. yes it's always exsisted, but they are bring out more because they are filling young 14-16 year olds with "white people bad" "white people are racist to you by exsisting" it doesn't matter what the subtexts BLM add are, this is what 14 year olds that become 18 yearolds hear and bealive. black lives matter is dangerious and is undoing 30 years of equality work by reasonsed people and orgnaztions that have been working with people of all colors to build trust and systems of support.
you have no idea how much BETTER police (not everywhere) are as a general rule than 30 years ago, and that was a direct result of us doing hard work at it, but BLM doesn't want to work with the wider conmmuity, and won't have a way forward.
and this is happening everywhere, for example the after school tutoring and bastketball program for the poor area in my area has fallen apart because of radicaliztion and the vollintters aren't comferterble

holy shit, you dont even need to add monkey noises over that

>nobody wants to teach here
wonder why.
fights everyday, and if you suspend someone you are called racist.

they're just having fun. black skulls are thicker and their skin is hardier than ours. punches don't do anything.

Fuck you annihilated my sides

You're totally right, she flopped. Nothing knocked her out. She just saw an opportunity and went limp. Not sure if she wanted out of the job, or just a chance to earn vacation, or maybe she just wanted to look like she tried, but didn't actually care if niggers keep fighting.

I sure as fuck wouldn't care. I'd just pick a winner in my mind and see if I was right. Niggers are fucking garbage, and if they can entertain me by fighting for a few minutes, at least they've provided some value.

yeah I noticed that immediately
fat bitch is trying to get paid

Were the chimp screams edited in, or was that really them?

did I get wierd being here? all my senses say that's a man sitting there.

They literally sound like angry chimpanzees.


this desu

smart fatass will milk out the burger taxpayer


I don't know how anyone can see shit like this and still think niggers aren't animals

>Sheboons chimping out
>Attacking people

To be fair there's nothing new, or surprising in this story. I see your point though. The jew media can't make any shekels on the truth and nigg.. I mean "disturbed youths" aren't as marketable as "nazis".

Remember they are just like you and I, mkay?

There is no difference between white and black people in terms of i.q., morality, or historic achievement all right?


If you close your eyes when watching the video it sounds like chimps fighting in a large metal cage.

Smart whitey knew to play dead, niggers only like live prey.

>knocks out a braindead blonde teacher who tries to intervene

That looked more like a "I'm not getting paid enough for this shit." dive.

>Hol up Hol up
>*Smacks lips*
>Um..*rapes some children*
>So u sayin dat ...*shoots up da stoe*
>U sayin dat ...*Impregnates 20 sheboons*


tell colin flaherty about it

If she was really knocked out, she wouldn't have braced her fall, only to gently hit the ground and rest in a very comfortable position.

It's not just Philly. My sister and cousins teach in NY, north of NYC, and they deal with this shit daily. My sister finally got transferred, she got stuck with the "problem" kids, ie. all blacks, and was harrassed and threatened every day, and the Teacher's Union and administration just told them to suck it up. They're not allowed to defend themselves, school policy is, if a student raises their hands to you, leave and get a security guard.

Put one black kid in a class, they'll behave and suck up to the other kids to get along.

Put more than two, and they'll fight, eventually, and provoke the others to fight the rest of the kids. They rarely get punished, and when they do, then they get an irate parent chimping out in the office.

Seriously, unless shit changes all over in impossible ways, the only way to deal with black students is to warehouse them, drugged, otherwise it's constant violence from them.

It's always laughable to me when whiney college kids snivel about "microaggressions", when black kids are beating the shit out of each other on an HOURLY basis.


I bet their blocking transfers out of that school for teachers, too. That teacher just got a Wonka's Golden Ticket to the safe, white suburbs.

They literally scream like chimpanzees. What the fuck is wrong with you people? How can anyone accept this as a reality?

>even being around niggers in the first place
>muh civic nationalism dey good keeeds

hope she dies tbqhfam

That's exactly what I'm saying my POC friend.

Have you read Guns, Germs, and Steel by any chance? It proves exactly what you are saying my friend.

Richard spencer wants to save this.

You have to be a libtard idiot to teach in Philly or even live there. Rural PA is fine but if you are such a loser that you'd teach Philly shitkins you deserve what you get.

nigs gun nig

Bitch probably signed up for one of those programs where you have to teach in a inner-city school for 2 or 3 years and all your school loans are paid for you. Couldn't even make it one full year before she decided lawsuit money was an easier way to pay off school loans.

could you imagine, grow up go to a normal school, thinking teaching might be a solid career choice, there are a few rebellious kids causing shit but they're not so bad to deal with, the kids who try make up for it.
Then finally finish your training, only job offerings are from blacked schools.

>those fucking youtube comments

What the fuck!? That gif is hilarious! Dance monkey!

What in the flying fuck is going on with that gif?

>when Starbucks tryna act like they ain't sell no chicken

sauce right now!!!

being a prison guard would be a better job than a teacher in a school like that

Just like my National Geographic animes

The blonde deserves it for being such a pathetic fool. If you're old and fragile but stupid enough to stand close to that then natural selection should not only knock you out cold, it should penetrate your internal organs and render you immobile. I hope that she didn't get out of there without a serious injury.

It's actually a youtube video of a dude playing a prank. I think he's just dancing around on counters and tables and shit. It really looks like a feral homeless negress though.

We don't have to deal with it. They are packed into ghettos and for the most part left to fend for themselves will some gubmint gibs. Look up 'philly projects'or 'nyc projects, they are just big comblock style government housing that we shoveled them into when we realized that they can't behave like normal humans.


Looks like some strange form of chronic niggeritis hit this one hard on the head.

high five burger bro

It's not just the ghetto schools, it's ALL schools now. It's rare to find a school in any area that doesn't have black kids doing this shit, except for pockets like North Dakota. Blacks are using Section 8 to get into white suburbs, "fo da skewels for mah chillens", and let their chimps lose in white schools - violence is not far off once they show up. Same for private schools, they get scholarships for being poor, and then pull this same shit.

This is a common problem EVERYWHERE.

pretty much, which is a big factor in why so many people strive to move out

What the hell that blonde teacher got hit with the flab from her arm and goes unconscious. Is she playing dead?

File name dude.

whats the whole forced busing thing? is that from the past or still happens today?
Like if you lived in a city even in a white neighbourhood they'd try to make the school only 25% white?

well she didnt get knocked out, she took a dive to get them in even more trouble.

pretty much. instead of making schools specifically for the violent animals they force them upon people who actually want to learn and not sling feces and piss all over the place

>Talk to Our Mechanic at Work
>"All that's in Philly is niggers & white trash"
>This happens the next day
Tip topkek

and then they stay looking that way for the next 30 years. and then one day they wake up and look 80 for the rest of their lives.

race is real

I get the feeling thats why america is going to shit. The only people who can make it into college are nonwhites who get government handouts and brain dead athletes. If youre neither of those youll be flipping burgers for a decade just to pay for books.

Fuck ya.

I guess they are forcing niggers everywhere they can put them.

yep, my small town in Indiana had this problem. We were 85% white, 10% black, and 5% mexican. I'm pretty sure it's more like 50% white, 20% black, and 30% mexican now, since lots has changed since the 1990s.

Anyway, the niggers just ran rampant in the school. I remember the whites just basically pretended they didn't exist, except for sports. The niggers would nig around in the lunch room, and maybe you'd have 1-2 in your classes from time to time, but they were mostly segregated into dumbfuck classes.

The girls would fight constantly, and viciously. Then they'd get pregnant and drop out. They'd show up from time to time to show off 'they baby', and then get kicked out for not being enrolled.

The nigger men would quit school as soon as they could. Unless they were in sports, they had no reason to stay around. 2-3 would get felonies before graduating and disappear.

Thanks for reply, however I get the impression that it has been decades since your goverment decided to forcefully integrate you with the animal savages. What if you are a poor white and can't escape from such environment?

Nah, not quite. There's enough whites going, because they need that sweet sweet tuition money - colleges managed to get themselves into the 1%er club, by conspiring with banks and the government to make student loans easy to get, and were able to skim billions a year off the middle class. Then when the crash in 2008 happened, they doubled down and created "retraining" for 40 and 50 year olds who were laid off, mostly to hide the number of people that were now unemployed, and would probably never work in their field again. So they all got easy loans, backed by the government, and the banks got a whole new level on interest to profit off of, and turned them all into debt slaves the rest of their lives, working at Walmart for $8 an hour.

It's all filthy. I was reconsidering going back around 2008 for a Masters, but I saw what was happening, and called it back then - it's all a scam to suck more cash out of the middle class. I was involved in a project at work, marketing to colleges across the country. I saw every campus had built huge, plush, extravagent buildings and such, and were crying poor - where was the money coming from? Then I did the research - there's a college bubble, too - and it's nowhere near bursting. I noped out and forgot about getting a masters, and I'm glad I did, I've been told since then, it wouldn't make any difference for my field, and I'd just owe $100k for nothing. Fuck that.

Housing, education, health insurance - it's all scam, feeding off the carcass of the middle class, to give it all away free to illegals and transexuals.

Take that 100k, start a business. That's what I would do if I was college age right now. I'd open a coffee shop, so in a year or so, I could hire college graduates at minimum wage.

Since it hasn't been mentioned yet, I find it hugely disturbing the principal went out of his way to point out filming this fight will cause swift action.
Don't make me look bad really it's all about MY pension! That's less a scummy prospect than, well sure it's already happened a dozen times or so this year but, now people know I don't manage my school I look bad. What a sick ego race coddling scum bag, no wonder he's working in a Philly union.

Saddest part, it used to be a nice white area, 50 or so years ago.


it's made worse now because it's not just niggers, which are still a huge problem, in the past ten years fucking beaners have just run roughshod over the country. At least blacks you can understand sometimes, most of these fucks don't speak English, and if they do they'll just speak Spanish amongst themselves. Hard to believe it. There were 2-3 hispanic students in all of high school when I finished, I would absolutely hate to see what it's like now twelve years later.

nah, always check the jawline; it can't be easily faked


> when its blocked for content but you can watch on Sup Forums and still view the comments

Well said, underrated post.

My god the shrieking sounds like actual monkeys. I almost thought someone dubbed the shit over with some Animal Planet shit for kicks.

Are hispanics causing riots like this in the hallways? In my experience with them, they only really get into fights unless it's black kids provoking them. Same with latino kids - they don't fuck with you, just for being on the street, but niggers fuck with everyone.

I've never felt threatened by latinos, living in CA since 1980. LA, SF, they just don't fuck with you. They might bust a window or two to steal stereos, but they're not animals like niggers are. Almost all of them, if you smile and say hi, and try to get along with them, are cool. Sure, once in a while you'll run into a wetback muttering about gringos, but it's not often. Same for asians, anyone else - but niggers, they fuck everything up. You don't hear about latinos mass looting BART trains, like the niggers last week, or starting riots in schools, or any of the shit niggers pull. Yeah, I hate illegals for being illegals, but legal latinos are way fucking cool with me, I have no problems with them, at all. I get annoyed with the grafitti, at most.

>be me
>go to uni
>meet black guy from philly
>he knows democrats have been fucking over blacks for years
>still voted for barry sanders
>because free college

Reminds me of this dumb old bitch

Remember guys, you gotta rotate your racist slurs

I'm really surprised that in all my years lurking here, the conversations about how fucking horrible beaners can be and how many of them live here illegally now rarely come up.

Growing up and going to HS in Phoenix, AZ, I would really enjoy some beaner hate threads. We had far more gangbanging spics than nigs - those are the fuckers I grew up hating and fearing after seeing a few kids get jumped, among other shit.

>What if you are a poor white and can't escape from such environment?
I thankfully dont know, but I assume your life would be hell.

Come to Northern San Diego areas. A lot of area you'd swear youre driving through Mehico.

My sister pulled her daughter from her class because she was the only white kid.

it's been entertainment for decades

That fight was great, they look just like gorillas.