New Orleans needs Patriots on the ground NOW against Antifa

Antifa is defacing Civil War memorials in New Orleans, and we need to stop them! Here's a link to one of the coordinators giving instructions:

facebook com/NewConservativePatriotMovement/videos/2256681844557390/

Fuck all Antifa moles on this board, we shall prevail

Other urls found in this thread:

Antifa deserves stage 4 lung cancer

↑ Prove me wrong, CTR cuckshills

May 7th motherfuckers, I wish I could be there, but like most on this side, I have work. The least I can do is spread the word.

On the upside, these faggots are going to start a Militia revival being such insufferable cunts.

I just hope the militias will behave in a civil manner once they're all organized... Syria's militia clusterfuck makes me a bit paranoid.

Were there any clashes caught on video today or was it just another mexican stand off with camera phones?

I don't think there were many clashes today, but there was a surveillance video showing Antifa creeping in under the cover of darkness to vandalize the monuments.

I sure hope you guys don't actually use this worthless goy toy.

Also, I'll have you faggots know that this problem will not go away until you start lynching them. Kill them. You can't reason with communists.

Is it watching the 2 hour live stream? The mayday one was choice

We all have to believe in the same cause or we'll have factions or something.

>larpers with pepper spry and foam awards
Yeah I see no threat
Let me know when the guns are drawn

I don't remember, I saw it on a clip. Links to the May Day?

True. I especially don't want that neocon/"real" conservative/libertarian thing driving a wedge into things.

we're not 7th century arabs m8, have faith

True, true. I'm especially worried about our thing being hijacked from the top (Congress and the GOP), like what happened to the Tea Party.

Be a shame if a whole bag of sugar and some piss ended up in that things gas tank while they're busy ruining something (feat. The Rock)

There's more than this scattered around the jewtube, this is just what i had saved. If you want to see real action check out the french protests.

Why do they never do this in my state

Cheers, mate!

Oh boy another personal army request.

Time to wait for the mods to actually act on this... Any minute now.

I'm going to be the statue of the traitor is going to be taken down before personal army request threads get deleted.

I did a solo march through liberal areas of town (in a non-confrontational manner, mind you) with a sign, a 3 x 5 American flag, and a MAGA cap, and talked with quite a few curious people.

Yes there were a few middle fingers and mutterings like "are you serious" and "this is America now", but since I'm in the South, there's not much threat of violence.

That's how I'd show my support, desu.

Most people had no idea what the sign meant or had heard of Antifa, desu though, so I had to explain in a lot of cases. Things are so different not online lol

Can you LARPING faggots stay off Sup Forums? No one cares when you and antifa hit each other sticks like fucking retarded children. You're not doing shit but proving how stupid both groups are.

Leftists & Islam have more on common by the day. It's only a matter of time before they become the same thing.

Bonus: Not much clashing, bit funny shit none the less

Don't worry bro, I slurp this shit up like Springer